Listing of (mostly) out-of-print and

 antiquarian publications for sale


from major private library.

 Morten Eske Mortensen, Drejøgade 26 F 501, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark

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CONDITIONS 2001 [still valid 2017]: All titles are generally used - a few are as new, though. All titles are in paper wrappers unless otherwise stated. Some titles represent either an offprint or a non-numismatic publication including 1 num. article only (e.g. historical magazines or yearbooks from historic societies). Photos used are in most cases NOT of the exact same specimen as offered for sale. (VAT) Value Added Tax 0 % (zero) for export is included. Cost for freight and bankcharges is extra. No dealer discounts. Rebate have in advance been deducted from all prices quoted on this website. Books ordered are to be mailed after receipt of payment = that is: payment upfront. Books are not sold on approval neither are they sold on a lending basis. Books are sold as final deal only. Complaints after 7 days of receipt of goods cannot be accepted. Returns which are not prior agreed on cannot be accepted. All freight costs are to be borne by the buyer. Titles do not pass untill paid for in full. All prices are in DEM ! (DEM=DM=Deutsche Mark=German Marks). 1 DEM = 0,51 EURO = 3,80 DKK.    1 EURO = 1,95 DEM = DKK 7,41 (appr.). IMPORTANT: the seller reserves the right for later price adjustments and price increases - ask first for current price (as well as availability). Minimum order: DEM 200 or EUR 100 or DKK 800.

Seeking other Scandinavian printed literature ? Follow the instructions for want/manco-lists.


821)   If you want to see several hundreds of other antiquarian titles for sale, take a look at this Website:


849)   Pfeiffer, A.: Antike Münzbilder für den Schulgebrauch, Winterthur 1895, 21 pp., 2 Tf. Minor damages on cover, back split.

          DEM 60


801)   Biró-Sey, Katalin: Keltiske mynter I Universitetets Myntkabinett, pp 5-21 in NNÅ 1994/96, Copenhagen 2000, 279 pp ill., bound.

          This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars. Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Keltische Münzen in der Münzsammlung der Universität Oslo.

          DEM 130


802)   Friis, Astrid & Kristof Glamann: A history of prices and wages in Denmark 1660-1800, vol. I, London, New York, Toronto 1958, XV+350 pp, hardbound.

          Scarce. A second volume was never published.

          DEM 260


803)   Gren, Erik: Der Münzfund von Viminacium, Uppsala & Leipzig 1934, 64 pp.

          Find 1902 of more than 100.000 Roman coins (126 kilogram of coins).

          [Kolbe 84, lot 184: † USD 225 ‘rare and important’]

          DEM 360


804)   Hartmann, B.: Ny meddelelse om myntfundet fra Sand, Trondheim 1908, 12 pp, ill.

          More anglo-saxon and German coins founds in Sand, Norway.

          DEM 130


805)   Hatz, Gert: Zur Münzgeschichte Bardowicks, pp 41-96 in NNÅ 1994/96, Copenhagen 2000, 279 pp ill., bound.

          German language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

          DEM 130


806)   Herschend, Frank: Myntat och omyntat guld. Två studier i Öländska guldfynd, Uppsala 1980, 270 pp, ill.

          Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. Minted and unimnted gold. Two studies in the gold of Öland. The first study is an analysis of the solidus material from Öland and some of the chronological, spatial and social aspects connected with the material. The second study is concerned with the weight system behind the spiral gold and other gold pieces on Öland. This present work is closely associated to Fagerlie's: "Late Roman and Byzantine Solidi found in Sweden and Denmark" (1967).

          DEM 125


807)   Hintze, Bertel: Renässansmedaljer, Stockholm 1924, 99 pp., ill.

          DEM 60


808)   Lis Jacobsen and Erik Moltke: Danmarks Runeindskrifter. Atlas. København 1941, 450 pp., ill. 4º.

Plate-volume only. Including Nordic gold-bracteates and Danish Runic coinage . Referencework. Important. As usual the back of the binding is separated from the contents and the binding itself is loose due to the very bad materials for book production available in the war years.

Without the separate text-volume [if wanted photocopy of the text volume’s coin descriptions can be included].

DEM 498


809)   Knapke, Werner: Aurei- und Solidi-Vorkommen an der Südküste der Ostsee und ihre Zusammenhänge mit der umliegenden Fundwelt, Copenhagen 1941, incl. 15 tables, 3 maps, 1 enclosure, 4º.

          German language.

          [Künker 102, lot 3785: † EUR 160]

          DEM 345


810)   Leimus, Ivar: Der "rezwowsche Fund wiederentdeckt, pp 97-110 in NNÅ 1994/96, Copenhagen 2000, 279 pp ill., bound.

          German language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

          DEM 130


811)   Lipsius & Leitzmann: A bibliography of numismatic books printed before 1800 with the supplement to 1866, reprint Colchester 1977, XX+558+IV+189 pp, hardbound.

          [Spink, Num. Circular, Dec. 2005, lot S 4373: GBP 125, 'scarce']

          DEM 290


812)   Mansfeld-Bûllner, H.: Vort Aarhundredes militaire Ordener og Hæderstegn. Fortegnelse over Generalkonsul H. Mansfeld-Bûllners militaire Ordens- og Medalje-Cabinet i Kjøbenhavn, København 1889, XXIV+74 pp.

          [Høiland 16, lot 891: † DKK 600]

          DEM 235


813)   Müller, L.: Den thraciske Konge Lysimachus’s Mynter, Kiöbenhavn 1857, [88] pp., IX plates, 4º.

          Hard bound.

          [Spink, le Rider 2005, lot 612: GBP 225 ’rare’]

          DEM 475


814)   Mørkholm, Otto: Studies in the coinage of Antiochus IV of Syria, København 1963, 75 pp, XV plates.

          [Kolbe 102, lot 682: † USD 300 ‘very scarce’]

          DEM 370


815)   Nemirowitsch-Dantschenko, Michael & Franziskus Pärn: Die Münzen von Ösel-Wiek. Zur Münzprägung in Hapsal und Arensburg unter dänischer Herrschaft während des Krieges um Livland und des Nordischen Siebenjährigen Krieges, pp 162-255 in NNÅ 1994/96, Copenhagen 2000, 279 pp ill., bound.

          German language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

          DEM 130


816)   Nordisk Numismatisk Årskrift 1994/96, Copenhagen 2000, 279 pp ill., bound.

          This volume includes important numismatic articles by various scholars.

          DEM 130


817)   Ramus, Christian: Catalogus numorum veterum græcorum et latinorum musei Regis daniæ, pars I + II (vol. 1+2), Hafniæ 1816, XVIII+414+356+412 pp., VIII+V plates, hardbound in 3 volumes.

          [Kolbe 76, lot 672: † USD 1.000]

          DEM 2.100


818)   Rasmusson, N.L.: Kring ett myntfynd från Dalby. Till Danmarks mynthistoria under 1300- och 1400-talen, Lund 1944, 21 pp, ill.

          Find 1942 of Danish coins among these a unique coin from the reign of Christoffer af Bajern.

          DEM 78


819)   Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Medaljer och jetoner slagna av Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien och Kungl. Vitterhets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien 1753-1953, Lund 1953, 99 pp, ill., IV plates.

          DEM 50


820)   Schneider, Konrad: "Banco, Species und Courant". Untersuchungen zur hamburgischen Währung im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, Koblenz 1986, 131 pp, 4 plates.

          Kipper- & Wipper, Hamburg, Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein, 1619-1800.

          DEM 90


736)   Sylloge of coins of the British Isles. Bound. Small 4º.

          Different volumes. Most volumes are out-of-print.

          Vol. 18. 1972 Galster, Georg: Royal collection of coins and medals National Museum Copenhagen. Part IV. Anglo-saxon coins from Harold I and anglo-norman coins DEM 120


822)   Wolontis, Josef: Kopparmyntningen I Sverige 1624-1714, Helsingfors 1936, 327 pp, 13 diagrams.

          An academic dissertation.

          DEM 275


823)   Schwabacher, Willy: Das Demareteion, Bremen 1958, 30 pp + [VII] plates.

          Reference work.

          [Spink 2005 (le Rider): GBP 45]

          DEM 125


824)   Mørkholm, Otto & Zahle, Jan: The coinage of Kuprlli. Numismatic and archeological study, Copenhagen 1972, 57 pp, ill. 4º, no wrappers.

          English language.

          [Peus 353, lot 6249:  † DEM 230]

          [Peus 331, lot 7341:  † DEM 220]

          DEM 225


825)   Bolin, Sture: Die Funde römischer und byzantinischer Münzen in Ostpreussen, Königsberg 1926, Sonderdruck, pp 203-240, maps, tables.

          DEM 120


577) Aagaard, Sven: Vedrørende dansk efterligning og forfalskning af russiske kopeker 1619-30 (?), pp 104-115 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

Christian IV 1619-1630 (?) and Russia. Forgery of dennings; corrections to Melnikova NNÅ 1989/90. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


578) American journal of numismatics, ANS

Various volumes 1989–1999. Vols. 1-2-3/4-5/6-7/8-9-10-11

DEM 60/each vol.


580) Arnold, Paul: Der Münzfund von Bad Gottleuba (Kreis Pirna), OFFPRINT 29 pp, ill.

DEM 20


581) Benzon, Gorm: De fandens penge, København 1978, 106 pp, ill. Small 4º.

Tales about coins used in superstition and fairy tales as well as Charons money.

DEM 55


582) Berg, Karin: Myntfunn fra Høre Kirke i Valdres, Oslo 1981, 26 pp, ill.

Norwegian finds 1979 of 368 coins 1042-1881 in the church in Høre, Valdres.

DEM 60


583) Bergsøe, Vilhelm: Krigsminder fra Felttogene i vore første Frihedsaar. Mønter og Medailler. Med Illustrationer efter Originalstykkerne, Kjøbenhavn 1890, 22 pp, IV plates, folio.

Printing run: 100.

DEM 235


587) Bowers, Q. David: United States gold coins. An illustrated history, Wolfeboro 1982, X+415 pp, ill., bound, 4º.

DEM 140


588) Bowers, Q. David: Virgil Brand. The man and his era. Profile of a numismatist, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, 1983, 248 pp, richly ill., bound. 4º.

The fascinating story is told about world famous mega American collector Virgil Michael Brand (1862-1926), Chicago, and the dispersals of the collections during the next 70-80 years past his death and all the facts and myths.

DEM 130


589) Bowers, Q. David: An inside view of the coin hobby in the 1930s: The Walter P. Nichols file, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 1984, 144 pp, ill. 4º.

DEM 70


 590)   Bramsen, Ludvig: Médaillier Napoléon le Grand ou description des médailles, clichés, repoussés et médailles-décorations relatives aux affaires de la France pendant le consulat et l'empire, vols. I-II-III, Paris & Copen­ha­gue 1904-1913, X+150+XXX; IV+132+XXVIII; 2+111+XXIX+18 pp.

          Printing run: 400 copies. Standard reference work. Original edition.

          [Künker 102, lot 5310: † EUR 420]

          [Künker 169, lot 1353: † EUR 500]

          DEM 1.000


591) Brenner, Elias: Thesaurus nummorum sueo-gothicorum studio indefesso Eliæ Brenneri l. annorum spatio collectus, secundum seriem temporum dispositus, atqve e tenebris cum commentatione in apricum prolatus. Accessit Ejusdem Auctoris Libellus de Nummophylaciis Sveciæ: De Scriptoribus rei Nummariæ Svethicæ: Atque de Thesauris, seu variis Vetustorum Nummorum cumulis, passim per Sveoniam fortuito casu repertis, Holmiæ 1731, frontispiece, [16]+270 pp, ill. + plates, bound.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2629: † SEK 6.200]

DEM 1.450


592) The British Numismatic Journal, London. Bound.

Different vollumes: 1965, 1974, 1977. A number of articles covering British coinage 796-1100.

DEM 60/volumes


594) Brusewitz, E.: Utdrag af myntdirektörens underdaniga berättelse för år 1884, Stockholm 1885, 42 pp, diagrams.

DEM 55


597) Buttrey, Theodore V.: The triumviral portrait gold of the quattuorviri monetales of 42 B.C., NNM 137, New York 1956, X+69 pp, IX plates.

DEM 67


598) Caley, Earle R.: Orichalcum and related ancient alloys. Origin, composition and manufacture with special reference to the coinage of the Roman empire, NNM 151, New York 1964, 115 pp.

DEM 75


601) Corpus Nummorum Saeculorum IX-IX qui in Suecia reperti sunt. Catalogue of coins from the Viking Age found in Sweden. 1. Gotland. 2. Bäl – Buttle, Lund 1977, XXXIV+340 pp, 52 plates.

A co-operative work by Brita Malmer, Peter Berghaus, Michael Dolley, Gert Hatz, Vera Hatz, Bengt E. Hovén, Elsa Lindberger, Ulla S. Linder Welin, Gay van der Meer.

Thousands and thousands of English, German, Kufique etc. Coins found in Sweden is individually described. English text +Deutsch foreword

DEM 100


605) DANEFÆ TIL HENDES MAJESTAET DRONNING MARGARETHE II 16. APRIL 1980. Redaktion ved P. V. Glob. København 1980. 200 S., viele farb. Abb. (auch von Münzen), Leinen, (27 x 19). C.-St.-Nr. 16129

Funden aus Dänemark. Enthält u.a.: Guldringe fra Fyn og Himmerland./ Sølv-bælter fra Orehoved./ Svenskekrigsfund fra Eltanggård./ Fingerguld fra middelalderen./ KROMANN, ANNE: En romersk medaillon./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Vikingemønter fra Lymose skov./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: En pung fra Sven Estridsens tid./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Harald Haardraade hærger./ KROMANN, ANNE: Fem romerske fundmønter./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Inflation i Middelalderen./ KROMANN, ANNE: Senromersk guld-import til Bornholm./ Et bygningsoffer i Sankt Jørgensbjærg Kirke./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: En Lersparebøsse fra Charlottenborg./ Kirkegulvsmønter./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Valdemar Sejrs Rigsmønt./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Engelske sterlinge fra Ribe./ Signeter til voks- og laksegl./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Drikkepenge./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Dronning Philippas søsling./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Skatten under sengen./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Dragesølv./ VEBÆK, C.L.: Guldfundet fra Kitnæs./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Kirial-skatten - vort størtste møntfund./ KROMANN, ANNE & LINDAHL, FRITZE: Guldskatten fra Hammershus./ BENDIXEN, KIRSTEN: Balleskattens mønter./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Guldskatten fra Vejby Strand./ JENSEN, JØRGEN STEEN: Køge-borgeren Jacob Pomeiers skat

Text in dänischer und in englischer Sprache.

DEM 75


607) Davis, Charles: American Numismatic Literature, Lincoln, Massachusetts 1993, XI+218 pp, bound. 4º.

Annotated survey of auctions giving references to prices realized for literature sold at more than 100 public auctions of numismatic literature as well as Davis' observations to the numismatic quality, utility and rarity. More than 1.200 titles listed. Printing run: 500 copies.

DEM 185


608) Dijkman, Petter: Observationer, Som kunna gifwa någon anledning til dhe forma Swenskars och Göthers Penninge Rächningz beskaffenheet / uthi många hundrade åhr tillbaka / uthur theras egne Handlingar / Lager / Afskeder / Recesser, Kiöpebreef / Contracter och Räkningar. Stockholm 1686, XXVII+168 pp

Comments by Brita Malmer and L.O.Lagerqvist. Reprint Göteborg 1980.

DEM 46


610) Dolley, Michael: Anglo-saxon pennies, London 1964 (reprint 1970), 32 pp, XVI plates.

DEM 25


613) Drachmann, A.B.: Det ældste romerske Møntvæsen, København 1911, paginated 529-547.

The earliest Roman coinage 335-269 B.C.

DEM 85


614) Eddy, Samuel K.: The minting of Antoniniani A.D. 238-249 and the Smyrna hoard, NNM 156, New York 1967, VII+133 pp, VII double-plates.

DEM 75


615) Ernst, Axel: Nogle Bemærkninger om de ældste Hedebymønter, OFFPRINT from NFM VII, København 1924, 13 pp.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka.

DEM 48


616) Erslev, Kristian: Medieval Coins in the Christian J. Thomsen Collection. I: Byzantine, dark ages, crusader, islamic, England, Serbia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the Low Countries. With addenda by Alan M. Stahl and Allen G. Berman. Photography by Alex G. Malloy. Introduction by Jørgen Steen Jensen, South Salem 1992, XVI, 390 pp, IV+XXII plates, 8 maps, bibliography, index, bound.

Here is a completely new English language translation (from the original French edition). With modern photographs of the original coins from the Thomsen collection. Still used as reference-catalogue today for European medieval coins. This collection forms the greater part of the Royal Collection of Coins & Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 160


617) Fengler, Heinz: Lexikon der Numismatik, Berlin 1977, 429 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 68


618) Flensborg, Peter: Numismatisk leksikon. København 1996, 416 pp, richly ill., bound.

2.800 entries, 510 illustrations. Printing run: 2.000 copies.

DEM 58


619) Flensmarck, Tor: Skånska mynt och deras mästare, Degeberga 1984, 128 pp, ill.

Danske udmøntninger i Lund, Malmö, Skåne og Sverige 1018-1535.

DEM 68


625) Gjessing, Gutorm: De norske gullbrakteaten, Oslo 1929, 49 pp, ill. 

Norwegian goldbracteates.

DEM 120


626) Gonzalez, Jaime: A Puerto Rican counterstamp, NNM 88, New York 1940, 21 pp, II plates.

DEM 78


627) Grandjean, Poul Bredo: Det danske Rigsvaaben, København 1926, 300 pp, ill. - photo

The heraldic aspects of the various Danish coins are explained in this standardwork, e.g. shield and coat of arms on Portugaløser coins.

DEM 98


629) Grierson, Philip: Numismatics, London 1975, 211 pp, ill.

DEM 35


630) Grinder-Hansen, Keld: Kongemagtens krise. Det danske møntvæsen 1241-1340, København 2000, 311 pp, ill.

First book covering this period since Hauberg 1885 and Mansfeld-Bûllner 1887. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English summary.

DEM 78


631) Gullbekk, Svein: Renovatio monetae i Norge i middelalderen, pp 52-87 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


632) Gullbekk, Svein H.: Norsk Numismatisk Bibliografi, Oslo 1998, 328 pp., bound. - photo 

Numismatic bibliography consisting of 3.762 entries of Norwegian and Danish relation: coins, banknotes, medals, orders. 5 various indexes. Went out-of-print within 3 months of publication. Copy autographed by author.

DEM 148


633) Gustafson, Gabriel: Sølvfundet fra Horr samt tillæg og rettelser til et par tidligere indkomne myntfund, OFFPRINT Bergen 1896, 36 pp, ill.

Norwegian find 1894 of ca. 405 anglo-saxon, Irish, German and cufique coins burried 1025. Also supplementary informations concerning the finds from Nesbø and Sletheid.

[Riibe 12, lot 844: † NOK 400]

DEM 175


635) [Hagander collection]: Goldmünzen und Reichstaler Schwedens und seiner früheren Besitzungen von Gustav I bis Carl XVI Gustaf. Sammlung Julius Hagander. Sveriges och dess forna besittningars guldmynt och riksdaler från Gustav I till Carl XVI Gustaf. Samling Julius Hagander, Bern + Stockholm 1996, 574 pp, ill. in colour, hard bound. 4º.

