Eske Mortensen, Drejøgade 26 F 501, DK-2100 Kbh Ø - []
[The editor can alternatively be reached at
bookcollector |
from major private library |
..... Antiquarian numismatic LITERATURE from all of Scandinavia etc. .... |
(danish) |
books, articles, offprints, magazines etc., for example:
Acta num. osloensia 1927-36
Holmboe 1835-1874
1777 1980-1995
Platbãrzdis 1963-1965 |
Abildgaard 1817 |
1920-1930 |
Naumann 1861
Journalists e.g. from Politiken and TV2 - and others - who would like MEM to do their research for them, please read here:
and here
The owner of this webpage [and private numismatic library] receives a number of requests on [free!] knowledge / marketdata-informations from many market participants, who are not willing to spend the money neccessary to buy a numismatic library. (They actually rather prefer to spend the money on coins).
Here is the standard answer to all these market participants:
"Go find it Yourself on the web !"
"Or buy Yourself a 'real' numismatic library - I have been willing to pay for mine."
[but I am not willing to pay for You]
Er udkommet 2022 (v. 5.0), 1.502+117+762 pp. i 3+1+1 bind A4, 24.817+1.658 nos.