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Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97 - info / rev. / demo


[ Information in: German language / French language / Italian language / Spanish language / Danish language ]


Republican 280 BC – BC 31 Bound, 374+[74] pp, 9.000 hammer prices realized 1995+1996

Imperial, vol. I 31 BC – AD 138 Bound, 525+[50] pp,10.000 hammer prices realized 1995+1996

Imperial, vol. II 138 AD – AD 254 Bound, 532+[76] pp,13.000 hammer prices realized 1995+1996


The press wrote: Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97, Imperial, vol. I



"This book is an invaluable compendium of prices realised at public auctions for Roman coins … The range and coverage is … quite incredible. … there is the advantage of indications of grade and differences due to that and, by virtue of the greater or lesser appearance at auction, there is a very good guide to rarity … The compiler has provided the introductory pages in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Danish - that really is forethought for a work of international interest ! "

[ Minerva, issue 5, 1998, Peter Clayton ]


"The information provided is not simply a listing of prices … Comments with detractions or expanded information are also included, as are the weights of specimens sold. This information alone is quite useful. In reality, this price guide is a reference work in itself.

It does … provide a tremendous amount of information in a single volume. … As a useful database for decision making and understanding the market, it is superb. We highly recommend it to anyone who intends to buy coins at auction." [ The Celator, issue 6, 1998, Wayne G. Sayles ]


"An impressive effort to take some of the mystery out of pricing of ancient coins using market results." [ad in The Celator, A. Davisson]


"The Editor has amassed a huge amount of data from all of the major auction houses … and presents it in a tabular form that is easy to follow, making the task of discovering a specific coin realisation relatively simple. … a book that every collector of the Roman series should have in their library. " 

[ Coin News, issue 11, 1998, John W. Mussell ]


"The value of this book as a working aid . . . is obvious … recommended for purchase." 

[ NI Bulletin, issue 7,1998, Donald S. Yarab ]


"The Coin Price Yearbook series from Denmark is an invaluable guide to recent auction prices realised … the system of listing makes them simple to use and easy to refer to – a useful tool for anyone needing to keep up to date with the market." [Coin News, issue 6, 1998]


"Der Däne Morten Eske Mortensen zeichnet sich durch einen enormen Fleiss aus . . . dabei hat sich der Autor wirklich Mühe gegeben . . . wirklich eine Fleissarbeit, die es einem abnimmt, unzählige Kataloge durchzublättern, bis man einen bestimmtes Stück findet. "

[ Münzen Revue, issue 4, 1998, Ursula Kampmann ]


"Sehr nutzerfreundlich ist auch der Umstand, dass alle Auktionsergebnisse in US-Dollars angegeben werden, d. h., der Verfasser hat dem Nutzer die Mühen der Umrechnung von dänischen Kronen, österreichischen Schillingen o.a. Währungen abgenommen ... Für den Handel ist das sehr zu empfehlende Jahrbuch ohnehin ein Muss, doch auch der interessierte Sammler kann sich mit seiner Hilfe rasch einen Preisüberblick verschaffen." [ Münzen & Papiergeld, issue 1, 1998, H. Schulze ]


"Concluderend kan gezegd worden dat dit een nuttig boek is voor iedereen die een idee wil krijgen van de marktwaarde van bepaalde Romeinse munten. " [ De Beeldenaar, issue 4, 1998, Paul Beliën ]


"Un travail exceptionnel." [ Les Dossiers de la Monnaie, issue 14, 1998, Bruno Collin ]


"Hela boken bygger på klok användning av datatekniken." 

[ Svensk Numismatisk Tidsskrift, issue 2, 1998, Harald Nilsson ]


"Det er et imponerende værk, der vil kunne bruges af mange overalt i den numismatiske verden. Vi glæder os til de næste bøger. " [ Numismatisk Rapport, issue 55, 1998, Birger Bentsen ]


"Den viktigste bokutgivelsen i Norden i 1997 var Morten Eske Mortensens «Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97». Boken er en imponerende gullgruve …. Som kjent fra Morten Eske Mortensens publikasjoner er metodikken upåklagelig … Jeg selv er svært entusiastisk - det er den viktigste boken Morten Eske Mortensen har utgitt og utvilsomt det mest interessante numismatiske arbeide utgitt i 1997. " [ Numisma Asloia, issue 232, 1998, Kjetil Kvist ]