Deutscher und schwedischer Sprache. Printing run: 800 copies.

DEM 250


638) Hammarberg, Inger & Malmer, Brita & Zachrisson, Torun: Byzantine coins found in Sweden, London + Stockholm 1989, 108 pp, 37 plates, 10 maps, bound.

English language.

DEM 98


639) Hammer, Peter: Metall und Münze, Leipzig 1993, 308 pp, 1.218 ill., 57 tables, bound.

Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie. Metallkunde, Legierungstechnik und Münzen.

DEM 105


641) [Hatz, Gert & Vera dedicated]: Commentationes numismaticae 1988. Festgabe für Gert und Vera Hatz zum 4. Januar 1988 dargebracht, Hamburg 1988, 358 pp, ill., bound.

Festschrift. Articles by 34 scholars, among others JØRGEN STEEN JENSEN: Hermann Dannenberg und Christian Jürgensen Thomsen; METCALF: The currency of the kingdom of East Anglia in the first half of the eighth century; BENDIXEN: Nye danske fund af merovingiske, karolingiske og ældre danske mønter; SKAARE: Der Schatzfund von Hon und seine Münzen; MALMER: Zwei Stempelketten skandinavischer Long-Cross-Nachahmungen; TALVIO: Angelsächsischer Einfluss auf norddeutschen Münzen des späten 10. und frühen 11. Jahrhunderts; ILISCH: Die Dortmunder Münzprägung um 1014; BERGHAUS: Der Münzfund von Pronstorf, Kr. Segeberg vergraben nach 1036, entdeckt 1737.

DEM 125


642) Hauberg, Peter: To Myntfund fra Erik af Pommerns Tid, OFFPRINT København 1900, 25 pp, ill.

2 Danish finds 1897 (Flensborg) of 8.100 and 1898 (Stege) of 1.606 Danish, Swedish and German coins 1351-1457

DEM 38


644) Hede, Holger: Danmarks og Norges mønter 1541 · 1814 · 1963, København 1964, XIV, 222 pp Klein-Folio, unzähl. Textabb., erste Auflage, bunden.

Standard-work. Also including Schleswig-Holstein. English summary. Printing run: 1.500 copies.

DEM 78


651) Hvidt, Kristian: TI’eren gennem tiderne. Danske pengesedler 1801-1976, København 1976. - photo

The story of Danish banknotes 1801-1976 told in an unusual way.

DEM 38 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


652) International Numismatic Commission: A Survey of Numismatic Research 1966-71, vols. I-II-III, New York 1973, VI+372 + VII+373 + VII+374 pp.

Very useful international numismatic bibliography.

DEM 110


653) Jammer, Vera & Welin, Ulla S. Linder & Malmer, Brita & Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Mynten i de lapska offerplatsfynden, Uppsala 1956, paginated 185-222, plates 61-65, folio.

English, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Cufique coins found in Swedish and Finnish Lappland. Unfortunately costly.

DEM 498


655) Jensen, Jørgen Steen editor: Tusindtallets danske mønter fra Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Danish coins from the 11th century, København 1995, 171 pp, ill., case bound. 4º.

English + Danish language. 57 plates of beautiful enlarged coin photographs by photographer Niels Elswing. Book published on the occasion of the first 1.000 years of Danish coinage.

DEM 98


656) (Jensen, Jørgen Steen dedicated): Ord med mening, København 1998, 141 pp, ill, bound.

Festschrift on the occasion of Mr. Jensen’s 60th birthday. Contributions from ca. 25-30 writers and scholars on all kind of subjects.

RIKKE AGNETE OLSEN: Den bedste ven; KOLBJØRN SKAARE: Jørgen Steen Jensen; TOM C. BERGROTH: Frihetsmedaljerna och Frihetskorset; KATALIN BIRÓ-SEY: Neuanschaffungen antiker Münzen des Universitetets Myntkabinett, Oslo, 1993-1998; ERIK CHRISTIANSEN: Tusindvis af alexandrinske mønters vej fra Cairo via London til Toronto; PETER FLENSBORG: Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole. Et par medaljeforslag fra 1858; MICHAEL FORNITZ: "Bitegn" i den sene vikingetid – metode og signifikans; FINN GRANDT-NIELSEN: En gåde løst ? En ukendt samling nødpengesedler; KELD GRINDER-HANSEN: Dansk møntcirkulation i anden halvdel af 1300-tallet – nogle metodiske bemærkninger; SVEIN H. GULLBEKK: Henrik Willialmsson myntare j Prondeimi; ANTON HOLT: Fynd av mynt från vikingatiden på Island; HÅKON INGVALDSEN: Numismatikkens komiske og tragiske sider – pengebenevnelser i gresk diktekunst; UNO BARNER JENSEN: C.H. Biddulph – Upubliceret katalog over mønterne fra Trankebar; HENRIK KLACKENBERG: Pengar av sten; L.O.LAGERQVIST: Ett tiggartecken; MONICA GOLABIEWSKI LANNBY: Skatten vid Silverhättan i Visby; BRITA MALMER: Ormtypen i Lund. Några anmärkningar till Hauberg II: 20 och IV:1 ; JENS CHRISTIAN MOESGAARD: Enkeltfundne mønter: tab eller tilfældigheder ? ; PREBEN NIELSEN: Kongeligt guld – guldafslag fra Margrethe II; GERT POSSELT: Betragtninger over samlervirksomhed; GERT RISPLING: Två typer av cirkulationsspår på vikingetidsmynt; JON ANDERS RISVAAG: Noen mynter og en vandredue; PEKKA SARVAS: Ett finskt myntfynd från unionstidens slutperiod; ULLA W. SILVEGREEN: Ett litet mynt från Verona; TORBJÖRN SUNDQUIST: Några kommentarer kring ett brev från Elias Brenner till Otto Sperling 1705; TUUKKA TALVIO: Naginsjtjina 1895: ett fynd med danska mynt från Ingermanland; IAN WISÉHN: Svenska medaljkonstnärer söker danska motiv; MAJVOR ÖSTERGREN + KENNETH JONSSON: Varför fick Gotland dansk mynträkning vid 1400-talets mitt ? ; SVEN AAGAARD: Samtidig udenlandsk (nordtysk ?) kopiering af norske Christiania-kroner fra Frederik III 1669 og Christian V 1670, 1672 og 1679.

[J.S.JENSEN:] Bibliography 1961-01.04.1998 consisting of 410 selected items. Printing run: 1.500 copies.

DEM 48


658) Jonsson, Kenneth: The new era. The reformation of the late anglo-saxon coinage. Commentationes de nummus saeculorum IX-XI in Suecia repertis. Nova series 1. Stockholm+London 1987, 267 pp, ill.

DEM 98


659) Jönson, Lars-Ingvar & Bernt Saxin: Mynt från Sveriges medeltid. Faksimiltryck ur Sveriges Medeltid av Hans Hildebrand Stockholm 1879-1903 med tillägg av register och förteckningar, Göteborg 1969, paginated 771-927, + XXXII pp index, ill.

Reprint of Hans Hildebrands scholarly articles concerning Danish, Swedish, Norwegian coinages 800-1560.

DEM 65


660) Jönson, Lars-Ingvar: Erik XIV:s överarmsskada med fraktur och röntgentäta fragment. III Frakturen, Göteborg 1987, 132 pp, ill.

DEM 28


661) Kivialho, K.: Inhemska sedeltyper i Finland 1809-1951, Helsingfors 1952, 63 pp, 24 plates

DEM 58


662) Klackenberg, Henrik: Moneta nostra. Monetarisering i medeltidens Sverige, Lund 1992, 371 pp ill.

Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree.

DEM 78


663) Knudsen, Kurt & Preben Nielsen: Møntvarianter og fejlprægninger fra Christian IIII, Kastrup 1982, 63 pp, ill.

Description of variant & error coins of Chr. IV 1588-1648. Printing run: 500 copies.

DEM 28


664) Kyhlberg, Ola: Late roman and byzantine solidi, an archaeological analysis of coins and hoards, 114 pp ill., Stockholm 1986. 4º.

together with

Hovén, Bengt E.: The Sasanian and islamic coins, 6 pp

together with

Malmer, Brita: West european silver coins at Helgö, 4 pp., ill.

together with

Oddy, W.A. & Meyer, V.E.G.: The analysis of the gold finds from Helgö and their relationships to other early medieval gold, 23 pp, ill.

4 articles all in English language concerning roman, byzantine, islamic and vikingage coins found in excavations at Helgö, Sweden.

DEM 95


665) Kylling, Preben: NUMISmatisk LEKSIKON, Helsingør 1981.

DEM 32


666) Küthmann, Harald & Hess, Wolfgang, & Overbeck, Bernhard & Szeiklies-Weber, Ingrid: Von Königlichen Cabinet zur Staatssammlung 1807-1982. Staatliche Münzsammlung München, München 1982, 280 pp, ill.

175 Jahre Geschichte deutsche Numismatik und Münz-Sammlern.

DEM 65


668) Lagerqvist, L.O. & Ernst Nathorst-Böös: Mynten i Gustav I:s registratur, Göteborg 1981, 100 pp, ill.

DEM 28


670) Lederer, Ph.: Einige Seleukiden-Münzen, OFFPRINT BM 1932, 10 pp, 1 plate.

DEM 20


672) Leimus, Ivar: Livonian mintmasters of the 16th century, pp 113-139 in NNÅ 1989/90, Copenhagen 1994, 218 pp ill., bound.

English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


673) Leimus, Ivar: Das Münzwesen Livlands im 16. Jahrhundert (1515-1581/94), Stockholm 1995, 103 pp, ill., bound.

Deutsche sprache.

DEM 78


676) Lindgren, Torgny: Sveriges mynt 1719-1776, Stockholm 1953, 158 pp, 39 plates.

DEM 65


677) Lindgren, Torgny: Banko- och riksgälds- revisionerna 1782-1807, Uppsala 1975, 202 pp.

DEM 58


678) Mainzer, Ferdinand: Das Dekadrachmon von Athen. Eine kritische Skizze, OFFPRINT ZfN XXXVI 1925, 18 pp, 1 plate.

DEM 20


679) Marco, Jindrich: Münzzeichen aus aller Welt, Prag 1982, bound.

DEM 48


680) Malmer, Brita: Olof Skötkonungs mynt och andra Ethelred-imitationer, Lund 1965, 66 pp, 7 plates.

English summary.

[Künker e-live 12, 2012, lot 1016: † EUR 160]

DEM 195


681) Malmer, Brita: Den senmedeltida penningen i Sverige. Late medieval pennies in Sweden, Stockholm 1980, XV, 247 pp, 30 plates.

English summary.

DEM 98


682) Manville, Harrington E.: & Robertson, Terence J.: British numismatic auction catalogues 1710-1984, London 1986, XVII + 420 pp, bound.

Bibliography of (thousands of) auction catalogues.

DEM 150


683) Matsson, G.O.: The gods, goddesses and heroes of the ancient coins of bible lands, Stockholm 1969, XXVIII+267 pp, VIII plates, bound.

English language.

[Hess-Divo 312, lot 2346:  † CHF 70]

     DEM 110


688) (Molvõgin, Arkadi dedicated): Studia Numismatica. Festschrift. Arkadi Molvõgin 65, Tallinn 1995, 182 pp, 22 plates.

TATJANA BERGA: Der erhaltene Teil des Schtzfundes Eversmuiza aus dem Rigaer Geschichts- und Schiffahrtsmuseum (Anfang des 11. Jahrhunderts); MARK BLACKBURN: A East Anglian variety of Æthelræd II´s last small cross type; HANS-ULRICH GEIGER: Schweizerische Münzen aus den Vikingerzeitlichen Funden Estlands; BIRGITTA HÅRDH: Baltic connections and silver hoards. Some speculations on the use of silver in the Baltic region; GERT HATZ: Zur Münzprägung Herzog Lothars von Sachsen; VERA HATZ: Die Otto-Adelheid-Pfennige in den Münzfunden Estlands; PETER ILISCH: Die S/COLONIA/A-Prägung König Heinrichs II (1002-1014); EUGENIJUS IVANAUSKAS: Johan Dila – a Vilnius master of coins and medals; JØRGEN STEEN JENSEN: Late-medieval Estonian coins in Danish hoards and finds; KENNETH JONSSON: The early gote; BRITA MALMER: Some long cross imitations found in Estonia; JENS CHRISTIAN MOESGAARD: Stray finds of Carolingian coins in Upper Normandy, France; ARKADI MOLVÕGIN: A unique hoard from Estonia; MIHHAIL NEMIROVITS-DANTSENKO: Zur Datierung der Seestlinge; FRANZISKUS PÄRN: Zur Geschichte der livländischen Numismatik; BORYS PASZKIEWICZ: The coins of the Jedrzejów Abbey; GERALD STEFKE: Der Beginn der Sterling-Prägung in Lund und das Ende der Münzstätte Næstved. Zur Geschichte der Münzprägung des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts im regnum Dacie und im östlichen Norddeutschland; STANISLAW SUCHODOLSKI: Coin hoards discovered in churches – a symptom of cult or economy ? ; TUUKKA TALVIO: Three imitations of Byzantine coins found in Estonia.

DEM 78


689) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Index til NNF-Nytt 1971-1997, Oslo 1998, 48 pp. - photo

Bibliography. Index to the Norwegian magazine Norsk Numismatisk Tidsskrift  (NNF-Nytt) 1971-1997. Detailed groupings in subjects. Printing run: 600 copies.

DEM 44



690) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Afkrydsningsliste over dansk-norske off. møntauktions-kataloger 1684-1998, Oslo 1999, 798 + 95 + 437 entries, name index of collections, hardbound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

Bibliography of more than 800 Danish+Norwegian coin auction-catalogues 1684-1998 as well as 437 foreign catalogues 1719-1998 of Danish importance. With of the owner´s of the collections sold. Printing run: 194 individually numbered copies.

DEM 140 (out-of-print at the date of publication; antiquarian only)



691) (Mortensen, Morten Eske editor): Publicist-virksomhed 1974-1999, Grelbers Forlag, Oslo 2000, 96 pp, bound. - quotes / reviews / photo

Bibliography. 195 reviews by 100 named reviewers collected & reprinted in full; reviews dealing with Mr. Morten Eske Mortensen's numismatic writings & publishing for the last 25 years of various topics. Printing run: 117 individually numbered copies.

DEM 78


692) Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97. Republican Vol.: c. 280 BC - BC 31. Hammer prices realized from more than 200 international public auctions held world-wide during 1995 + 1996. 9.000 auction prices of coins from Brutus, Caius Antonius, Cassius, Cleopatra, Cnaeus Pompey jr., Cornuficius, Domitius, Fulvia, Julius Caesar, Labienus, Lepidus, Lucius Antony, Mark Antony, Murcus, Octavia, Pompey the Great, Sextus Pompey etc. Republican & Imperatorial: c. 280 BC – BC 31., London 1999, 374 + [74] pp, bound. - quotes / reviews / photo

Vol. 0: 9.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 251 international public auctions held during 1995 and 1996. Reference numbers to: Crawford / BMC Rep. / Babelon, Sydenham, Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Gebhardt. All prices converted to USD for comparison. English language, foreword in German + French + Italian + Spanish + Danish. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins – or check how rare your coins are.

Vol. 0: 9.000 Auktionsergebnisse für Münzen, erzielt auf 251 internationalen öffentlichen Auktionen weltweit 1995+1996. Referenznummern für: Crawford / BMC Rep. / Babelon, Sydenham, Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Gebhardt. Alle Preise zum besseren Vergleich umgerechnet in USD. Englische Sprache, Vorwort in deutsch + französisch + italienisch + spanisch + dänisch. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt.

DEM 140


693) Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97. Imperial, Vol. I: 31 BC - AD 138. Hammer prices realized from more than 200 international public auctions held world-wide during 1995 + 1996. 10.000 auction prices of coins from Agrippa, Augustus, Britannicus, Caligula, Civil Wars, Claudius, Clodius Macer, Domitian, Drusus, Gaius, Galba, Germanicus, Hadrian, Livia, Nero, Nerva, Otho, Tiberius, Titus, Trajan, Vespasian, Vitellius., London 1997, 525 + [50] pp, bound. - quotes / reviews / photo

Vol. I: 10.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 251 international public auctions held during 1995 and 1996. Reference numbers to: RIC / BMC / Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Kankelfitz. All prices converted to USD for comparison. English language, foreword in German + French + Italian + Spanish + Danish. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins – or check how rare your coins are.

Vol. I: 10.000 Auktionsergebnisse für Münzen, erzielt auf 251 internationalen öffentlichen Auktionen weltweit 1995+1996. Referenznummern für: RIC / BMC / Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Kankelfitz. Alle Preise zum besseren Vergleich umgerechnet in USD. Englische Sprache, Vorwort in deutsch + französisch + italienisch + spanisch + dänisch. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt.

DEM 140


694) Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97. Imperial, Vol. II: 138 AD - AD 254. Hammer prices realized from more than 200 international public auctions held world-wide during 1995 + 1996. 13.000 auction prices of coins from Aemilian, Ant. Pius, Balbinus, Caracalla, Clodius Alb., Commodus, Didius, Elagabalus, Faustina, Geta, Gordian, Hostilian, Maximinus, Pertinax, Philip, Pupienus, Severus, Trajan Decius, Volusian, Uranius etc., London 1999, 532 + [76] pp, bound. - quotes / reviews / photo

Vol.II: 13.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 251 international public auctions held during 1995 and 1996. Reference numbers to: RIC / BMC / Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Kankelfitz. All prices converted to USD for comparison. English language, foreword in German + French + Italian + Spanish + Danish. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins – or check how rare your coins are.

Vol. II: 13.000 Auktionsergebnisse für Münzen, erzielt auf 251 internationalen öffentlichen Auktionen weltweit 1995+1996. Referenznummern für: RIC / BMC / Cohen / Sear / Seaby / Kankelfitz. Alle Preise zum besseren Vergleich umgerechnet in USD. Englische Sprache, Vorwort in deutsch + französisch + italienisch + spanisch + dänisch. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt.

DEM 140


695) Skandinavisk Myntpris-Årbok 1999/2000. Hammerslagspriser fra offentlige auksjoner 1998 + 1999. 17.000 auksjonspriser på mynter fra Danmark 1448-1999, Trankebar 1620-1845, Slesvig-Holsten 1514-1864, Dansk Vest India 1740-1917, danske konger i Sverige 1449-1565, svenske besittnings-mynter 1561-1721-1815-1903, Norge 1483-1814-1999, Sverige 1521-1999 1st edition, Oslo 2000, 634+[54] pp. bound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

17.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 43 public auctions 1998+1999 from Slesvig-Holsten, Denmark, Norway, colonies, Sweden, Swedish possession coins. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins. Danish language, foreword in German + English. Including 17 page article by Guttorm Egge: "Prisutviklingen på norske mynter gjennom 1998 og 1999", 2-page article by Richard Giedroyc "Auctions are an important part of collecting coins, but often seen as realm of dealers", 3-page article by Per-Göran Carlsson "Svenska mynt på auktion 1998+1999; highlights samt marknadstrender", 3-page article by Michael E. Marotta "Before you buy the coin. 'Small cadre' defines numismatic markets".

DEM 170


696) Dansk-Norsk Myntpris-Årbok 1997/98. Hammerslagspriser fra offentlige auksjoner 1996 + 1997. 12.000 auksjonspriser på mynter fra Danmark 1448-1997, Trankebar 1620-1845, Slesvig-Holsten 1514-1864, Dansk Vest India 1740-1917, danske konger i Sverige 1449-1565, Norge 1483-1997, 2nd edition, Oslo 1998, 379+[52] pp. bound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

12.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 46 public auctions 1996+1997 from Slesvig-Holsten, Denmark and Norway. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins. Danish language, foreword in German + English. Including 14 page article by Guttorm Egge: "Prisutviklingen på norske mynter i perioden 1994 til 1997".

DEM 105


697) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Danish-Norwegian Coin Price Yearbook 1995/96, 1st edition, Oslo 1996, 212+[34] pp. bound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

7.000 hammer prices from public auctions. Danish language. (Out-of-print at the publishers; antiquarian only).

DEM 116 (Ausverkauft beim Verlag – nur antiquarisch)


698) Svensk-Finska Myntpris-Årsboken 1997/98. Klubbade priser från offentliga auktioner 1996 + 1997. 9.000 auktionspriser på mynt från Sverige 1521-1997, Reval, Riga, Livland, Elbing, Thorn, Pommern , Stralsund, Wismar, Bremen & Verden, Mainz, Nürnberg och andra besittningsmynt 1561-1721-1815-1903, Finland 1864-1997, 2nd edition, Oslo 1998, 307+[44] pp. bound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

9.000 hammer prices from 46 public auctions. Swedish language, foreword in German + English. Including two 4-page articles by Per-Göran Carlsson: "Svenska mynt, auktioner och marknadstrender 1966-1997" and "Svenska mynt på auktion 1994+1995+1996+1997; highlights samt marknadstrender".

DEM 90


699) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Swedish Coin Price Yearbook 1995/96, 1st edition, Oslo 1996, 247+[40] pp. bound. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

7.000 hammer prices from public auctions. Swedish language, foreword in German + English. (Out-of-print at the publishers; antiquarian only).

DEM 116 (Ausverkauft beim Verlag – nur antiquarisch)


700) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Nordisk Seddelpris-Årbok 1997. Hammerslagspriser fra mer enn 150 nordiske offentlige auksjoner 1990 + 1991 + 1992 + 1993 + 1994 + 1995 + 1996. 7.000 auksjonspriser på pengesedler fra Danmark 1713-1813(14)-1996, Dansk Vest India 1775-1935, Færøyene 1809-1996, Grønland 1803-1967, Island 1778-1944-1996, Norge 1695-1807-1996, Finland 1811-1917-1996, Sverige 1657-1996, Oslo 1997, 239 + [48] pp, gebunden. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

For every single piece offered are given: identification of auction house and date of auction – lot number – reference to photo in catalogue – year and mark of value of the note – reference numbers to Pick/Sieg/DOP/RN/KS/MC/SS/PL/H/Borg – state of conservation – estimated value – hammer price – comment from the auction house, if any – rates of buyers’ commission – currency exchange rates of the day – all foreign currency amounts converted to DKK / NOK / SEK / FIM. Danish language, foreword in German + English.

7.000 Auktionsergebnisse auf öffentl. Auktionen 1990 + 1991 + 1992 + 1993 + 1994 + 1995 + 1996 für nordische Banknoten erzielt auf 100+ Auktionen. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Noten zahlt.

DEM 90


701) Museum Notes, ANS

Various volumes 1966–1988. Vols. 12-25-26-27-29-30-31-32-33

DEM 60/each vol.


702) Mørkholm, Otto editor: Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling 1781-1981, København 1981, 216 pp., ill. - photo

Festschrift on the occasion of the first 200 years of the Royal Coin- and Medal Cabinet of Copenhagen.

JSJ: Det kgl. Mønt- og Medaillekabinet fra 1652 til 1832; MØRKHOLM: The Danish Contribution to the study of Ancient Numismatics c. 1780-1880; GALSTER: Erindringer fra Universitetet og Nationalmuseet 1906 til ca. 1930; Personer beskæftigede ved Den kgl. Mønt- og Medailesamling 1780 til 1980; Personregister.

DEM 48


703)   Mørkholm, Otto: Antiochus IV of Syria, Copenhagen 1966, 228 pp.

          Rare. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English language. Danish summary.

          DEM 160


704) Mørkholm, Otto & Zahle, Jan: The coinages of the Lycian dynasts Kheriga, Kherêi and Erbbina. A numismatic and archeological study, 1976, 54 pp, ill. 4º.

English language.

[Peus 353, lot 6250: † DEM 230]

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 291: † DEM 160]

DEM 210


705) (Nau, Elizabeth ed.): Beiträge zur Süddeutschen Münzgeschichte. Festschrift zum 75-jährigen Bestehen des Württembergischen Vereins für Münzkunde e.V., Stuttgart 1976, 357 pp, ill., bound.

Beiträge von HARTMANN & NAU: Über die spektralanalytische Untersuchung einiger griechischer Philipp- und Alexander-Statere sowie deren keltischer Nachprägungen; SCHUMM: Römische Fahnen im Münzbild; ZEDELIUS: Ein unbekannter Aureus des C. Pescennius Niger Iustus im Münzkabinett des Württembergischen Landesmuseums Stuttgart; GEIGER: Bemerkungen zur Technik der Brakteatenprägung in der Schweiz; NAU: Der Fund von Pfaffenbach und die Münzstätte Gengenbach.

DEM 85


706) Newell, Edward T.: Alexander hoards. III. Andritsaena, NNM 21, New York 1923, 39 pp, VI plates.

DEM 45


707) Newell, Edward T.: Two hoards from Minturno, NNM 60, New York 1933, 38 pp, III+II plates.

DEM 45


708) Newell, Edward T.: Five Greek bronze coin hoards, NNM 68, New York 1935, 67 pp, IX plates.

DEM 67


709) Nielsen, Niels: Sedler brugt af danskere under 2. Verdenskrig, Hvidovre 1998, 253 + [3] pp, 400+ pictures. - photo

Catalogue of paper money & currency used by Danes during World War II. Denmark, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland. WW2: Military notes, D.N.S.A.P., Municipal emergency notes, Private notes, Encased postage stamps, Ration cards. POW: Buchenwald, Brabag, Junkers Flugzeug- & Motorenwerke, Langenwerke, Dachau, Dora-Sangerhausen, Ernst Heinkel, Flossenbürg, Neuengamme, Nordhausen, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Operation Bernhard, Auschwitz, Birkenau, K. L. Bu, Gross Rosen, Stutthof, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Mühlberg, Port Kunda. Printing run: 450+50 copies. Valuation prices.

DEM 105


710) (Norgård, Dag ed.): Allehånde Numismatikk i Trøndelag. Om mynter, sedler og medaljer – på trøndersk vis. Trøndelag Numismatiske Forening 25 år 1971-1996, Trøndelag 1996, 125 pp, ill.

16 articles - THOMASSEN, ERLING: Medaljer med tilknytning til Trondheim og deres bakgrunn; HOLM, ARNE E.: Mynter og opplevelser; HAREIDE, GAUTE: Primitivmynt; SAND, JAN & EVENSEN, KLAUS: Metallsøking – en spennende hobby; NORGÅRD, DAG: Om "offisielle distributører for Norges Bank og Den Kongelige Mynt"; HAREIDE, GAUTE: Kva er pengar, og korleis oppsto begrepet ?; NORGÅRD, DAG: Norges vakreste mynt ?; NORGÅRD, DAG: 2-øren 1968 – Drama i 10 akter; LEISETH; PER KRISTIAN: Falskmyntneren Jens Fenstad; NORGÅRD, DAG: Et kritisk blikk på norske myntutgivelser de senere år; NORGÅRD, DAG: Historien om foreningens merke; NORDEIDE, SÆBJØRG WALAKER: Erkebiskopens utmyntning i Trøndelag; NORGÅRD, DAG: 1 skilling 1771 – sett med norske øyne; NORGÅRD, DAG: Selbu-sedlene; PETTERSON, KJELL ERIK: Hva kirkegolvet i Værnes kirke gjemte; NORGÅRD, DAG: Numismatiske adresser i Norge.

DEM 48


711) The Numismatic Chronicle, London. Bound.

Different volumes: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994.

DEM 60 / volume


712) Numismatiska Meddelanden II, Stockholm 1875, 72 pp.

Articles pp 1-30 STIERNSTEDT: Om Myntorter, Myntmästare och Myntordningar II; pp 38-65 SNOILSKY: Svenska Enskilda Personers minnespenningar efter 1860.

DEM 112


713) Ossbahr, C.A.: Architectura numismatica, Stockholm 1923, 36 pp, ill.

DEM 88


715) Pedersen, Frank: 1 skilling 1771 med appendiks om 1 skilling 1771, Oslo 1991.

DEM 30


716) Peschcke Køedt, A.: Guld og sølv, Kjøbenhavn 1893, 172 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 78


717) Pettersson, H. Bertil A.: Anglo-Saxon currency, Lund 1969, 294 pp, II plates.

English language.

DEM 90


718) (Pogge) L. & L. Hamburger: Sammlung Pogge. II. Abtheilung. Münzen und Medaillen aller Länder mit ausnahme von Pommern, Mecklenburg und der nordischen Reiche. Auction am Monntag, 30. November 1903 und folgende Tage. Frankfurt am Main 1903, 264 pp, XIII Tafeln. Mit Ergebnisliste.

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 701: † DEM 950 I+II]

DEM 425


719) (Pogge) L. & L. Hamburger: Sammlung Pogge. II. Abtheilung. Münzen und Medaillen aller Länder mit ausnahme von Pommern, Mecklenburg und der nordischen Reiche. Auction am Monntag, 30. November 1903 und folgende Tage. Frankfurt am Main 1903, 264 pp, ohne Tafeln. Mit Ergebnisliste.

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 701: † DEM 950 I+II]

DEM 145


721) Rasmusson, N. L.: Två Gotlandsmynt från senmedeltiden, Stockholm 1938, 3 pp, ill.

2 danske mønter fra Christoffer af Bayern: unik sølvpiedfort samt prøvemønt kobberafslag.

DEM 18


722) Rasmusson, N.L.: Nordens tidigaste import av engelska mynt, Stockholm 1934, 7 pp, ill.

Fund gjort i Danmark, Norge og Sverige.

DEM 24


723) Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: AROS-brakteater, Härnösand 1939, 11 pp, ill.

Swedish find 1938 of extremely rare AROS-bracteate (Västerås) 1200-1215. Forged copies are also discussed.

DEM 65


724) Ronander, V.: 4de meddelelse om myntfundet fra Sand, OFFPRINT Trondhjem 1923, 13 pp.

Norwegian find 1882 now totalling 117 anglo-saxon, Irish and German coins 978-1022.

DEM 98


725) Salin, Bernhard: De nordiska guldbrakteaterne, Stockholm 1895, 111 pp, ill.  - photo 

Nordic goldbracteates.

DEM 145


726) Schlickeysen & Pallmann: Erklärung der Abkürzungen auf Münzen der neueren Zeit, des Mittelalters und des Altertums sowie auf Denkmünzen und münzartigen Zeichen, Berlin 1978, 511 pp, bound.

DEM 68


727) Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin. London.

Different volumes 1971-1984. Incl. lots of articles concerning anglo-saxon and other British coins.

DEM 28/volume


728) Sear, David R.: Roman coins and their values, London 1974, 376 pp, 12 plates, bound.

DEM 35


729) Simensen, Christian J.: The Norwegian coinage 1204-1280, pp 45-70 in NNÅ 1989/90, Copenhagen 1994, 218 pp ill., bound.

English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


730) Simensen, Christian J.: Norges myntproduksjon i middelalderen, pp 34-51 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


732) Stahl, Alan M.: The Venetian tornesello. A medieval colonial coinage, NNM 163, New York 1985, VIII+96 pp, IV plates, bound.

DEM 68


733) Steenstrup, Japetus: Yak-Lungta-Bracteaterne, Archæologernes nordiske Gruppe af Guldbracteater fra den ældre Jernalder, København 1893, 140 pp, 4 plates, 4º. - photo 

Nordic goldbracteates.

DEM 160


734) Steenstrup, Japetus: Til Forstaaelsen af Nordens Guldbrakteat-Fænomen og dets Betydning for Nord-Europas Kulturhistorie, Kjøbenhavn 1897, 78 pp, 4 plates.

Nordic goldbracteates.

DEM 130


735) Stolba, Wladimir: Ein bithynisches tetradrachmon mit spätrömischem Graffito aus Kopenhagen, pp 5-11 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

German language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


736) Sylloge of coins of the British Isles. Bound. Small 4º.

Different volumes. Most volumes are out-of-print.

Vol. 1. 1958 Grierson, Philip: Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge. Part I. Ancient British and Anglo-saxon coins. DEM 240

Vol. 3. 1964 Galster, Georg: Royal collection of coins and medals National Museum Copenhagen. Part I. Ancient British and Anglo-saxon coins before Æthelræd II. DEM 185

Vol. 6. 1966 Stevenson, Robert B.K.: National Museum of antiquities of Scotland, Edinburgh. Part I. Anglo-saxon coins with associated foreign coins. DEM 120

Vol. 7. 1966 Galster, Georg: Royal collection of coins and medals National Museum Copenhagen. Part II. Anglo-saxon coins. Æthelræd II. DEM 145

Vol. 9. 1967 Thompson, J.D.A.: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Anglo-saxon pennies. DEM 135

Vol. 17. 1971 Gunstone, A.J.H.: Ancient British, anglo-saxon and norman coins in Midlands museums. DEM 80

Vol. 19 1973 Grinsell, L.V. + Blunt, C.E. + Dolley, Michael: Bristol and Gloucester museums. Ancient British coins and coins of the Bristol and Gloucestershire mints. DEM 60

Vol. 21 1975 Pirie, Elizabeth J.E.: Coins in Yorkshire collections. DEM 135

Vol. 26. 1980 Clough, T.H. McK.: Museums in East Anglia. The Morley St. Peter hoard. Anglo-saxon – angewin coins and later Norwich coins. DEM 135

Vol. 28. 1981 Smart, Veronica: Cumulative index of volumes 1-20. DEM 120


737) Stenersen: Myntfundet fra Græslid i Thydalen, Christiania 1881, 74 pp, 7 plates.

Famous find of 2.200 mostly Norwegian coins from 1050-1100.

DEM 325


739) Talvio, Tuukka & others : Finlands Banks seddeltryckeri 1885-1985, Vanda 1985, 252 pp, ill., bound.

Translated to Swedish language.

DEM 90


740) Talvio, Tuukka: The coins and banknotes of Finland, Helsinki 1987, 143 pp, ill, bound.

English language.

DEM 58


741) [Thomsen, Chr.Jürg.]: Atlas de l'Archéologie du Nord représentant des Échantillons de l'Age de Bronze et de l'Age de Fer / Atlas for Nordisk Oldkyndighed fremstillende Pröver fra Bronzealderen og fra Jernalderen, Copenhague 1857, 10 pp, 7+15 copper engraved plates, folio.

Around 250 Nordic goldbracteates pictured in nice copper engravings. Most rare.

DEM 540


742) (Thomsen, Peter): Mønt-auktion over mønter og medailler fra Danmark, Norge, Sverige m.fl. lande

tilhørende dødsboet efter fabrikant Peter Thomsen, København 1950.

DEM 30


743) [Thomsen, Rudi]: Studies in ancient history and numismatics presented to Rudi Thomsen, Aarhus 1988, 270 pp, bound.

Festschrift on the occasion of Rudi Thomsen's 70th birthday. English language. Contributions e.g. from WESTERMARK, ULLA: The coinage of the Chalcidian league reconsidered; KROMANN, ANNE: Greek and Phoenician letters on Aradian tetradrachms; NORDBØ, JAN H.: The imperial silver coinage of Amisus 131/2-137/8 A.D.; BRUUN, PATRICK: The Heraclean coinage of Maximinus Daza; CHRISTIANSEN, ERIK: From Zöega to the present day. The Roman coins of Alexandria in 200 years of research.

[Künker 102,2005, lot 5694: † EUR 270]

[Hess-Divo 316,2009, lot2882: † CHF 170]

DEM 220


744) Thomsen, Rudi: Oldtidens penge, Århus 1994, 192 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 69


746) Tornberg, C.J.: Numi cufici regii numophylacii holmiensis, quos omnes in terra sueciae repertos, Upsaliae 1848, LXXXVIII+315 pp, XIV plates. 4º.

1.248+60 cufique coins found in Sweden all described in very impressive and painstakingly detail.

DEM 450


747) Treadwell, Luke: The Islamic dirhams from the Neble hoard, pp 22-33 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


748) [Tøjhusmuseet]: Ordener og medailler. 13. særudstilling i Tøjhusmuseet. Sommeren 1950, København 1950, 72 pp, ill.

DEM 60


750) Volk, Terence: Learning the hard way: 10 years of numismatics and computing, pp 132-148 in NNÅ 1992/93, Copenhagen 1997, 170 pp ill., bound.

English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


751) Waage, Frederick O.: Greek bronze coins from a well at Megara, NNM 70, New York 1935, 42 pp, III plates.

DEM 67


752) Weber, Jens Jacob: Fortegnelse over en stor Samling Guld og Sølv Medailler, samt andre rare Mynter, afgangne Blytækker Peder Pedersen Nygaards Stervboe tilhørende, som ved offentlig Auction den 15. Januarii 1781 og følgende Dage blive bortsolgte i Silke- og Klæde-Kræmmer Hr. Ludvig Thomsens Huus No. 56. paa Amager-Torv, imod Contant Betaling eller, naar paafordres, til Hr. Procurator Wosemose, boende i Gottersgaden No. 21. hvor, saavelsom paa Auctions-Stedet, Catalogi forinden ere at bekomme, Kiøbenhavn, 1780, 200 pp. - photo

Important auction catalogue reprinted 1976 in 200 individually numbered copies. Reprint also out-of-print.

DEM 75 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


    753) Whitte, Hans Kofod (1810-1894): De rebus chiorum publicis ante dominationem romanorum. Addita est enumeratio numorum chiorum omnium, quotquot editi sunt, et inediti nonnulli, quorum IX tabula ænea expressi sunt, Hauniæ 1838, V+105 pp., I plate.

          Quite a number of coins with the Sphinx on is dealt with. Philip, Alexander, Antioch.

          EUR 250


754) Wilberg, Max: Regenten-Tabellen, Graz 1962, 336 pp, bound.

DEM 98


755) Winskowsky, H.: Münzen pflegen. Sachgerechte Reinigung, Konservierung und Aufbewahrung einer Münzsammlung, München 1974, bound.

DEM 18


756) Wood, Howland: The Gampola Larin hoard, NNM 61, New York 1934, 84 pp, X plates.

DEM 67


757) [Zöega, Georg]: Briefe und Dokumente. Vol. I 1755-1785, København 1967, XX+405 pp.

German language. Including lots of letters concerning numismatics. Danish archaeologist and numismatist Georg Zöega. Part 2 never occurred.

DEM 135


758) Öberg, Herje: Guldbrakteaterne från Nordens folkvandringstid, Stockholm 1942, 310 pp, plates.

Nordic goldbracteates.