"Det er mulig det finnes enkelte eksperter som vil hevde at de har slik intim kjennskap til markedet, at de ikke vil ha nytte av denne boken. Jeg finner imidlertid dette særdeles tvilsomt. " 

[ Norsk Numismatisk Tidsskrift, issue 2, 1998, Tore Trosdahl ]


"Si tratta di un interessante lavoro documentario utile soprattutto per iniziati e per coloro che abitualmente acquistano monete in asta. " [ La Numismatica, issue 11, 1998, Elena Manfredini ]


"Con tutti questi dati la ricerca è estremamente facile e attendibili sono i risultati che si ottengono. Sono stati indicati sia la stima che il realizzo, entrambi trasformati in dollari USA in modo da rendere il tutto omogeneo. Quando di una moneta vengono forniti dati riguardo ad una decina di passaggi in vendita pubblica ci si può far bene un'idea di quanto essa possa valere ! . . . [é] una autentica banca dati della monetazione imperiale romana." [ Panorama Numismatico, issue 125, 1998, Michele Psello ]


"Una novità intelligente è la traduzione della prima parte del testo, dove si danno le indicazioni pratiche per consultare il catalogo, in più lingue, compreso l'italiano: questo agevola molto il collezionista." [ Cronaca Numismatica, issue 102, 1998, Mario Traina ]


The press wrote: Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97, Republican, vol. 0


"It is .. an important tool for the dealer and collector, both advanced and novice. In order to determine the value and hence the price of a coin, it is necessary to know the past values (i.e., the price history) of a coin. This is knowledge that is usually gained from years of experience, and in the case of a dealer, the very knowledge that enables him to function and make a living from his trade.

The normal method to accumulate this type of knowledge (short of having a photographic memory) is to gather as many auction catalogues (with prices realized lists) and fixed price lists as possible. Then you can study the coins or series that are of interest to you and produce your own database of prices realized.

But now, thanks to Mr. Mortensen, he has undertaken this project for the benefit of all. "

[ The Celator, issue 4, 2000, Kerry K. Wetterstrom ]


"Although the volumes are not illustrated, the system of listing makes them simple to use and easy to refer to – a useful tool for anyone needing to keep up to date with the market." 

[ Coin News, issue 6, 1998, p. 42 ]


"Luckily 1995 and 1996 saw some very important Republican collections on offer and here assembled and recorded in a most valuable index and cross-reference for dealers, collectors as well as scholars of a series widely collected and studied." [ Italo Vecchi ]


"The coins of Cleopatra, Marc Anthony, Pompey the Great and other personalities often command prices on the bourse floor that are not supported by active bidding at famous auctions.

This book is presented as a guide to the price levels for the collector who prefers having an upper hand in negotiations."]     [ Coin World, issue 2081, 2000, p. 90 ]



"This series does much more than fill the simple need for a "current" market price guide as it also provides some unique information for the wise:

1) It can easily help to determine if a coin listed as "Scarce" or "Rare" in the (mostly outdated) reference works is actually so by observing the frequency at which it may appear on sale.

2) It can help sellers determine the best venue to auction their coins as one notices the differences in prices realized from country to country, or from one auction house to another.

3) It can help buyers determine the best venue to look for good buys !

4) It works as a unique "attribution tool" providing a broader cross-referencing possibility than other works. "

[ NI Bulletin, issue 1, 2001, Sam Kazmi ]

"But it is far more than a guide to prices. In this regard the title understates: with the practical demise of the comprehensive classical numismatic photo file a work such as this provides a most helpful alternative. . . . . its value extends beyond, to serious study. . . . So much material has been and is being put on the market that no-one can keep up with it all; and the catalogues themselves can be expensive even if obtainable. Hardly any proper numismatic library today concentrates on building and maintaining a proper research library of numismatic auction catalogues and illustrated price lists. So that this volume contains numberless references in helpful concision which probably no scholar would have the time or the facilities to accumulate.