[Kolbe 45, lot 1028: † USD 70]

DEM 150


001) (Aakjær, Svend editor): Mønt, København/Oslo/Stockholm 1936, IV + 225 pp., 238 Abb., 5 Tafeln, 6 Tabellen.

Brief history of Scandinavian coinages from middle ages to 16th century.

THORDEMAN: Sveriges medeltidsmynt; HOLST: Norges mynter til slutten af 16. århundre; GALSTER: Danmarks Mønter; RASMUSSON: Nominallexikon; PERSON, ERIK: Sag-, Sted- og Personregister.

DEM 100


004) Allen, D.F.: Celtic coins in the Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm. pp 5-26 in NNÅ 1972, Lund 1973, 233 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 42


005) Appelgren, T.G.: Konung Gustaf I:s mynt, Stockholm 1905, 145 pp in Numismatiska Meddelanden vol. XVI.

[Ahlström 52A, 1995, lot 2584: † SEK 425]

DEM 95


006) Appelgren,T.G.: Nya rön i fråga om de svenska medeltidsmyntens bestämningar, Stockholm 1930, 15 pp, richly ill.

Norwegian letter-bracteates 1100-1200 former classified as Swedish. Summary in German.

DEM 45


007) Appelgren,T.G.: Doktor Otto Smiths Münzensammlung im Kgl. Münzkabinett, Stockholm,Stkh 1931,32 pp, 10 Taf.

Antike Griechen. Deutsche Sprache.

DEM 33


008) Appelgren, T.G.: Gustav Vasas mynt, Stockholm 1933, 156 pp, 2 tables, XXXII plates.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2620: † SEK 500]

DEM 155


009) Appelgren, T.G.: Gustav Vasas mynt och tabellstriden. Stockholm 1936, 20 pp, 1 table.

This was a pamphlet written as a point in the "Table"-dispute, in which Appelgren publishes the table of his own hand opposing that table in his 1933-book that someone else had made (in his name). This dispute was the cause eventually leading to Appelgren resigning his job at The Royal Swedish Coin Cabinet in 1933. 3 pages German summary. Scarce.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2621: † SEK 425]

DEM 98


010) Areen, Ernst E.: De nordiska ländernas officiella belöningsmedaljer, heders- och minnestecken från 1500-talet till våra dagar, Stockholm 1938, 287 pp, of which 129 plates, including 1 in colour.

Standard-work. Orders and medals of the Scandinavian countries.

[Spink 61, lot 14: † GBP 110]

DEM 240


011) Balling, Jørgen: De romerske møntfund fra Jylland. pp 5-78 in NNÅ 1962, Stockholm 1963, 292 pp, ill.

100 Roman coin finds from the peninsula Jutland, Denmark, is listed. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


012) Balling, Jørgen: De romerske møntfund fra Skåne, Halland og Blekinge. pp 5-82 in NNÅ 1966, Stockholm 1967, 168 pp, ill.

37 finds of Roman coins in Scania, Halland and Blekinge is listed. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 34


013) Becker, C.J. (editor): Studies in Northern coinages of the eleventh century, København 1981, 174 pp, zahlr. Abb.

MALMER: Imitations of Byzantine milaresia found in Sweden;BLACKBURN: An imitative workshop active during Æthelred II´s long cross issue; BECKER: The coinage of Harthacnut and Magnus the Good at Lund c. 1040-c.1046. English language.

DEM 105


014) Bendixen, Kirsten: Abraham Lehns indtægts- og udgiftsbog 1718-1720, København 1964, 197 pp.

The private accounts and vouchers of a nobleman. Interesting information of prices and wages of the time, the monetary system and exchange rates between the various cointypes in circulation as well as rates of the banknotes used.

DEM 38


015) Bendixen, Kirsten: Møntfundet fra Løgumkloster. pp 37-46 in NNUM 1964, ill.

Find of 19 Danish and 211 German coins from 1300-1400-years.

DEM 10


016) Bendixen, Kirsten: Danmarks Mønt, København 1967, 109 pp, zahlr. Abb.

History of Danish coins from medieval to present times. Also Schleswig-Holstein.

DEM 14


018) Bendixen, Kirsten: Scandinavian imitations. + Galster: Møntfundet i Lund 1915 og Oluf Hungers og Erik Ejegods mønter. in: NNÅ 1968, Stockholm 1969, 185 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 34


019) Bendixen, Kirsten: Sølvskatten fra Balle og Christian IV´s møntpolitik, København 1973, 31 pp, ill.

Find 1968 of 12.121 coins 1559-1656 of which 359 are foreign thalers - a greater number of these 359 are rare thaler-types. Biggest thaler-find ever in Denmark. (289 coins - 96 are thalers - from Schleswig-Holstein and Bremen all described). Reference-find. German summary.

DEM 42


020) Bendixen, Kirsten: The first Merovingian coin-treasure from Denmark, 1974, Sonderdruck 17 pp, 1 Tafel.

Ein Fund anglo-friesischer und merowingischer Münzen. Englischer Sprache.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8095: † DEM 42]

DEM 45


021) Bendixen, Kirsten: Mønternes funktion i Danmark i perioden c. 1075 til c. 1300 belyst ved skriftlige og numismatiske kildeudsagn. København 1977, 20 pp, ill.

The various functions of coinage in Denmark in medieval days.

DEM 14


022) Bendixen, Kirsten: Møntfund fra Ringkøbing Amt. Lemvig 1977, 16 pp, ill.

The finds of Ringkøbing County is dealt with

DEM 24


023) Bendixen, Kirsten: Harry Elstrøm. Udstilling foråret 1978, København 1978, 32 pp, ill.

Exhibition of medals from the hand of Harry Elstrøm.

DEM 15


024) Bendixen, Kirsten: Møntcirkulation i Danmark fra Vikingetid til Valdemarssønnerne, København 1978, 36 pp, ill.

Coin circulation in Denmark from the Viking Age to the time of King Valdemars sons. English summary.

DEM 38


025) Bendixen, Kirsten: Et Myntcabinet til Nytte og Ære¸ København 1980, 32 pp, ill. - photo

History of The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals in The National Museum of Denmark in occasion of the 200 years celebration of its origin.

DEM 13


026) Bendixen, Kirsten: Mønter som historisk kilde. Højbjerg 1980, 8 pp, ill.

Vikingage coins used as a tool & primary source for historians.

DEM 12


027) Bendixen, Kirsten: Bertel Thorvaldsen og medaljekunsten. København 1980, 76 pp, ill.

World famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen and his connections & relationships to the art of the medal.

DEM 35


028) Bendixen, Kirsten: Vikingemønter i England, København 1981, Sonderdruck pp 145-155 of Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1981, ill. 4º.

Dealing with Danish and Anglo-Saxon coins in England.

DEM 14


029) Bendixen, Kirsten: The coins from the oldest Ribe (Excavations 1985-1986, ´Ribe II´). pp 27-44 in: NNÅ 1989/90, København 1994, 218 pp, ill., bound.

Wodan/monster; sceattas. English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


031) Berghaus, Peter & Schneider, Karl: Anglo-friesische Runensolidi im Lichte des Neufundes von Schweindorf (Ostfriesland). Köln 1967, 75 pp of which 5 is plates.

Also Nordic gold-bracteates. English and French summaries.

DEM 42


032) Berghman, Arvid: Nordiska riddareordnar och dekorationer, Malmö 1949, 249 pp of which 75 is plates, bound.

Reference work of Nordic orders and decorations.

[Tietjen 57, lot 3023: † DEM 115]

DEM 125


033) Bergsøe, Vilhelm: Danske Forenings-Tegn udstedte af Gilder, Corporationer og Lav fra Middelalder til Nutid, Kjøbenhavn 1888, XVI+24 pp, V plates. 4º.

Tokens, markers & others issued by societies etc. Original edition.

DEM 125


034) Bergsøe, Vilhelm: Danske Forenings-Tegn udstedte af Gilder, Corporationer og Lav fra Middelalder til Nutid, Kjøbenhavn 1888, XVI+24 pp, V plates. 4º.

Tokens, markers & others issued by societies etc. Same as above but reprinted 1978.

DEM 30


039) Bolin, Sture: Mohammed, Charlemagne and Ruric. København 1953, 35 pp.

DEM 18


040) Bolin, Sture: Tax money and plough money. København 1954, 19 pp.

DEM 18


041) Bolin, Sture: Ur penningens historia, Lund 1962, 184 pp.

10 articles by Bolin is collected here: Krona, öre och andra mynt/ Guld och silver genom tiderna/ Olika slags myntfynd/ Skattfynd som historiska källor/ Penningens födelse/ Den romerska denaren och Greshams lag/ Solidus/ Vid den feodala penningens rot/ Skattpenning och plogpenning/ Muhammed, Karl den Store och Rurik.

DEM 65


043) Brahme, Sven: Zum Beginn der Münzprägung in Lüneburg. (Stempeluntersuchungen am Typ Dbg 585). pp 167-195 in NNUM 1986, ill.

DEM 10


044) Breitenstein, Niels: De romerske Møntfund fra Bornholm. pp 1-85 in NNÅ 1944, Oslo 1946, 277 pp, ill.

46 finds of Roman coins of the island Bornholm, Denmark is listed. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 78


045) Breitenstein, Niels: De romerske Møntfund fra den sjællandske Øgruppe. pp 1-34 in NNÅ 1946, Stockholm 1948, 207 pp, ill.

42 finds of Roman coins from Sealand and the adjacent islands is listed. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 65


046) Brenner, Elias: Thesaurus Nummorum Sveo-Gothicorum Thet är En Skatt af Swenskt Mynt. Stockholm 1691,

Reprinted Stockholm 1972 in 500 copies. Comments by N.L.Rasmusson and Ernst Nathorst-Böös. Important reference book of Swedish coins but even including a number of Danish & Norwegian coins. English summary.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2630: † SEK 550]

DEM 175


047) Bruun, Patrick: The Constantinian coinage of Arelate, Helsinki 1953, X+(2)+115 pp, 8 Tafeln.

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 93: † DEM 120]

DEM 98


048) Bruun, Patrick: Constantinian mint policy and the imperial vota. pp 1-57 in NNÅ 1954, Helsingfors 1956, 165 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


049) Bruun, Patrick: The system of the Vota coinages. Co-ordination of issues in the Constantinian empire. pp 1-21 in NNÅ 1956, Stockholm 1958, 240 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


050) (Bruun, L.E.): Sammlung L. E. Bruun, Kopenhagen: Schwedische Münzen. Teil I-II, Ad.Hess 151+152, Frankfurt am Main 1914, 168 pp, 80 Tafeln, 2.347 Nrn.

Teil I ist Nachdruck.

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 1286: † DEM 360]

DEM 245


051) (Bruun, L.E.): The Bruun Collection, Teil I und II. Auktionen vom 18. bis 27. Mai 1925 (Sotheby & Co., London).

965 lots, 24 Tafeln + 443 lots, 6 Tafeln.

Angelsächs. Mittelalter, England, Schottland, Spanien, Frankreich, Deutsche Brakteaten, Griechen und Römer. Wichtig !

[Tietjen 35, lot 6060: † DEM 365]

DEM 185


052) Bugge, Sophus: Remarques sur les inscriptions runiques des bracteates en or, Copenhague 1871, 24 pp, ill.

Scandinavian gold-bracteates. Rare. In French language.

DEM 85


053) Carlsen, Otto Blom: Islandske mønttegn. pp 221-227 in NNUM 1953, ill.

Important survey of tokens used by merchants at Iceland 1859-1932.

DEM 21


054) Carson, R.A.G. & Pagan, H.: A history of the Royal Numismatic Society 1836-1986, London 1986, 143 pp.

Geschichte der Englische Numismatik. Biographical antecedents of 150 years of V.I.P. European collectors and numismatists.

DEM 58


055) Christensen, Olav: Haderslevske medailler og mønter og Haderslev som møntsted, 1952, 7 pp, ill.

Münzen und Medaillen von Herzog Johanns d. Jungere von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg.



056) Christiansen, Erik: The Roman coins of Alexandria (30 B.C. to A.D. 296). A survey of collections. pp 5-58 in NNÅ 1983/84, Ekenäs 1990, 231 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars. Printing run: 500 copies.

DEM 95


057) Coinage and Monetary Circulation in the Baltic Area c. 1350-c. 1500. Symposium printed in NNÅ 1981, København 1982, 274 pp, ill., bound.

Symposium held on occasion of the bicentenary of the Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, National Museum, Copenhagen 26, 27, & 28 March 1981. 14 lectures from the Symposium is printed in this volume. English & German language.

DAY,JOHN: The question of monetary contraction in late medieval Europe; SPRANDEL,ROLF: Zahlungsströme im hansisch-nordischen Raum; GISSEL: Payments in money and in kind in late medieval Scandinavia. Studies in agrarian rents; STEFKE,GERALD: Silbergeld-Probleme im westlichen Ostseeraum, ca. 1380-ca. 1430; KLUGE,BERND: Die Wittenprägung in Mecklenburg/Pommern und ihr Anteil am Geldverkehr des Ostseeraumes im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert; PINÍNSKI,JERZY: Die Münzzirkulation in Hinterpommern in der 2. Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts; SUCHODOLSKI,STANISLAW: Der Umlauf der Ordens-Münzen in der Brakteaten-Zeit; MECLEWSKA,MARTA: Die Zirkulation der Münzen des Deutschen Ordensstaates in der Schillingsperiode; SKAARE: Coinage and monetary circulation in Norway from the middle of the 14th century till c. 1500; MALMER: Monetary circulation in South-Eastern Sweden c. 1350-1500 in the light of three major church-finds; JENSEN,J.S.: Monetary circulation in Denmark c. 1350-c. 1500; SARVAS,PEKKA: Ein neuer zweiseitiger Münztyp des Königs Erich von Pommern in Turku (Åbo); NEMIROWITSCH-DANTSCHENKO: Zur Datierung estländischer Schatzfunde aus dem dritten Viertel des 14. Jahrhunderts.

DEM 48


058) Coupland, Simon: Carolingian coinage and Scandinavian silver. pp 11-32 in NNÅ 1985/86, Ekenäs 1991, 173 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


059) Commentationes de nummis saeculorum IX-XI in Suecia repertis, I, Stockholm 1961, 376 pp, VI+I+VI plates and a further 28 plates in the text.

Untersuchungen zu den in Schweden gefundenen Münzen des 9.-11. Jh - auch deutsche Münzen. Enthält wichtige Beiträge zur deutschen (Münster, Tiel etc.), englischen, skandinavischen und islamischen Numismatik. English or German language throughout.

RASMUSSON,NILS LUDVIG: An introduction to the viking-age hoards; WELIN: Sayf Ad-Dawlah´s reign in Syria and Diyarbekr in the light of the numismatic evidence; HATZ,VERA: Zur Frage der Otto-Adelheid-Pfennige. Versuch einer Systematisierung auf Grund des Schwedischen Fundmaterials; HATZ,VERA: Zur Unterscheidung der Ottonischen Prägungen in Mainz, Speyer und Worms; DOLLEY: The relevance of obverse die-links to some problems of the later anglo-saxon coinage; DOLLEY+JONES: The transition between the "Hand of providence" and "Crux" types of Æthelræd II; DOLLEY+INGOLD: Some thoughts on the engraving of the dies for the English coinage c. 1025; MALMER,BRITA: A contribution to the numismatic history of Norway during the eleventh century.

DEM 125


060) Commentationes de nummis saeculorum IX-XI in Suecia repertis, II, Stockholm 1968, 413 pp, 46 Tafeln

Untersuchungen zu den in Schweden gefundenen Münzen des 9.-11. Jh - auch deutsche Münzen. Enthält wichtige Beiträge zur deutschen (Münster, Tiel etc.), englischen, skandinavischen und islamischen Numismatik.

V.HATZ/WELIN: Deutsche Münzen des 11. Jh. nach byzantinisch-arabischem Vorbild; P.BERGHAUS: Die ältesten Münzen Münsters in schwedischen Funden; G.HATZ: Tieler Denare; SMART: Moneyers of the late Anglo-Saxon coinage 973-1016; HATZ + WELIN + MALMER + MEER + RASMUSSON: A hoard from Näs, Österåker, Uppland, found in 1704; RASMUSSON: An overlooked type of coin from the time of King Anund Jacob; LAGERQVIST: The coinage in Sigtuna in the names of Anund Jacob, Cnut the Great and Harthacnut.

DEM 100


061) (Copenhagen): Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Mønter og Medailler, Middelalder og nyere Tid. Nationalmuseets Vejledninger, København 1941, 95 pp, zahlr. Abb., 1ste Aufgabe.

History of coins and medals in Denmark (+Norway & Schleswig-Holstein) from medieval times to the present as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 42


062) (Copenhagen): Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Mønter og Medailler, Middelalder og nyere Tid. Nationalmuseets Vejledninger, København 1950, 95 pp, zahlr. Abb., 2te (veranderte) Aufgabe.

History of coins and medals in Denmark (+Norway & Schleswig-Holstein) from medieval times to the present as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 42


063) (Copenhagen): Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Orientalske, græske og romerske Mønter. Nationalmuseets Vejledninger. København 1940, 111 pp, zahlr. Abb., 1ste Aufgabe.

History of Oriental, Greek and Roman coins and medals as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 42


064) (Copenhagen): Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Orientalske, græske og romerske Mønter. Nationalmuseets Vejledninger. København 1952, 103 pp, zahlr. Abb., 2te (veranderte) Aufgabe.

History of Oriental, Greek and Roman coins and medals as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 42


065) (Czechoslovak): Czechoslovak Ministry of The Interior. SECRET Report on Forgery carried out in Sachsen-hausen Concentration Camp. 1945, Copenhagen 1981, xx pp, ill.

Forgeries of English bank-notes made in Germany.

DEM 26


067) (Danmarks Nationalbank): Dansk Pengehistorie 1700-1960,vols.I-II-III,København 1968,390+356+270 pp, ill, bound.

Danish history of money.SVENDSEN: Perioden 1700-1818; OLSEN: Perioden 1914-1931; HOFFMEYER: Perioden 1931-1960; MORDHORST: Bilag. Danmarks Nationalbank is the issuer of papermoney of the Kingdom of Denmark.

DEM 140


068) Digre, Olaf A.: Myntfunnet fra Dronningensgt. 10, Trondheim. En foreløbig meddelelse. Trondhjem 1951, 6 pp, ill.

Find 1950 of 993 medieval coins, of which 363 Anglo-Saxon and 511 German.

[Riibe 12, lot 829: † NOK 100]

DEM 24


069) (Dansk Numismatisk Forening): Jubilæumsskrift med dansk numismatisk symposium 1985, Kbhvn 1985, 104 pp, ill., in special edition of Numismatisk Rapport, issue 2, 1985.

Festschrift on the occasion of the 100th year of The Danish Numismatic Society/Societé Danoise de Numismatique/Dänische Gesellschaft für Numismatik, founded 1885. Included are the texts of the lectures held at the symposium on the same occasion.

ZAHLE: Græske møntportrætter; ALBRETHSEN: Romerske portrætmønter; HAMMARBERG & RISPLING: Graffiter, runer och tecken på kufiska mynter funna i Sverige; BENDIXEN: Religiøse motiver på danske middelaldermønter; GRINDER-HANSEN: Mønter og overtro; MEYER: Forsøg på en inddeling af privatmønter fra Danmark; KROMANN: De store, nye fund af romerske mønter i Smørengegård, Bornholm, i Gudme, Fyn, og i Illerup, Midtjylland; KAABER: Abstract af foredraget: Introduktion til nyordning af de vestdanske udmøntninger 1234-1336; GRANDT-NIELSEN: Matadorpenge; FLENSBORG: Europæiske møntunioner i midten af 1800-tallet. Printing run: 1.350 copies.

DEM 21


070) Data og numismatikk ved de nordiske myntkabinetter, Isegran 19.-20. november 1993. Symposium. special edition of NNUM, issue 5, 1994, pp 77-116, ill.

10 lectures from the symposium upon coins and computer technology is printed.

JONSSON: Databearbetning av myntfynd; JACOBSEN, P.H.: Internet; ORE: Dokumentasjonsprosjektet ved Universitetet i Oslo; ANDERSEN, SØLVI: Numismatisk database; GULLBEKK: Dokumentasjonsprosjektet ved Universitetet i Oslo; NILSSON, H.: ADB-bildregistrering vid Uppsala universitetets myntkabinett; PETTERSON, E.: Forskning, samarbeid og biledkommunikasjon; LAUGERUD: Korrekturlesning av dataregistrert materiale; RISVAAG: En feilkilde ved korrekturlesning av numismatika; GRINDER-HANSEN: Danske borgerkrigsmønter i databaser.

DEM 12


071) Dolley, R.H.M.: Some reflections on Hildebrand type A of Æthelræd II, Stockholm 1958, 41 pp, ill.

DEM 25


072) Dolley, Michael: The post-Brunanburh viking coinage of York with some remarks on the viking coinages which preceded the same. pp 13-88 in NNÅ 1957/58, Stockholm 1958, 287 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


073) Dolley, Michael + Skaare, Kolbjørn: Nytt lys over Skandinavias nordligste skattefunn med angelsaksiske og kufiske mynter. pp 5-24 in NNÅ 1960, Stockholm 1961, 176 pp, ill.

An important vikingage silver hoard unearthed 1919 at Rønvik, Bodin in Nordland, Norway. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


074) Dolley, Michael: An unexpected Irish dimension of the Anglo-Saxon coinage of Winchester. pp 27-48 in NNÅ 1972, Lund 1973, 233 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 42


075) Ehnbom, Ingvar: Svenska polletter genom tiderna, Malmö 1975, 120 pp, rich illustrated.

Reference catalogue of 1.192 different Swedish tokens.

DEM 37


076) Eldjárn, Kristján: Gaulverjrabær-fundet og nogle mindre islandske møntfund fra vikingetiden. pp 39-62 in NNÅ 1948, København 1948, 178 pp, ill.

Find from 1930 on Iceland of 356 Danish, Swedish, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, German, Bohemian and Cufic silver coins from the vikingage. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 65


077) Ellenius, Allan: En Gustaviansk medaljdebatt, Stockholm 1963, 94 pp, ill.

DEM 20


078) Ernst, Axel: De saakaldte "Hanrejsmønter" 1627. pp 109-118 in NNUM 1939, ill.

Coins minted in Wolfenbüttel 1627 in the name of king Christian IV by Philip Reinholt, Solms.

DEM 21


079) Ernst, Axel: Nyere fund af mønter fra Danmark og Hertugdømmerne. pp 1-13 in NNUM 1953, ill.

Recent finds in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein.

DEM 13


080) Ernst, Axel: Bidrag til Holsten-Gottorps ældre mønthistorie. pp 237-249 in NNUM 1956, ill.

Concerning Holsten-Gottorp 1500-1600-years.

DEM 13


081) Ernst, Axel: Mønt- og pengeforhold, prisudvikling og pengenes købekraft i Slesvig-Holsten 1226-1864. pp 220-228 in NNUM 1957.

Prices and wages as well as other monetary subjects for Schleswig-Holstein 1226-1864 is dealt with.

DEM 10


082) Ernst, Axel: Om en hidtil ukendt Viborgpenning fra kong Niels og om en dansk kongeætlings udmøntning i Alt-Lübeck. pp 115-123 NNÅ 1957/58, Stockholm 1958, 287 pp, ill.

An Old-Lubeck coin is suggested reattributed. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


083) (Ernst, Axel dedicated): Festskrift. special edition of NNUM, issue 4, 1961, pp 57-106, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Ernsts 70th birthday.

BENDIXEN: Danmarks eneste plademønt; BERGHAUS: Sophus Andreas Bergsøe og Hermann Grote. En numismatisk brevveksling fra årene 1869-1874. DOLLEY: Knud den Stores apokryfe jordiske rester. Veritas Temporis Filia; GALSTER: Københavns ældste mønt; HATZ: Om speciedaleren fra Altona 1795 med stempelskærersignaturen R; LAGERQVIST: Ett fynd av guldmynt från Motala Ström i Norrköping; LINDGREN: Iuvat Indulgere Labori. Två tidiga utdelningar; RASMUSSON, N.L.: Kring en myntmästare i Sören Norbys tjänst. Till Gotlands och Danmarks mynthistoria på 1520-talet; SCHWABACHER: En opublicerad nordgrekisk obol; SKAARE: Tre jetongutkast over begivenheter i Norge; SVARSTAD: Et ungdomsportrett av C.J.Schive.

DEM 21


084) (Ernst, Axel foundation): Advokat Axel Ernst´s og Frøken Alfrida Ernst´s Legat til Fremme af Numismatisk Forskning i Danmark. Beretning om 25 års virke 1970-1994. Et Jubilæumsskrift. (København) 1995, 74 pp. 4º. - demo / photo

25th anniversary of the Ernst-scholarship for numismatic studies & research. Accounts and balance sheets as well as annual reports for all 25 years is published. A complete list of subjects & persons granted the Ernst-scholarship is also given. Foreigners also can be granted the scholarship according to the by-laws. Contributions from various authors.

DEM 28


085) Erslev, Kristian: Les plus anciennes monnaies du Danemark, Copenhague 1885, 23 pp, ill.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka. Translated to the French language.

DEM 65


086) Fagerlie, Joan M.: Late Roman and Byzantine solidi found in Sweden and Denmark, New York 1967, XXV + 213 pp, XXXIII Tafeln.

[Künker 112, lot 324: † EUR 55] [Künker 169, lot 626: † EUR 60]

DEM 125


087) Flensborg, Peter: Mønter som hobby, København 1975, 76 pp, ill.

DEM 17


088) Flensborg, Peter: Viden om mønter, København 1979, 98 pp, ill.

DEM 17


089) Flensborg, Peter: Pengesedler som hobby, København 1976, 109 pp, ill.

DEM 22


090) Flensborg, Peter: Danske mønter 1541-1978, København 1978, 95 pp.

Price-guide to Danish, Norwegian and Schleswig-Holstein coins.

DEM 22


091) Funck-Rasmussen: Beskrivelse af danske Mønter fra Trankebar 1620-1845, København 1948, 74 pp, 14 is plates.

Standard-work. Reference-book of coins from Danish East India, a colony in India.

DEM 78


092) Galster, Georg: Influence of the English coin-types on the Danish in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, London 1916, Sonderdruck, 12 pp, I plate.

DEM 48


093) Galster, Georg: Møntfund i Holbæk Amt, Holbæk 1928, 14 pp, ill.

Elder finds in the county of Holbæk which includes at the time unknown coin-types minted by Erik of Pomeria and king Hans. Eldest find dates from 1782.

DEM 28


094) Galster, Georg: De Fredløses Falskmøntnerværksted paa Hjelm. København 1928, 11 pp, ill.

Forgerers of Danish medieval coins on the island of Hjelm 1290-1295.

DEM 42


095) Galster, Georg: Møntfund i Sorø Amt, Sorø 1929, 24 pp, ill.

Elder finds in the county of Sorø - the eldest find dates to 1667.

together with

Galster, Georg: Ringsted og Slagelse Mønter, Sorø 1929, 10 pp, ill.

History of the Royal Mints at the towns Ringsted (1018-1035 + 1080-1103) and Slagelse (1018-1095)

DEM 35


096) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Grenaa og de jydske Penninge fra Tiden 1146-1234, København 1931, 58 pp, ill.

Most important find unearthed 1910 which included a great number of unknown types. Number of coins were taken by privates. Reference-find.

DEM 88


097) Galster, Georg: Møntmesterslægten Comhaer, Lund 1932, 12 pp, ill.

Geschichte der Münzmeisterfamilie Comhaer im 15. Jahrhundert. Familienmitglieder waren auch tätig in Lüneburg, Salzwedel (1436-1437), Bremen (1438) und Danzig (1440).

[Giessener 75, lot 3713: † DEM 40]

DEM 45


098) Galster, Georg: Sagnet om Oluf Bagers mønt, Odense 1933, 9 pp, ill.

Of the Mint at Odense and the tradition of how the wealthy Oluf Bager in 1563 should have minted 2-skilling coins in his own name but with royal permission. The legend is traced through the writings of various "historians" untill Galster finally reveals the story as a myth.

DEM 18


099) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Tommerup, Malmö 1935, 9 pp, ill.

Danish find from 1775 of German coins of which 21 is identified today: a new type c. 1200 from Brunsvig like another specimen later discovered at Bokel (1928); Hildesheim new type c. 1200; Saxen-Anhalt new type c. 1180-1212; Meklenburg new type untill the Bünstorff-find; Hamburg c. 1203-24; Goslar; Brandenburg c. 1186-1220; Köln 1167-1191; Lübeck c. 1202-1224; Magdeburg; Utrecht; London c. 1205-1218. Wichtig.

DEM 58


101) Galster, Georg: Dansk Numismatik, Stockholm 1938, 19 pp.

Introduction to Danish numismatics.

DEM 24


102) Galster, Georg: Det kongelige Myntcabinet efter Johs. Wiedewelts Tegninger 1781. København 1939, 22 pp, ill.

Dealing with the history of the Royal Danish Coin Cabinet, Copenhagen, and its accomodation 1781.

DEM 28


103) Galster, Georg: Die Münzen Dänemarks (bis etwa 1625), Halle (Saale)1939, 59 pp, 150 text-illustrations.

Deutsche sprache.

[Tietjen 46, lot 4164: † DEM 110]

DEM 88


104) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Bregnegården, Gentofte 1939,7 pp, ill.

Find from 1783 of 309 coins unfortunately not preserved today.

DEM 18


105) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Hvidøre, Gentofte 1940, 17 pp, ill.

Find from 1777 of 1.653 mostly Danish medieval coins.

DEM 24


106) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Aarhus 1908 og samtidige danske Møntfund. pp 99-138 in NNÅ 1942, Oslo 1943, 247 pp, ill.

Eine bedeutende Geldsumme aus der Zeit um 1400, 5759 Münzen, ist 1908 gefunden. Rostocker Langkreuzwitten (also in Buchenau-Fund) und Witten von Stralsund und Hamburg. Hat als erster einige nach dem Verfahren von Oertzen usw. entstandene Witten- und "Viertelwitten"-Datierungen falsifiziert. Deutsche Zusammenfassung.

DEM 78


107) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Haagerup. pp 93-157 in NNÅ 1944, Oslo 1946, 277 pp, ill.

Find from 1943 of 95 Danish, 566 Anglo-Saxon, 644 German coins from 1000-1100. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 78


108) Galster, Georg: Karolingiske mønter fundne i Danmark. pp 28-40 in NNÅ 1951, Stockholm 1953, 146 pp, ill.

Carlovingian coins found in Denmark are dealt with. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


109) Galster, Georg: Mønthistoriske Antegnelser til Holberg´s Comedier, København 1953, 43 pp, 7 plates.

DEM 15


110) Galster, Georg: Fra Tønnings mønt. pp 57-62 in NNUM 1953, ill.

Reminiscents from the town Tønning, Gottorp, as a mint in 1600-1700-years.

DEM 13


111) Galster, Georg: Bünstorf-fundet 1827. Tillæg og rettelser. pp 127-133 in NNUM 1955, ill.

Additions and corrections to the Bünstorf-find of Danish and German medieval coins.

DEM 13


112) Galster, Georg: Græse-fundet og andre fund på Sjælland af mønter fra kongerne Niels og Erik Emune, København 1955, 43 pp, 2 Tafeln.

Find at Græse 1912: 222 Danish and 24 Norwegian coins (1103-1130).English summary. Plus 3 other finds of Niels & Erik Emune coins discussed.

[Tietjen 67, lot 2274: † DEM 40]

DEM 45


113) Galster, Georg: Jørgen Kock som møntmester, Malmö 1956, 35 pp, ill.

The life and career of famous Danish mintmaster Jørgen Kock (1487/88-1556). Inclusive details from his mintmaster accounts.

DEM 75


114) Galster, Georg: Christopher Parsbergs hofholdningsregnskaber, København 1956, 17 pp.

Accounts of the royal household of king Christopher of Bayern. Prices and wages etc. of the time.

DEM 12


115) Galster, Georg: Århus mønter, Århus 1956, 25 pp, ill.

The royal mint in Århus 1035-1536.

together with

Rasmussen, Gunnar: Bærmepenge, Århus 1956, 6 pp ill.

Tokens used ca. 1864-1875 at the brewery belonging to I.L.Tvede in Helsingør.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8167: DEM 40]

DEM 45


116) Galster, Georg: Coins and history. Selected numismatic essays by Georg Galster. 1889 . May 17th . 1959, Copenhagen 1959, 149 pp, ill.

Bibliography (1916-59)/Danish Numismatics/ Frederik Münter´s Numismatic Studies / Research into Runic Coins in the 18th Century / Carolingian Coins Found in Denmark /The Coin-Hoard Found at Store Frigård /The "Mint" of the Outlaws on Hjelm /Jørgen Kock as a Mint-Master. In english.

[Tietjen 57, lot 3106: † DEM 125]

DEM 125


117) Galster, Georg: Cuerdale-fundet og de danske vikingekonger i det 9. århundrede, København 1962, 36 pp, ill.

together with

Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Kongsø Plantage, København 1962, 25 pp, ill.

Cuerdale is a very important reference-find discovered 1840 in England. Kongsø-find from 1905 includes 327 German coins from Lothringen, Rhineland, Frisland, Sachsen, Bayern and Franken 1000-1060 plus 152 Anglo-Saxon. English summaries.

DEM 55


118) Galster, Georg: Møntmester Bernt Buskes kvitteringer 1523, København 1962, 3 pp.

Receipts from the royal mintmaster Bernt Buske, which was believed to have been hired by king Frederik I to mint his "lejr-skillinger" (Belagerungs-Münzen) during the siege of Copenhagen 1523. Wilcke has earlier (1950) used these receipts, but as shown with serious mistakes.



119) Galster, Georg: Hans Köppelin, møntmester i Flensborg 1566-1568. pp 26-48 in NNÅ 1964, Stockholm 1966, 158 pp, ill.

Über Flensburger Münzen. Deutscher Zusammenfassung. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


120) Galster, Georg: Næstved Mønt, Næstved 1966, (32) pp, ill.

History of the Royal Mint in the town of Næstved ca. 1400-1425.

DEM 14


121) (Galster, Georg dedicated): Georg Galster 1889 - 17. maj - 1969. Amico Amici, Discipuli Magistro. speciel edition of NNUM, issue 5, 1969, pp 113-182, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Galsters 80th birthday.

THOMSEN, RUDI: Tiberius Veturius´ denar og andre edsscenemønter; KROMANN: Temporum Felicitas; HAASTRUP, LARS: Oversigt over kompositionen af danske skattefund ca. 800 - ca. 1150; MALMER: Ett dansk-svenskt innovationsförlopp från 1100-tallet; MØRKHOLM: De romerske mønter fra Lilleborg, Bornholm; JENSEN, J.S.: Kaspar Goebels møntvalseværk og Danmark (1577-1579); LINDAHL: En Augsborg-skruedaler - en kongelig gave; BENDIXEN: Grev Holsteins medaille; LINDGREN: Svensk-danskt avtal om ömsesidig utlämning av falskmyntare och sedelefterapare; WESTERMARK: Två förslag till medalj över Sveriges och Norges förening 1814; SKAARE: Grev Wedels innskudd til Norges Banks sølvfond; SCHWABACHER: Christian Ramus och Frederik Münter. Två danska numismatiker vid 1800-talets början; RASMUSSON, N.L.: "Geni för 26 dukater". Numismatiska metaforer i Tegnérs diktning;

DEM 21


122) Galster,Georg: Vikingetids møntfund fra Bornholm, Vojens, 246 pp in NNÅ 1977-78, ill., bound.

Corpus of all 48 medieval finds from Bornholm of 3.607 German coins 936-1123 all described.Further 522 English and 233 cufique all described.

DEM 72


123) (Galster, Georg dedicated): Georg Galster i hundredåret for hans fødsel. special edition of NNUM, issue 5, 1989, pp 89-114, ill.

Celebrating 100 years of Galsters birth. Including his numismatic bibliography of 327 entries.

DEM 13


124) Gamby [:=Person], Erik: Numismatiska bidrag till Göteborgs och Bohusläns historia, Göteborg 1941, 43 pp, ill.

Mints at Lödöse (1167-ca. 1300), Kungahälla (1200-1300) - Norwegian letter-bracteates, and Göteborg (1609-1636-1716) are discussed.

DEM 45


125) Gamby, Erik: Bland numismatiker. Minnen från 1920- , 1930- och 1940- talen. Stockholm 1984, 72 pp ill. - photo

The memoirs of numismatic oldtimer, the late Erik Gamby [:Person] (1908-1996), co-founder of the Nordisk Numismatisk Union in 1936. Mr. Gamby had relations to all the important numismatists of the time and interesting ´inside´-information of the num. life & ways is given specifically around the foundation of the NNU. Including his num. bibliography 1929-1984.

DEM 28


126) Gamby, Erik: Magnus Lagerberg. Museiman numismatiker kammarherre. Göteborg 1991, 46 pp, ill.

The life and story of wellknown Swedish numismatist & museum-director Magnus Lagerberg, Göteborg (1844-1920). Interesting and revealing gossip & details from the numismatic & society life is given.

DEM 28


) Gamby: - also see Person, Erik -


127) Grandjean, H.F.: De kongelige danske Ridderordener, København 1903, 1.076 + 64 + 22 s, zahlr. Abb., bunden. 4º.

The royal Danish orders and their history.

DEM 185


128) Grandjean, P.B.: Danske Herreders Segl indtil 1660 herunder Lands- og Birkesegl med Supplement til Danske Købstæders Segl. København 1946, 77 pp, 30 plates, folio.

French summary.

DEM 100


129) Grandjean, P.B.: Danske Haandværkerlavs segl. København 1950, 84 pp, 36 plates, folio.

French summary.

DEM 100


130) Grandt-Nielsen, Finn: Danske billetter. Lokale nødpengesedler fra Napoleonskrigenes tid 1807-16. Danmark, Hertugdømmerne og Færøerne. Viborg 1993, 328 pp, all types ill., bound, 4º.

English summary. This book concerns 564 numbers of different local notes of small denominations which were used in Copenhagen and especially the Danish provinces incl. Schleswig-Holstein during the war years 1807 to 1816. Printing run: 1.000 copies.

DEM 115


131) Gray, John C.F.: Tranquebar. A guide to the coins of Danish India circa 1620 to 1845, Lawrence 1974, (8) + 83 pp, ill., bound.