In addition, MEM notes the cases where the piece is illustrated (which is usual) in its catalogue. This is an immense help in viewing at once the specific material one is working on. . . . . So MEM's volume, while it is itself unillustrated, leads us directly to the catalogues which, for this period, illustrate the issues which particularly interest us." ]

[ Spink Numismatic Circular, issue 3, 2000, Theodore V. Buttrey ]


"Scientific cataloguing based of national and private collections is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of the large body of coins published in trade sale catalogues often reflecting recent finds and new discoveries. This outstanding compilation greatly helps the study of the coinage it deals with and is part of greater series of coin price yearbooks published by the same editor. "

[ Italo Vecchi ]


"Additionally and importantly, each coin is fully described; including anything unique or special about the individual specimen on auction – right from the auction catalogue and converted to US dollars – while providing extensive cross-referencing information to most major numismatic references such as Crawford, Babelon, Sydenham, BMC, Cohen, RIC, Sear, Seaby, etc.

I am not aware of any other single work which gives this much information for every coin listed within ! "       [ NI Bulletin, issue 1, 2001, Sam Kazmi ]


"The Roman Coin Price Yearbook is like the old "Cliff Notes" that many an American student has made use of during their academic careers (even if some of us will never admit to it). I suggest that the collector, dealer, and scholar think of this "Yearbook Series" as a sort of "Cliff Notes" for the numismatist." [ The Celator, issue 4, 2000, Kerry K. Wetterstrom ]


"Once again, Mr. Mortensen offers the collector of Roman coins and a republican specialist a useful volume to include in his library."   [ The Anvil, issue 1, 2000, Bruce R. Brace ]


"FORVM's Recommendation:  The Roman Coin Price Yearbooks are the first books I turn to.  Organized like Sear's "Roman Coins and Their Values," but with more listings and more informationCoins are much easier to find than in RIC.  If I still feel it necessary to refer to RIC, the yearbook identifies the volume and page for rapid look-up.  After Van Meter and Sear, the Roman Coin Price Yearbooks should be your next purchase.  A must have reference. "

[ FORVM Ancient Coins' CATALOG, Joseph T. Sermarini ]


"As such, since our acquisition of the Roman Coin Price Yearbook series, we have heavily relied on this extensive research to price coins for sale as well as to acquire for our own collection.

I truly believe that this invaluable work is a must for every dealer library as well as in the library of every serious collector of Roman coinage. " [ NI Bulletin, issue 1, 2001, Sam Kazmi ]


"The many laudatory reviews that greeted the Roman Imperial volume world-wide are reprinted on pp. 55-62. There can be no doubt that this volume listing Republican coins will be greeted with the same acclamation, and will be the vade mecum for all collectors and dealers concerned with the series." [ Minerva, issue 2, 2000, p. 53, Peter Clayton ]


"For samlere af romerske mønter er det en god vejledning at følge med i auktionspriserne. Til dette formål er Roman Coin Price Yearbook en glimrende rettesnor." 

[ Aalborg Stiftstidende, 1999, Franck Petersson ]


"... realiserte priser i et slikt omfang som i Mortensens årbøker er viktige korrektiv til de mer enn 12 år gamle prisvurderinger i David Sear’s Roman Coins and their Values ... og vurderingene i B. Ralph Kankelfitz’ Römische Münzen.... Nå som boken er kjøpt og betalt vil jeg ikke være den foruten. Jeg vil vel også komme til å kjøpe neste bind når det kommer. Jeg er for nysgjerrig til å la være ! "

[ NNF-Nytt Norsk Numismatisk Tidsskrift issue 1, 2000, Carl Henrik Størmer ]


"Den anspråkslösa titeln låter ana en prisvärderingsbok i traditionell bemärkelse, men vid närmare betraktelse visar den sig vara en oumbärlig uppslagverk för mynten utgivna under den Romerska Republiken."    [ Numismatiskt Forum, issue 1, 2000, Tamás Sárkány ]


"Dette bind og de to tidligere (for keisertiden) hjelper også numismatikerne i museene i arbeidet med myntsamlingene der."    [ Numisma Asloia, issue 241, 2000, Katalin Biró-Sey ]


"Boken borde intressera förutom samlare och mynthandlare även biblioteken, universiteten, museer och auktionsfirmor, oavsett om de handlar med mynt eller inte." 