[Münzgalerie Basel Auktion 1987, lot 2082: † CHF 55]

DEM 60


132) Grinder-Hansen, Keld: Mønter som kilde til middelalderens økonomiske historie - en præsentation af et kildemateriale, København 1994, 33 pp, ill.

Scientific use of the coin-hoards in describing the monetary history.

DEM 38


134) Gustafson, Gabriel: Myntfundet fra Nesbø, (Bergen) (1891), Sonderdruck, 25 pp, ill.  - photo 

Fund von 390 meist angelsächsischen und deutschen Münzen des 11. Jh.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8088: DEM 125]

DEM 135


136) (Hammerich, Peter dedicated): Dokumentation. SKUESAG eller Et beskedent bidrag til Peter Hammerichs minde, København 1984, 32 pp, ill. Sonderdruck auf Gribbebo´s Julehæfte 1984. - photo

Published to the honour of Mr. Peter Hammerich chairman of The Danish Numismatic Society/Societé Danoise de Numismatique/Dänische Gesellschaft für Numismatik, founded 1885. Contributions from various authors. Printing run: 54 copies. Very rare.

DEM 28 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


137) Hamrin & Hyllengren: Svensk myntförteckning. Del 1. Bernadotte-dynastin 1818-1988 med värderingspriser. Stockholm 1988, 459 pp, bound.

Part I of a projected new standard reference work to supercede the out-of-print Ahlström book. Incl. valuations in 4-7 grades. English summary.

DEM 95


138) Hansen, Leo: Danmarks officielle Pengesedler 1713-1983. Official Paper Money of Denmark, København 1983, 380 pp, bound.

Every note pictured. English summary. Reference work.

DEM 188 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


139) Hansen, Per: Norsk Numismatisk Forenings historie: 1927-1977, Oslo 1977, 59 pp.

The Norwegian Numismatic Society celebrates its 50th year. History of numismatics in Norway during the last 50 years.

DEM 34


140) Hartmann, B. & Petersen, Th.: De kufiske myntfund fra Holte, Orkedalen og Herten, Alstahaug, Trondheim 1918, Sonderdruck, 31 (1) pp, 4 Tafeln.

2 finds in Norway of cufique coins. Rare.

[Spink 61, lot 154: † GBP 50]

DEM 135


141) Hauberg,Peter: Coup d´oeil sur l´histoire de la monnaie en Danemark de 1241 á 1377, Copenhague 1886, 32 pp, ill.

Haubergs reference-work of Danish medieval coins "Danmarks Myntvæsen 1241-1377" (1884) translated into French. Hand-drawings of all 104 coin-types.

DEM 65


142) Hauberg, Peter: Monnaies de l´ile de Gotland, Copenhague 1890, 30 pp, zahlr. Abb.

Haubergs reference-work of medieval coins "Gullands Myntvæsen" (1891) minted at Gotland translated into French..

DEM 70


143) Hauberg, Peter: Medailles romaines d´or et d´argent trouvailles en Scandinaves, Copenhaque 1895, 25 pp, ill.

Haubergs ouverture "Skandinaviens Fund af romersk Guld- og Sølvmynt før Aar 550" (1895) on finds of Roman coins in Scandinavia translated into French.

DEM 65


144) Hauberg, Peter & Østrup, J.: Les monnaies de la trouvaille de Terslev, Copenhague 1913, 11 pp.

"Terslevfundet" a Danish find foremost of 412 cufique coins plus coins of Denmark, England, France und Deutschland - translated into French.

DEM 55


145A) (Hauberg, Peter): Danmarks mønter indtil 1241, København 1965, XIII + VI plates.

Reprint 1965 by Johan Chr. Holm of the plates only to the first two of Hauberg´s wellknown reference-books from 1900 + 1906. Covers the period 870-1241. This is the reprint edition on thick paper and with 4 pages "Index of mints" and with foreword by J.C. Holm.

DEM 140


146) (Hauberg, Peter): Afbildninger af Danmarks mønter indtil 1241 samt tillæg Grenaafundets mønter, København 1974, 1p, XIII + VI + I plates.

Reprint 1974 by Jørgen Sømod of the plates only to the first two of Hauberg´s wellknown reference-books from 1900 + 1906 plus the plate from the lecture upon the find of Grenaa 1910. Covers the period 870-1241.

DEM 55


147) Heckscher, Eli F. & Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Sveriges mynthistoria. Kungl. Myntkabinettets Svenska Myntsal. Stockholm 1945, 50 pp.

Exhibition catalogue. The history of the coinage of Sweden through the centuries is given.

DEM 10


148) Hermansen, Viktor: Sparebøssen. Hillerød 1943, 107 pp, ill., bound.

Sparbüchsen, savings-boxes.

DEM 78


149) Hieronymussen, Paul: Europæiske ordner i farver, København 1966, 232 pp, of which 80 colour-plates, bound.

European orders, medals and decorations in 80 plates of modern 7-colour printing.

DEM 125


150) Hildebrand, Bengt: Bror Emil Hildebrand. Hans liv och gärning, Stockholm 1934, 60 pp

together with

Arne,Ture: Hans Hildebrand som förhistoriker, Stockholm 1934, 10 pp

together with

Thordeman, Bengt: Hans Hildebrand som medeltidsforskare, Stockholm 1934, 11 pp

The lifes and careers of famous Swedish medieval-numismatists Bror Emil Hildebrand and Hans Hildebrand.

Geschichte der schwedische Numismatik am Ende des 19. Jh. und Mittelalter Numismatik. Deusche Zusammenfassungen.

DEM 42


151) Hildebrand, Bengt: Anteckningar till svensk numismatisk och arkeologisk-historiografisk bibliografi, Stockholm 1935, 26 pp. - photo

Contributions to a Swedish numismatic bibliography. Summary in German.

together with

Thordeman, Bengt: Svenska 1500-talsbrakteater, Stockholm 1935, 3 pp, ill.

DEM 30


152) Hildebrand, Bengt & Hermansen, Victor: En svensk akademiker i Frederik VIs København - rigsantikvar Bror Emil Hildebrands dagbogsoptegnelser, København 1935, 31 pp, ill.

In the diaries of Swedish medieval-numismatist Bror Emil Hildebrand is found description of his two-months excursion to Copenhagen and his visits to e.g. Christian Jürgensen Thomsen, Ole Devegge, Christian Ramus, G.F.Timm.

Geschichte der schwedische und dänische Numismatik rund 1830 und Mittelalter Numismatik.

DEM 24


153) Hildebrand, Bengt: C.J.Thomsen och hans lärda förbindelser i Sverige 1816-1837. I: Tiden till 1826, Stockholm 1937, LXXIII, 521 pp.

Geschichte der dänischen und schwedischen Numismatik am Anfang des 19 Jh und Mittellater Numismatik.

DEM 65


154) Hildebrand, Bengt: C.J.Thomsen och hans lärda förbindelser i Sverige 1816-1837. II: Tiden 1826-1837, Stockholm 1938, pp 523-835.

Geschichte der dänischen und schwedischen Numismatik am Anfang des 19 Jh und Mittellater Numismatik.

DEM 95


155) Hildebrand, Bror Emil: Anglosachsiska mynt i Svenska kongl. Myntkabinettet, funna i Sveriges jord. Monnaies anglosaxonnes du Cabinet royal de Stockholm, toutes trouvées en Suède. Stockholm 1846, CXXV, 332 pp, 10 plates, 1 map. 4º.

4.316 Anglo-saxon coins struck by English + Danish kings in vikingage days - all described. This is the FIRST edition published 1846 later revised in 1881. The long and exhaustive coverage of the various FINDS in the 1846-preface WAS NOT REPRINTED in the 1881 edition ! The french preface and summary was neither reprinted in the 1881 edition. Summary in french. Spine loose.

DEM 295


157) Hildebrand, Bror Emil: Sveriges och svenska konungahusets minnespenningar, praktmynt och belöningsmedaljer. Del I+II. Stockholm 1874+1875, XIV+624 & 624 pp, bound.

Reference work. Binding separated from book.

[Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 1292: † DEM 410][Ahlström 52A, lot 2647: † SEK 1.300]

DEM 395


158) Hildebrand, Bror Emil: Två fynd af danska mynt från 11:e århundradet. Fyndet från Fjelkinge. Fyndet från Löddeköpinge, Stockholm 1884, 28 pp.

Two Swedish finds from 1865 both consisting of Danish medieval coins from the period 1035-1080. In all was discovered 72 Anglo-Saxon Æthelred II - Edvard Confessor, 363 German, 608 Danish Harthecnut - Sven Estridsen.

together with

Hildebrand, Hans: † Bror Emil Hildebrand, Stockholm 1884, 38 pp.

Obituary of the deceased famous medieval-numismatist Bror Emil Hildebrand plus a thorough description of his life and career.

DEM 90


159) (Hildebrand, Bror Emil dedicated): Studies in late anglo-saxon coinage, in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXV, Stockholm 1990, 501 pp, ill., bound.

Festschrift celebrating Bror Emil Hildebrand (1806-1884). Printing run: 800 copies.

BLACKBURN: Hiberno-Norse coins of the Helmet type; BLUNT+LYON: Some notes on the mints of Wilton and Salisbury; JONSSON: Bror Emil Hildebrand and the Borup hoard; JONSSON+van der MEER: Mints and moneyers c. 973-1066; KLUGE: Das älteste Exemplar von Agnus Dei-Typ; LEIMUS: A fourteenth Agnus Dei penny of Æthelræd II; METCALF: Can we believe the very large figure of £72.000 for the geld levied by Cnut in 1018 ?; PAGAN: The coinage of Harold II; PETERSSON: Coins and weights. Late Anglo-Saxon pennies and mints c. 973-1066; SMART,V.: Osulf Thein and others: double moneyer´s names on the late Anglo-Saxon coinage; STEWART: Coinage and recoinage after Edgar´s reform; TALVIO: The design of Edward the Confessor´s coins.

DEM 115


160) Hildebrand, Hans: Ett fynd aff kufiska mynt i Dalarne, Stockholm 1874, 3 pp.

DEM 10


161) Hildebrand, Hans: Brakteatfyndet från Upplan, Stockholm 1877, 7 pp, ill.

Find of Scandinavian gold-bracteates.

DEM 25


162) Hildebrand, Hans: Medeltidens brakteater, Stockholm 1880, 22 pp, ill.

Reflections over bracteate coins of the middle-ages.

DEM 40


163) Hildebrand, Hans: När kommo Germanerna till England ?, Stockholm 1882, 27 pp, ill.

"When was Britain conquered by the Germanic tribes ?"

together with

Hildebrand, Hans: Svenska myntfynd i Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm 1882, 21 pp

Listing of all coin-finds in Sweden unearthed between 1704-1862.

together with

Hildebrand, Hans: Brakteaten från Åsum i Skåne, Stockholm 1882, 5 pp, ill.

Scandinavian gold-bracteat found 1882 - with diameter 123 mm the biggest specimen ever.

DEM 70


164) Hildebrand, Hans & Tegner,É.: Silverfynd från Botels i Hafdhems socken, Gotland, Stockholm 1883, 24 pp.

Swedish find of 2266 cufique coins, bits and pieces - the 220 unbroken coins are all described.

DEM 85


165) Hildebrand, Hans & Tegner,É.: Silverfynd från Grausne i Stenkyrka socken, Gotland, Stockholm 1884, 20 pp.

Swedish find of 331 cufique coins, bits and pieces - the 171 unbroken coins are all described.

DEM 75


166) Hildebrand, Hans: Myntfundet från Mölndal, Göteborg 1884, 25 pp.

Swedish find of German coins 975-1060.

DEM 75


167) Hildebrand, Hans: Myntfyndet från Dælie i Norge, Stockholm 1885, 11 pp.

DEM 65


168) Hildebrand, Hans: Nordens äldsta mynt, Stockholm 1885, 13 pp of which 2 is plates.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka,

together with

Hildebrand, Hans: Svenska myntfynd i k. Myntkabinettet, Stockholm 1885, 6 pp.

DEM 45


169) Hildebrand, Hans: Angelsaksiska myntfynd i Sverige efter 1845, Stockholm 1886, 13 pp.

A listing of Anglo-Saxon coin-finds unearthed in Sweden after 1845.

DEM 30


170) Hildebrand, Hans: De romerska denarerne i mellersta och norra Europa, Stockholm 1901, 18 pp.

Ouverture on Roman coins and finds in Sweden.

DEM 45


171) Hildebrand, Hans: Sedelsamlingen i Riksbankens myntkabinett, Stockholm 1915, 195+80 pp.

DEM 88


173) Holm, Johan Christian: Grønlands møntvæsen. pp 33-52 in NNUM 1944, ill.

Important survey of coins, banknotes and tokens used at Greenland 1803-1943.

DEM 21


174) Holm, Johan Chr.: Danmarks mønter 1848-1947, København 1965, 67 pp.



175) Holmberg, Daniel: Mynt af guld, silfver och koppar präglade i Sverige och dess utländska besittningar 1478-1892 samt i Norge efter föreningen med Sverige. Stockholm 1894, 59 pp + Tillägg , Stockholm 1899, 8 pp.

DEM 65


176) Holmboe, C.A.: Beskrivelse over Mynter, tilhørende det Bergenske Musæum. Bergen 1836, 4 pp, I plate.

Description of coins belonging to the Museum of Bergen all nicely illustrated in etchings. Extremely rare.

DEM 100


177) Holmboe, C.A.: Mynter fra Middelalderen, fundne ved Egersund, pp 329-368, Tafeln X-XIII (Komplett), Bergen 1837.  - photo 

Ein Fund von 1.500 deutschen und englischen Münzen des 10. und 11. Jh. Sehr wichtiger Reference-Fund.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8090: † DEM 330]

DEM 450


178) Holmboe, C.A.: Bemærkninger angaaende Præget paa nogle Guldbracteater, Bergen 1837, 4 pp

together with

Holmboe, C.A.: Tillæg til Bemærkninger angaaende Præget paa nogle Guldbracteater, Bergen 1838, 3 pp, 1 plate.

Nordic goldbracteates. Selten.

DEM 295


179) Holst, Gunnar: Antika årtalsmynt. Göteborg 1984, 27 pp, ill.

Antique coins bearing datings of the years of issue.

DEM 10


180) Holst, Hans: Gerhard Schønnings optegnelser om myntfunn i Norge, Trondheim 1939, Sonderdruck 24 pp, ill.

Antiquarian Gerhard Schønnings notes of coin-finds in Norway discovered before 1800 is published.

[Riibe 12, lot 853: † NOK 375]

DEM 110


181) Holst, Hans: Et brev fra C.J.Thomsen til C.J.Schive, med forord og anmerkninger av Hans Holst. pp 53-66 in NNUM 1944, ill.

A letter 1860 from C.J.Thomsen to C.J.Schive concerning German medieval coins.

DEM 21


182) Holst, Hans: Myntfunnet fra Sløgstad, Bergen 1948, Sonderdruck 23 pp, 2 Tafeln.

Enthält deutsche und englische Münzen des 10. und 11 .Jh.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8091: DEM 80]

DEM 85


183) Holst, Hans: Nye bidrag till belysning av Honfunnets mynter. pp 17-27 in NNÅ 1951, Stockholm 1953, 146 pp, ill.

Fresh contributions to the elucidation of the Hon find coins. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


184) Holst, Hans: Numismatiske kirkefunn i Norge. pp 1-31 in NNÅ 1953, Stockholm 1955, 243 pp, ill.

The 50 numismatic church-finds in Norway are dealt with. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


185) Holst, Hans: Myntfunnet fra St. Olavs Voll i Sarpsborg. pp 110-114 in NNUM 1954, ill.

Norwegian find 1852 of mostly German coins from 900-1000- years

DEM 13


186) Holst, Hans: Brøholtfunnene. pp 89-114 in NNÅ 1957/58, Stockholm 1958, 287 pp, ill.

Critical revision and additions resp. supplementary remarks to C.A.Holmboe´s out of date account of the Brøholt hoards in "Brøholtfundet. Mynter fra 10de og 11te Aarhundrede", 1869. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


187) Högberg,Th.: Gamla mynt och deras öden, Göteborg 1956, 66 pp ill.

Ways and tales of old coins, old collectors and old forgerers; 12 different articles of various topics e.g.: Elias Brenner, Gustaf Cavalli, plåtmynt, The forgerer from Trollhättan. Printing run: 1.000 individually numbered copies.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2656: † SEK 325]

DEM 73


188) Högberg, Th.: Svenska numismatiker under fyra sekler. En biografisk-bibliografisk handbok, Göteborg 1961, 271 pp, portraits. - photo

Description of evolution of numismatic research in Sweden. 70 Swedish numismatists of the last four centuries are portraited in life and career. As a supplement is thrown in the up to now most comprehensive Swedish numismatic bibliography printed yet on some 30 pages. Useful and scarce.

DEM 180


189) Ilisch, Peter: Zur Datierung der in nordischen Funden vorkommenden ottonischen Münzen von Köln. pp 123-144 in NNÅ 1983/84, Ekenäs 1990, 231 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars. Printing run: 500 copies.

DEM 95


192) International Numismatic Commission: A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977. Berne 1979, 526 pp.

Very useful international numismatic bibliography.

DEM 120


193) International Numismatic Commission: Compte rendu 25-26, Wetteren 1978-1979, 52-51 pp.

The annual reports of INC including writings of the history of various public Museum collections: The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Metcalf) - Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Pollard) - Hunter Coin Cabinet, Glasgow (Bateson) and Royal Collection of Coins and Medals Collection, Copenhagen (Mørkholm) - Hungarian National Museum (István Gedai).

DEM 15 each


194) Jablonsky, V.B.: Medaille om indfødsretten, København 1908, 3 pp, ill.

Medal 1776 engraved by Daniel Jensen Adzer on the order of 32 wealthy citizens. Number of medals struck was 163.



195) Jacobsen, Anne [:=Kromann]: Skattefundet fra Hammershus. pp 229-234 in NNUM 1967, ill.

Find of 22 German gold coins from 1400-1500-years.

DEM 10


196) (Jacobsen, Erling Vester dedicated): docuumentation. 1701-MÖNTEN PAA NYE ÆVENTYR. eller: eet beskjedent bieDrag tiL ærliege ærling Wester iacobsöns mInde med samt eet forskræCkeliegt instrUCtions-stuudiUM I anVendt U-ærlieg blad-reporter methodIIC. endVIdere eet anhang til tryCksagen sViinske hIstorier. Kiöbenhaun (1. Nov. 1996), 104 pp, ill. 4º. - photographscoop / info / quotes / reviews / demo / photo 

Published to the honour of numismatic newspaper-columnist and token-collector Mr. E.V.Jacobsen, Malling (born Aug. 12 1950). Contributions from various authors.

Bogen er en fortsættelse og et supplement til Jørgen Sømods bog »Svinske historier. et aLdeLes nødvendIgt bIdrag tIL den rette forståeLse af det sIdste hundrede års hændeLser bLandt nuMismatIkkens Venner I Danmark, hVorVed der også gøres opmærksom på en række bLandt kendere Værende mIsforståelser. endVIdere oplysnInger om, hVorLedes sager af anden beskaffenhed er søgt behandLet«, København [1. november 1989], 66 sider, ill

DEM 28


197) Jacobsen, Holger: Nødpengesedler, 1973, 4 pp, ill.

Notgeldscheine from Haderslev and Aabenraa 1920.



198) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Møntfundet fra Kirial på Djursland, pp 37-168, davon 12 Tafeln.

Ausfürliche Bearbeitung des riesigen Sterling- und Hohlpfenning-Fundes von Kirial (Jütland). Grundlegend für die Erfassung und Ordnung der norddeutschen Sterling- und Hohlpfennigprägung (Hamburg, Lübeck usw) des früheren 14. Jh. Referencen-Fund von 81.422 Münzen, verborgen ab ca. 1365. Die seit 1904 vertretene Datierung des Beginns der Wittenprägung in die 1340er Jahre ist nachdrücklich in Zweifel gesogen. Englischer Zusammenfassung.

[Tietjen 67, lot 2533: † DEM 160]

DEM 110


199) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Mønterne fra Ostindiefareren "Wendela". pp 31-67 in NNÅ 1973/74, Lund 1975, 201 pp, ill., bound.

The coins from the East Indiaman "Wendela". English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 42


201) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Medaljen över Jan Baptist Teczynski och Cecilia Vasa. Ett stycke 1500-talshistoria. Göteborg 1979, 47 pp, ill.

Swedish medal by a polish medalist.

DEM 14


202) Jensen, Jørgen Steen m.flere: Skattefundet fra Rådved, 53 pp, Højbjerg 1978, bunden.

Nachweis, dass es sich bei den aus schriftlichen Quellen der späten 1360er Jahre bekannten schlechten schleswig-holsteinischen Münzen um die in diesem jütländischen Fund und weiteren dänischen Funden (1976) stark vertretenen Hohlpfennige gehandelt hat. 25 englische sterlinge 1216-1377, und 3167 hamburgische Hohlpfennige, Itzehoe, Oldesloe, Lüneburg, Salzwedel, Lübeck, Bremen, Mecklenburg, Stralsund. Englische Zusammenfassung.

DEM 48


203) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Tsarens persiske guld. 12 pp, ill. + Kromann & Mørkholm: Et samfund i krise. 18 pp, ill. In "Det skabende menneske. Kulturhistoriske skitser tilegnet P.V.Glob", København 1981, bound.

Persien goldcoins donated to the Royal Coin Cabinet, Copenhagen, by the Russian Tsar + Roman coins A.D. 200-300 .

DEM 45


204) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Møntsamlere og forskere. Dansk Numismatisk Forening 1885-1985, København 1985, 125 pp, ill. - photo

The Danish Numismatic Society/Societé Danoise de Numismatique/Dänische Gesellschaft für Numismatik, founded 1885, celebrates it´s 100th year. Printing run: 1.260 copies. Geschichte der dänischen Numismatik der letze 100 Jh.

DEM 24


205) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Møntskattefundet fra Læsø. En formue gemt hen ca. 1672, Hjørring 1986, 20 pp, ill.

Find 1982 of 1.851 coins of thaler-size, mostly Danish but also 156 foreign including Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Glückstadt, Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, Hamburg, Kur-Sachsen, Minden, Wolffenbüttel.

Next to the Balle-hoard (1968) the biggest thaler-find in Denmark. Reference-find.

DEM 38


206) Jesse, Wilhelm & Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Die deutschen Münzmeister in Schweden. pp 61-74 in NNÅ 1963, Stockholm 1964, 219 pp, ill.

Informations of German born mintmasters also working in Sweden. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


207) Junge, Evald: The Seaby coin encyclopedia, London 1992, 297 pp, ill.

DEM 45


208) Jørgensen, P.J.: Danish orders and medals,Copenhagen 1964, 124 pp, ill.

English language.

[Tietjen 64, lot 3246: † DEM 70]

DEM 75


209) Kaaber, K.G.: Introduktion til en nyordning af de danske udmøntninger i tiden fra Valdemar den 2. Sejr´s senere regeringsår til Valdemar den 4. Atterdag. Niels Stigsens møntreform af 1234/35 og dens skæbne indtil hans fald i 1245, København 1986, 29 pp, ill.

Einführung in eine Neuordnung der dänischen Münzprägungen in der Zeit der späteren Regierungsjahre Valdemars II. bis zu Valdemar IV. Niels Stigsens Münzreform von 1234/35 und ihr Schicksal bis zu seinem Fall 1245. Deutscher Zusammenfassung.

DEM 38


211) Kjellberg, Lennart: De s.k. Birkamynten, Stockholm 1917, 6 pp.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka.

together with

Galster,Georg: Vesterås-hulpenninge fra Knut Eriksson og hans nærmeste efterfølgere, Stockholm 1917, 6 pp, ill.

Coin-types found in the Dælie-hoard, the Bünstorff-hoard and the Södermanland-hoard is shown to belong to the period of the reign of Knut Eriksson.

DEM 45


212) Kluge, Bernd: Die Halberstädter Münzen des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts in Schweden. pp 57-96 in NNÅ 1985/86, Ekenäs 1991, 173 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


214) Kromann, Anne: Mønterne fra Lundeborg. Svendborg 1990, 11 pp, ill.

Finds 1986-89 of 72 Roman coins.

DEM 33


215) Kromann, Anne: Recent Roman coin finds from Denmark. Supplement to Breitenstein and Balling. pp 59-122 in NNÅ 1983/84, Ekenäs 1990, 231 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars. Printing run: 500 copies.

DEM 95


216) Kromann,Anne: Romersk guld. Mønter i Den kgl. Mønt- og Medaillesamling, Københ. 1989, 51 pp, zahlr.farb. Abb.

History of Roman gold-coins as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen. English summary.

DEM 17


217) Kromann, Anne + Mørkholm, Otto: Danske guldmøntfund fra middelalderen, København 1966, 31 pp, ill.

Listing of finds in Denmark of German goldcoins 1350-1550.

DEM 45


218) Kurck, Arvid: Om lädermynten, Stockholm 1874, 11 pp

together with

Nilsson, Sven: Om lädermynten, Stockholm 1874, 10 pp.

Dealing with the old tall stories of coins made out of leather. Mr. Nilsson is for them, claiming he owns one !

DEM 42


219) Kunzel, Michael: Königlich-dänische und herzoglich-schleswig-holsteinische Münzen in mecklenburgischen Funden des 16-18. Jhrdts. pp 148-165 in: NNÅ 1989/90, København 1994, 218 pp, ill., bound.

German language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


220) Kunzel, Michael: Mønter fra Mecklenburg-Güstrow præget i Glückstadt 1692. pp 136-139 in NNUM 1990, ill.

DEM 10


221) Lagerqvist, Lars Olof & Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Sedlar. Stockholm 1971, 223 pp, ill., bound.

Banknotes from all European countries are dealt with in an popular manner.

DEM 38


222) (Lagerquist, Lars O. dedicated): Festskrift till Lars O. Lagerqvist in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXVII, Stockholm 1989, XXI+545 pp, ill., bound.

Festschrift on the occasion of Lagerquist´s 60th birthday. Printing run: 875 copies.

ODELBERG: Konturteckning av en lärd vän - till heder för Lars O. Lagerqvist; ARNOLD,PAUL: Der Ankauf schwedischer Münzen und Medaillen auf der Danziger Auktion 1717. Ein Beitrag zur Sammlungsgeschichte des Dresdner Münzkabinetts; BERTRAND: F.I.D.E.M.; BENDIXEN: Flugten til Sverige; BERGHAUS: Die Beschäftigung mit deutschen Münzen des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts vor Dannenbergs Werk (1876) am Beispiel Duisburg; BLACKBURN: A variety of Cnut´s Short Cross coinage depicting a banner; BRAHME: Frekvensen av stamplika mynt i samma fynd; BRAUNERHIELM: Napoleonmedalj över slaget om Moskva, den 7 september 1812; BRUUN,PATRICK: Myntporträtt och porfyrskulptur; CLAIN-STEFANELLI: Coin or medal ? Politics and numismatics in Walachia in the early seventeenth century; GAMBY: Passagetullar, påveskatt och svensk medeltidsmyntning; GEDAI: Preslavva Civ(itas); GILLILAND: A medal from the Alma Mater; GIMENO: Lars O. Lagerqvist, la Médaille, la F.I.D.E.M.; HATZ,GERT: Sceattafunde vom Krinkberg; HATZ,VERA: Die französischen Münzen des 10./11. Jahrhunderts in den schwedischen Funden der Wikingerzeit; HEIDNER: Une amitié sous le signe de la numismatique: Carl Reinhold Berch et Johann Carl Hedlinger; HERSCHEND: Sorted coins. The weight distribution of denarii, solidi and Darãhim found on Gotland; HOVÉN: From Irãn to Vansö. A hoard with two early and rare islamic coins; ILISCH: Nordische (?) Imitationen zu ottonisch-kölnischen Pfennigen; JACQUIOT: L´influence des auteurs anciens dans des devises de médailles de la Renaissance au XVIIIème siècle; JENSEN,J.S.: Det skånske møntfund fra Buddahus 1894/95. Et bidrag til belysning af Skånes møntmæssige forsvenskning; JONES: Who made the medals of Georges d´Amboise ?; JONSSON: Fyndet från Lyssebäck; KLACKENBERG: To skånske valuter; LAMM+NILSSON: Archaeologia medallica; LEIMUS: Swedish coins in Livonia in the first half of the 16th century (according to written sources); LINDBERGER: Feodal multikonst; LINDBLOM: Saltpollett från S:t Barthélemy; MALECOT: F.I.D.E.M.; MALMER: A note on the coinage of Sigtuna, at the time of Anund Jacob; MAYHEW: Imitation sterlings; METCALF: The availability and uses of gold coinage in England, c. 580-c.670: Kentish primacy reconsidered; MIKOLAJCZYK: The circulation in Northern Europe of coins of the Teutonic order; MOLVÔGIN: Der Münzschattz von Vôru (Werro) und estnische Olof Skötkonung-Münzfunde; NATHORST-BÖÖS: En tidig svensk kurslista; NOONAN: When did dirham imports into tenth-century Sweden decline ?; NORDLIND+WISÉHN: Porträttmedaljonger i Wedgwood över svenskar; OLROG: En släktföreningsmedalj; PETERSON: Belönings- och minnestecken från faraos land; PETERSSON: Igelösafyndet - ett viktigt påpekande; REUTERSWÄRD: En rar mula; RISPLING: Names of die engravers on 10th century islamic coins; SANDSTEDT: "Med ära och härlighet krönte du honom" - ett bidrag till kunskapen om religiös bildpropaganda kring Karl XI:s makttillträde; SÁRKÁNY: Den oförsynta sanningen. Anteckningar om en Strindbergsmedalj; SARVAS: Die mittelalterlichen Brakteaten von Turku (Åbo); SILVEGREN: Wolter von Plettenbergs taler i svenska samlingar; SJÖBERG: Erik den helige - Sveriges rex iustus; SKAARE: En mynt for den store Olof; SMART: The influence of the Norman Conquest on the moneyer´s names of York; STAHL: The Black Death and the mint of Venice; STEFKE: Der Schatzfund von Falsterbo (1888) und die ältesten "Örtuge" (witten) Albrechts von Mecklenburg, Königs von Schweden (Lagerqvist 1); STEGUWEIT: Zur Porträtvorlage der Medaillen Christian Wermuths auf König Karl XII. von Schweden; STRAUBINGER: Jonas Bagge och riksbankens nya sedlar; SUCHODOLSKI: The finding of a Scandinavian coin of the earliest type (KG 3) on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea; SUNDQUIST: Några porträttminiatyrer över samtida numismatiker, myntsamlare och kulturpersonligheter målade av Elias Brenner (1647-1717); TALVIO: Om medaljkonsten i sekelskiftets Finland; TINGSTRÖM: Att bygga ett myntmuseum; WALLÉN: The first bank-note printers of Sweden - and the basis; WESTERMARK: En tetradrachm från Aigai i Aiolis; WIDEEN: Kring Vasatidsmedaljerna; WIECEK: Die Medaillenkunst der Wasa-Zeit in Polen; WISÉHN,EVA: Myntfynden från Gotska Sandön; ÖSTERGREN: Nya fynd av romerska denarer på Gotland; EHRENSVÄRD: Lars O. Lagerqvist - bibliografi.

DEM 115


223) Lagerqvist, Lars O.: Svenska mynt under vikingatid och medeltid samt gotländska mynt, Stockholm 1970,211 pp, ill.

Reference book on Swedish + Danish medieval coins. Long out-of-print and much in demand.

DEM 250 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


224) (Langebek, Jacob): Breve fra Jacob Langebek. Kjøbenhavn 1895, vols I+II, 540 pp. (published by Holger Rørdam).

Jacob Langebek among others was a historian and numismatist active in Denmark 1735-1775. Here is published his letters from this period to other historians of the day. For the scholar only.

DEM 66


225) Lauring, Palle: REGES DANIAE. Danske konger på mønter og medaljer, København 1961, 106 pp.

Danish rulers 1448-1947 as illustrated on artistic coins and medals. Photographs in great enlargement showing numismatic objects as little works of great art.

DEM 44


226) Lilienberg, V.E.: Om svenska mynt och myntvärden, Stockholm 1908, 34 pp in Num.Medd.XVII.

A history of prices and wages in Sweden.

DEM 66


227) Lilienberg, V.E.: Förteckning öfver Timmermansordens Mynt- och Medaljsamling, Stockholm 1910, 83 pp, 1266 Nrn, ill, 1 Tafel.

DEM 25


228) Lindahl, Fritze: Møntfundet fra Ebbelnæs på Møn. pp 11-54 in NNÅ 1952, Stockholm 1954, 167 pp, ill.

A big Danish hoard of 4.711 coins mostly groats (gros tournois), sterlings, and German hollow-pennies. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


229) Lindahl, Fritze: Danmarks mønter 1377-1448, 1957, 20 pp, ill.

Catalogue of Danish coins 1377-1448 inclusive listing of finds.

DEM 27


230) Lindahl, Fritze: Danmarks Mønter 1377-1448. + Mørkholm: Kilder til Danmarks møntvæsen i middelalderen - I. in: NNÅ 1955, Stockholm 1957, 182 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 52


231) Lindahl, Fritze: Valdemarernes mønter, især Anno Domino MCCXXXIIII-mønten, belyst ved løsfund fra kirkerne. pp 50-60 in NNÅ 1963, Stockholm 1964, 219 pp, ill.

The famous Danish anno domino coin with the year 1234 (:MCCXXXIIII) is detailed discussed. This is the oldest coin in the world bearing the year of minting in numbers. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


232) Lindahl, Fritze & Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Skattefundet fra Slagelse 1883, 60 pp, ill, bound.

The Slagelse hoard deposited after 1372 and found 1883 is the biggest Danish medieval gold treasure. 186 goldcoins, 269 silver coins from 1300-years (France, Lübeck, Hohenzollen, Hungary) plus jewellery etc. English summary.

DEM 45


233) Lindgren, Torgny: Översikt över gällande svenska sedlar. pp 93-138 in: NNÅ 1965, Stockholm 1967, 170 pp, ill.

Swedish banknotes. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


234) Lindgren, Torgny: Riksbankens sedelhistoria 1668-1968, Stockholm 1968, 239 pp, 101 b/w plates, 57 colour-plates. Englischer Zusammenfassung. Bunden

Geschichte des schwedischen Papiergeldes.

DEM 120


235) Lindquist, Sune: Birkamynten, Stockholm 1926, 28 pp, ill.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka. Summary in German.

DEM 45


236) Lund, Karl: Das Papiernotgeld von Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg 1914-1923, Berlin (1971), 83 pp, mit zahlr. Textabb.


[Tietjen 60 , lot 2273: † DEM 50]

DEM 55


237) Lund-Jensen, Carl & Sømod, Jørgen: Fortegnelse over frimærkepenge, København 1975, 52 pp, of which 8 is plates.

Catalogue of Danish encased postage stamps of World War II (emergency money).

DEM 55


240) Malmer, Brita: A new Harthacnut coin from "ROE". Lund 1956, 18 pp, ill.

DEM 32


242) Malmer, Brita: Mynt och människor. Uddevalla 1968, 170 pp, ill., bound.

Vikingage coinage in Scandinavia. Much sought.

[Ahlström 52A, lot 2674: † SEK 300]

DEM 95


243) (Malmer,Brita dedicated): Festschrift für Brita Malmer. Hikuin 11, Højbjerg 1985, 340 pp, ill., bunden.

Festschrift on the occasion of Brita Malmer's 60th birthday. Contributions from 31 writers and scholars. English summaries. Printing run: 2.300 copies. Aufsätze von 31 Autoren zur mittelalterlichen Numismatik meist des Nord- und Ostseeraums.

GRIERSON: The date of Theoderic´s gold medallion; ZAK, JAN: Fundumstände der skandinavischen Goldbrakteaten vom Typ C aus Polen, 1850; BENDIXEN: Skandinaviske fund af sceattas; NOONAN: The first major silver crisis in Russia and the Baltic c. 875-c. 900; KROMANN: Kufiske dirhemer fremkommet i Danmark efter 1938; HAMMARBERG+RISPLING: Graffiter på vikingatida mynt; ARCHIBALD: A Scandinavian coin of Carolingian type from the Cuerdale hoard; SMART: The moneyers of St. Edmund; BLACKBURN: English dies used in Scandinavian imitative coinages; HATZ,VERA: Nachlese zum Krinkberg-Fund; HATZ, GERT: Malmer CE II/Hus; ILISCH: Der Münzfund von Steinfeld; ; SUCHODOLSKI: Imitation of the coinage of Æthelraed II in Central Europe; GEDAI: Dates of hoards in Sweden and the coinage of Stephen I of Hungary; BECKER: Lund-Odense-Lund. Numismatiske bidrag til Danmarks historie i 1040´erne; TALVIO: The long cross type of Æthelræd II in Finnish finds; JONSSON: Mellan vikingatid och medeltid. Uppkomsten av den medeltida myntningen i Sverige; POSSELT: Nogle danske mønter med gejstlige fremstillinger før ca. 1150; KLUGE: Schriftbrakteaten der Halberstädter Bischöfe Gero und Ulrich 1170-1177/78; POULSEN: Mønter i den senmiddelalderlige danske agrarøkonomi; SKAARE: Norske funn av svenske mynter preget før 1319; BERG, KARIN: Mynter fra en stavkirke i Gudbrandsdalen; LAGERQVIST: Kring trekronorsvapnet på svenska 1300-tals mynt; JENSEN, J.S.: De ældste Visby guter og EBBELNÆS-fundet; SARVAS: En ny typ av Karl Knutssons Stockholmsörtugar; KIERSNOWSKI: Zwischen Osten und Westen. Die ältesten Litauischen Münzen; GOLABIEWSKI: En senmedeltida svensk-dansk myntskatt i Vättern; AAGAARD: Stempelundersøgelse af Frederik III´s danske 2-skillinge 1648; BRUUN, P.: Kushankronologin fastställd ? WESTERMARK: Brita Malmer - En bibliografi 1948-1984.

DEM 100


244) Malter, Joel L.: Byzantine Numismatic Bibliography 1950-1965. Chicago 1968, 59 pp, bound.

DEM 52


245) Mansfeld-Bûllner, H.V.: Afbildninger af Danske Mønter fra Tidsrummet 1241-1377, reprint København by Johan Chr. Holm, 5 Bll., 51 Tafeln, 12 Bll. Register.