[ Numismatiskt Forum, issue 1, 2000, Tamás Sárkány ]


"Morten Eske Mortensen kallar sig själv för bara redaktör. Boken, som han anspråkslöst kallar för "Myntpris-Årsbok", ställer honom ständigt inför svåra självständiga val och avgöranden. Resultatet är en mycket användbart uppslagsverk, som bär FÖRFATTERENS prägel. Som "Myntpris-Årbok" är den en av det bästa i sitt slag." [ Numismatiskt Forum, issue 1, 2000, Tamás Sárkány ]


"Med forsigtighed kan bogen dog bruges til meget mere, da langt de fleste mønttyper i handelen kan findes i bogen. Bogen giver således et hurtigt overblik over disse mønters motiver samt indskrifter, som findes opført ved de enkelte Crawford-numre."   [ Fællesmønt, issue 50, 2000, Jens Brøns ]


"Forfatteren anvender hele bogen igennem en konsekvent metodik, der gør det nemt og ligetil at anvende bogen." [ Hans Jensen ]


"I lighed med tidligere udgivelser må man beundre det enorme forarbejde, der ligger til grund for publikationen. Alene at gennemgå og systematisere alle data fra auktionsmaterialet ville have fået de fleste til at opgive. Jeg har ved stikprøver kontrolleret adskillige data fra bogen, og alle har været i fuldstændig overensstemmelse med det oprindelige auktionskatalog. Kvaliteten af det udførte arbejde må således være høj." [ Fællesmønt, issue 50, 2000, Jens Brøns ]


"Å utarbeide ett bind finner jeg imponerende, tre bind – heroisk …"

[ Numisma Asloia, issue 241, 2000, Katalin Biró-Sey ]


"Det er et svært omfattende arbeide bak denne boken, og ikke minst, mye omtanke brukt på den som skal bruke den ! "   [ NNF-Nytt Norsk Numismatisk Tidsskrift, issue 1, 2000, Thor-Egil Paulsen ]


"Denne kendsgerning giver årbogen en standard som et gennemarbejdet og troværdigt kvalitetsprodukt ….. Bogen kan på det varmeste anbefales til alle samlere …" [ Hans Jensen ]


"… er det en fryd at holde et bogværk af dette format og i denne kvalitet i hånden, og den køber, der seriøst og grundigt stiler mod at opbygge en samling af antikke romerske mønter, får i rigt mål valuta for pengene."   [ Henry Hofmand Nielsen ]


"Det er en imponerende arbejdsindsats, der ligger bag Morten Eske Mortensens nye bog." [ Poul Erik Balle Varmose ]


"Denne bog burde udnævnes til 'Årets Bog 1999' ". [ Hans Jensen ]


"Hvem har glæde af denne bog, køber eller sælger ? Begge parter kan man med god ret mene, da de anførte priser er af neutral karakter og rent faktisk afspejler markedet. Bogen kan tillige være nyttig, hvis man skal anføre en værdi af sin samling i forbindelse med forsikring af indbo. … For alle samlere af antikke mønter kan bogen anbefales på det varmeste …"

[ Fællesmønt, issue 50, 2000, Jens Brøns ]


"Für den verstärkt mit antiken Münzen befassten Münzhändler ist dieses Jahrbuch als willkommenes Hilfsmittel wohl unverzichtbar, doch kann es auch für den engagierten Sammler von Nutzen sein." [ Münzen & Papiergeld, issue 3, 2000, Heinz Sterz ]




Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97 - info / rev. / demo

The yearbooks are size A5 (148 mm width, 210 mm height) and all bound in hard cover - in each of the 3 volumes are several hundreds of pages of hammer prices plus an extra section of 50-76 pages of advertisements by auction houses and dealers the world over.

Reference numbers to: Crawford / Babelon / Sydenham / Gebhardt / RIC / BMC / Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Kankelfitz. All prices converted to USD for comparison.

Published by Auction Publishers +  Der Auktions Verlag + Auktionsförlaget + Auksjonsforlaget + Auktionsforlaget, 1st edition, London (Dec.) 1999 / (Nov.) 1997 / (Dec.) 1999, 374+[74] / 525+[50] / 532+[76] pp., hard bound. English language, foreword in German + French + Italian + Spanish + Danish.

Postpaid: USD 93 / vol.

Orders to Grelbers Forlagsekspedition or Auktionsförlaget, c/o Drejøgade 26 F 501, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, email: mem@image.dk

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