Abbildungen sämtlicher bis jetzt bekannten dänischen Münzen des Zeitraumes 1241-1377.

[Tietjen 65, lot 2426: † DEM 52]

DEM 55


246) Marquard, Emil: Kongelige Kammerregnskaber fra Frederik III.s og Christian V.s Tid. København 1918, 639 pp.

The accounts from the kings personal chamber is published. As the issuance of coins were the kings personal "business" these accounts offcourse is an extremely important primary source for the scholar. The period 1652-1699 is covered. Also useful information of prices and wages, the monetary system and exchange rates between the various cointypes in circulation at the time.

DEM 66


247) Mathiesen, Hans Erik: Grækernes mønter, Aarhus 1988, 233 pp, 7 maps, richly illustrated.  - photo 

The late author was a lecturer in Greeks at The University of Aarhus and also a numismatist in the fields of ancient coins.

Generally presentation of Greek coins as those little master-pieces of art they often represents. Includes a lot of wonderfully pictured photographs of beautiful greek coins. A great number in enlargements. Coins originates from the major European museums.

This book went out-of-print rather early. A nice book to glance in.

DEM 98 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


248) Melnikova, A.S.: Dennings in the history of the Russian-Danish relations. pp 166-181 in: NNÅ 1989/90, København 1994, 218 pp, ill., bound.

Christian IV 1619-1620 and Russia. New chains of die-links are established. English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


249) Mikolajczyk, Andrzej: Flow of late medieval coins from Western Pomerania, the Teutonic Order and Poland to Scandinavia. pp 71-112 in: NNÅ 1989/90, København 1994, 218 pp, ill., bound.

English language. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


250) Moltke, Erik: De danske runemønter og deres prægere. pp 1-56 in NNÅ 1950, København 1950, 173 pp, ill.

The total of 519 Danish runic coins is listed. Of the about 70 moneyers names found, about 10 can with certainty be ascribed to England. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 65


251) Montelius, Oscar: Romerska och byzantiska mynt, funna i Sverige, Stockholm 1872, 17 pp, ill.

Roman and Byzantine coins found in Sweden with 3 etchings of Roman coins.

DEM 23


252) Molvygin, Andreas (Molvõgin, Arkady): Über die Münz- und Geldgeschichte Estlands vom Beginn der einheimischen Münzprägung bis zum II. Viertel des 15. Jhdts. pp 37-65 (deutscher Text) in: NNÅ 1969, Stockholm 1970, 269 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 58


253) Morgenstierne, Bredo: Myntfund i Kalfarlien, Bergen 1914-15, Sonderdruck 8 pp, ill.

Ein Fund (1910) zeitgenössischer Fälschungen von 1.743 norwegischer Münzen des späten 13. Jh.(Erik Magnussøn.)

[Oslo Mynthandel 45, lot 118: † NOK 350]

DEM 90


254) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Fortegnelse over danske møntauktions-kataloger, København 1980, (44) pp, 553 entries. - reviews

Bibliography of 553 Danish+Norwegian coin auction-catalogues 1684-1979. With alphabetic name-index of the owner´s of the collections sold. Printing run: 150+27 individually numbered copies.

DEM 130 (out-of-print; antiquarian only)


255) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Dansk-Norsk Myntpris-Årbok 1995/96. Hammerslagspriser fra offentlige auksjoner 1994 + 1995. 7.000 auksjonspriser på mynter fra Danmark 1448-1995, Trankebar 1620-1845, Slesvig-Holsten 1514-1864, Norge 1483-1814, Dansk Vest India 1740-1917, danske konger i Sverige 1449-1565 , Oslo 1996, 212 + [34] pp, gebunden. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

7.000 Auktionsergebnisse auf öffentl. Auktionen 1994+1995 für schleswig-holsteinische, dänische und norwegische Münzen erzielt auf 34 Auktionen der Jahre 1994 und 1995. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt.

7.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 34 public auctions 1994+1995 from Slesvig-Holsten, Denmark and Norway. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins. (Out-of-print at the publishers; antiquarian only).

DEM 116 (Ausverkauft beim Verlag – nur antiquarisch)


256) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Svenska Myntpris-Årsboken 1995/96. Klubbade priser från offentliga auktioner 1994 + 1995. 7.000 auktionspriser på mynt från Sverige 1521-1995, Reval, Riga, Livland, Elbing, Thorn, Pommern , Stralsund, Wismar, Bremen & Verden, Mainz, Nürnberg och andra besittningsmynt 1561-1721-1815-1903, Oslo 1996, 247 + [40] pp, gebunden. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

7.000 Auktionsergebnisse auf öffentl. Auktionen 1994+1995 für schwedische inkl. deutsche Besitzungs-Münzen erzielt auf 37 Auktionen der Jahre 1994 und 1995. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt. Vorwort im deutsch und englisch.

7.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 37 public auctions 1994+1995 from Sweden, Saint Bartholomew and German possession coins. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins.

DEM 116 (Ausverkauft beim Verlag – nur antiquarisch)


257) Mullik, Christian: Christian IXs erindringsmedaille. Et uudsletteligt minde, København 1944, 4 pp, ill.

Royal order presented to 44 soldiers only at the death of king Christian IX 1906.



258) Mørck, F.: Tønder bys nødpenge, 1962, 7 pp, ill.

Private Notgeldscheine from the town of Tondern around 1810 and around 1920.



259) Mørkholm, Otto: The ptolemaic coins of an uncertain era, in NNÅ 1975-76, pp 23-58, ill, bound

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 48


260) Mørkholm, Otto & Johansen, Bente Friis & Kromann, Anne & Poulsen, Bjørn: De skriftlige kilder til Danmarks middelalderlige møntvæsen. Et udvalg 1085-1500, København 1989, 208 pp.

Primary written sources for the medieval monetary history of Denmark.

DEM 40


262) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Myntkatalogen i tvåhundra år, Stockholm 1966, 37 pp.

Bibliography of Swedish coin auction-catalogues 1706 up to ca. 1900. - photo

DEM 32


263) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Börs och bössa. Västerås 1970, 80 pp, ill., bound.

Sparbüchsen, savings-boxes.

DEM 58


264) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Hela världens tjuv. En studie i straffen för mynt- och sedelförfalskningsbrotten före cirka 1850. Stockholm 1973, 192 pp, ill.

Ein Studium in Falschmünzer und Banknotenverfälscher und ihre Strafe für die Verbrechens. Antike bis ca. 1850. Deutsche Zusammenfassung auf 7 Seiten.

DEM 68


265) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Mynt i mittens rike. En Kina-krönika i 4000 år. Stockholm 1976, 32 pp, ill.

Exhibition catalogue of 4000 years of Chinese coinage.

DEM 10


266) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst: Anteckningar kring tidiga myntsamlingar och deras förvaring. Göteborg 1983, 40 pp, ill.

The ways and art of coin collecting in former centuries. Geschichte auf Münzsammlung und Münzsammlers. Deals with 1600- & 1700- coincabinets used for the storing of coins. Very interesting and amusing illustrations of early coincabinets/Münzschränke.

DEM 18


267) Nathorst-Böös, Ernst & Wiséhn, Ian: Numismatiska forskare och myntsamlare i Sverige fram till 1830-talet, in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXVI, Stockholm 1987, 128 pp, ill., bound. - photo

Biographies of 200 Swedish coincollectors, scientists, etc. from 1600-, 1700- up to 1830. Important and hard-to-get information gathered here. Printing run: 635 copies.

DEM 75


268) Nielsen, William: Lidt om Trankebar og Trankebarmønter, København 1929, reprint 1974, 64 pp, ill.

DEM 28


269) Nohejlova-Prátová, Emanuela: Trésor de Kosice. Trouvaille de monnaies d´or du Xve au XVII siècles à Kosice en 1935. Praha 1948, 359 pp, XVI plates.

Enormous find of 1.755 European goldcoins (Ducats) 1400-1600-years including 195 German pieces. All very detailed listed and described.

DEM 125


270) Nordman, C.A.: Anglo-Saxon coins found in Finland, Helsingfors 1921, 92 pp Folio, II Tafeln, 2 Tabellen, 1 Karte.

Sylloge of 797 English, 17 Irish and 28 Scandinavian imitative coins found in Finland. English language. (sehr selten)

DEM 275


271) Nordman, C.A.: Nordens äldsta mynt, Helsinki 1923, 18 pp, ill.

Discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka.

DEM 56


272) Nöbbe, Erwin: Møntfundet fra sankt Hans kirke i Flensborg juni 1897. pp 73-80 in NNÅ 1950, København 1950, 173 pp, ill.

Find in Flensburg of 6953 Danish coins 1259-1332 from Erik Klipping, Erik Menved and Christopher II. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 65


Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift (NNÅ)

Dieses wichtige, in Deutschland viel zuwenig verbreitete Jahrbuch, das gemeinsame Publikationsforum der gesamten wissenschaftlichen Numismatik Skandinaviens, ist auch für die deutsche, zumal die nord-deutsche Numismatik unentbehrlich, es gibt kaum einen Band ohne deutsche Bezüge, sei es auch nur in den Fundpublikationen.

Die Bände enthalten eine fülle von Aufsätzen zur antiken, mittelalterlichen, neuzeitlichen und islamischen Numismatik; viele Beiträge haben Bezüge zur deutschen Numismatik. Die Aufsätze sind in den Skandinavischen Sprachen (oft mit deutscher Zusammenfassung), vielfach aber auch auf deutsch oder englisch verfasst.

[Tietjen 67, lot 2862: † DEM 1.650]

[Tietjen 68, lot 1868: † DEM 1.700]

[Kolbe 76, lot 591: † USD 1.000]


273) A complete set NNÅ consisting of all 47 years in 42 binds from 1936 to 1982 (8 are bound) DEM 1.850

Weight: 21 kg.


274) NNÅ 1971-1982 DEM 200

Weight: 5 ½ kg.

8 volumes; all bound


Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift (NNÅ)

275) Jahrgange 1956-1959, broschiert each DEM 50

276) Jahrgange 1960-1968, broschiert each DEM 34

This yearbook series has numerous articles with important relations to German numismatics.


Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift (NNÅ)

277) Jahrgange 1971-1974,1979-1980, 1982, bound each DEM 42

This yearbook series has numerous articles with important relations to German numismatics.


278) Jahrgang 1987-88 [published 1992] DEM 98


Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift (NNÅ) - an index 1936-1970 :

280) Rosén, Hans-Åke: Författarregister, pp 236-249 in NNÅ 1971, bound DEM 42

Bibliography. Index to this important series 1936-1970.



Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad (NNUM)

281) Jahrgange 1956-1959 each DEM 31

282) Jahrgange 1960-1969 each DEM 27

283) Jahrgange 1970-1989 each DEM 23

284) Jahrgange 1990-1999 each DEM 35

This Scandinavian magazine has numerous articles with important relations to German numismatics.


Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad (NNUM) - an index 1936-1970 :

285) Rasmussen + Steenstrup: Numismatisk index, København 1976, 154 pp, bound.  - photo

Bibliography. Printing run: 1.000 copies. Index to the two important Danish magazines Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad (NNUM) 1936-1970 and it´s predecessor Numismatisk Forenings Medlemsblad (NFM) binds I-XIV 1916-1936. With detailed grouping in subjects.

These two magazines has numerous articles with important relations to German and antique numismatics.

DEM 55 (out-of-print; antiquarian only)


286) Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXI, Stockholm 1973, 228 pp, zahlr. Abb., bunden.

Festschrift of Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen celebrating the society´s 100th year.

LUNDSTRÖM: Silverringar som pengar under vikingatiden; MALMER: Bidrag till studiet av Ethelredimitationer med obegripliga inskrifter; EHRENSVÄRD: Bokstäver och numismatik; HEMMINGSSON: Ett klippingfynd från Västerås; NATHORST-BÖÖS: Kurssättning och värdering av svenska mynt i utländska valutahandböcker och förordningar 1546-1623; RASMUSSON: Mikael Hohenauer i Prag och Mikael Hohenauer i Stockholm; TINGSTRÖM: Heligholm. Myntfynden från ca. 1715; OLSSON: Hedlinger, Lagom och Epiktetos; LINDGREN: Till frihetstidens kamp mot sedelförfalskning och sedelefterapning; OLROG: St.Barthélemys kontramarkeringar; LAGERQVIST: Porträtt av en sedelförfalskare. English summaries.

DEM 70 (out-of-print; antiquarian only)


287) Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXIV, Stockholm 1983, 232 pp, zahlr. Abb., bunden.

Festschrift of Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen celebrating the society´s 110th year.

KYHLBERG: Solidus. Metodologiska studier i 400- och 500-talens myntskatter; HERSCHEND: Solidusvikt; JONSSON: Översikt över fastlandsmyntningen ca. 1180-1250; GOLABIEWSKI: Studie av 1300-talsbrakteater i ett depåfynd från Närke; ALMER & CARLSSON: Äkta och falska guldklippingar 1587-1626; BERGROTH: Pro Benigitnitate Humana. Minnesmedaljen för humanitär verksamhet; u.a. English summaries.

DEM 60


288) Numismatiska Meddelanden XL: Myntningen i Sverige 995-1995. Stockholm 1995, 298 pp, ill., bound.

Festschrift celebrating the first 1000 years of coinage in Sweden. Also listings of mints, mintmasters, engravers and museums with coincollections. Printing run: 1.000 copies.

MALMER: Från Olof till Anund. Ur Sigtunamyntningens historia; KILGER: Myntfynd och den vikingatida silverhandeln; JONSSON: Från utländsk metall till inhemskt mynt; HOLMBERG: När kungens mynt blev allmogens mynt. En översikt över mynt, myntning och myntens roll i det svenska samhället under 1200-tallet; LANNBY: Makt, mark och penningar; ELFVER+FRÖSELL: Unionstiden och internationaliseringen; LAGERQVIST: Äldre vasatid; TINGSTRÖM: Stormaktstidens penningväsen; TALVIO: Sedlarnas århundrade. Mynt och pappersmynt från 1724 till 1818; WISÉHN: Från kaos till ordning. 1800-talets betalningsmedel; WETTMARK: Den moderna mynthistorien. Nya metaller; SILVEGREN: Skånelands mynthistoria.

DEM 78


289) (Oldenburg, J.F.H.):Förteckning öfver Framlidne Kontorschefen J.F.H.Oldenburgs Svenska Myntkabinett med betalda auktionspriser, Stockholm 1898-1899 (Bukowski auctions 113,115,119), modern reprint [Borås], 73+7 pp.

DEM 42


290) (Oldenburg, J.F.H.): Beskrifning öfver J.F.H.Oldenburgs samling af svenska, svenska besittningarnes och landtgrefven Fredriks (konung Fredrik I) hessiska mynt. Stockholm 1883, 406 pp, bound.

Reprint [1964]. The most complete single reference work on Swedish coins that has ever been published. Covers the period from Olof Skötkonung´s reign in the 10th century up to the reign of King Oskar II at the end of the 19th century. Still used today.

DEM 95


292) Parsons, H. Alexander: The earliest coins of Norway. New York 1926, 41 pp, ill. in NNM no. 29. - photo

990-1040 vikingage coins.

DEM 95


293) Person [:=Gamby], Erik: Bidrag till Olof-Skötkonungs-myntens kronologi. OFFPRINT from NNÅ 1936, 19 pp, ill.

Of the chronology of the Olof Skötkonung coins ca. 994-1010. Including listing of all known Swedish+Danish finds of these coins.

A contribution for the discussion of the oldest coins from the Nordic countries: Sven Tveskæg, Olof Tryggvesson, Olof Skötkonung, Erik Håkansson and the oldest minting places used in the Nordic area: Hedeby and Birka,

DEM 32


294) Person, Erik: Myntskatten från Kungahälla, Göteborg 1937, 14 pp, 1 Tafel

Swedish find from 1863 of 1.500 Norwegian letter-bracteates 1263-1319.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8179: DEM 50]

DEM 55


295) Person, Erik: Sveriges mynt 1855-1873 (Riksmyntperioden). Myntbeskrivning med 4 planscher. Stockholm 1939, 30 pp of which 4 plates.

DEM 38


) Person: - also see Gamby, Erik -


296) Platbãrzdis, Aleksandrs: Ryska sedlar tryckta i Stockholm. pp 82-163 in NNÅ 1959, Stockholm 1960, 199 pp, ill.

Russian banknotes were manufactured in Sweden 1919. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 40


297) Platbãrzdis, Aleksandrs: Sveriges första banksedler. Stockholms Bancos sedelutgivning 1661-1668. Stockholm 1960, 234 pp, [86] plates, bound. 4º.

Very intensive work of the first ever issued banknotes in any European country. 12 pages of English summary.

[Antikören 18, lot 724: † SEK 410]

DEM 125


298) Platbãrzdis, Aleksandrs: Sveriges sedlar 1661-1961. Vol. I: Stockholms Banco. Sveriges Riksbank - Vol. II: Statliga och enskilda institutioners och företags samt privatpersoners sedlar 1620-1934 - Vol. III: De enskilda bankernas sedlar 1831-1902. Lund 1963+1964+1965, 149+147+283 pp, numerous plates in text, bound.

Reference work of banknotes from Sweden by wellknown papermoney specialist Platbãrzdis. Important and much sought. English summary.

DEM 370


299) Platbãrzdis, Aleksandrs: Coins and notes of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Stockholm 1968, 123 pp of wich 53 is plates, bound.

Standardwerk für Münzen und Papiergeld der drei baltischen Staaten. English language.

[Peus 331, lot 8242: † DEM 80]

DEM 75


300) Platbãrzdis, Aleksandrs: Die königlich schwedische Münze in Livland. Das Münzwesen 1621-1710, Stockholm 1968, 533 pp, 88 Textabb.

[Tietjen 70, lot 2422: DEM 100]

DEM 110


301) Posselt, Gert: Pengesedler i Danmark 1787-1945, København 1987, 27 pp, ill.

Danish banknotes.

DEM 15


302) Posselt, Gert: Danske prøvemønter præget på Den kongelige Mønt 1983-1989, København 1989, 41 pp, ill.

Refererence catalogue of Danish pattern coins manufactured 1983-1989 and later sold to the public at auctions 1989- .

DEM 12


303) Proschowsky, Paul M.: Trankebar-blykas og dr. Paul Bergsøe. pp 233-240 in NNUM 1949, ill.

Concerning the fabrication of galvanic copies ca. 1890 of Tranquebar-coins made of lead. The orginal master-coins in lead later vanished due to modern times polution; only the galvanos were preserved.

DEM 18


304) Rasmussen, Else: Medaljeudstillingen. Den kgl. Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Nationalmuseets Vejledninger, København 1992, 56 pp, ill.

History of medals in Denmark (+Norway & Schleswig-Holstein) from around 1550 to the present as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 10


305) Rasmussen, Erik: Kurantbankens forhold til staten 1737-73, København 1955, 293 pp.

Kurantbanken was the issuer of papermoney of The Kingdom of Denmark.

DEM 64


306) Rasmusson, N.L.: Ett fynd av nordtyska 1500-talsmynt från Bohuslän, Göteborg 1933, 27 pp, davon 3 Tafeln.

Ein Fund von Münzen des 16 Jh. von Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lüneburg, Lübeck, Mecklenb., Rostock, Stralsund, Wismar, Pommern.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8116: † DEM 45]

DEM 55


307) Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: ANNO DOMINI MCCXXXIIII-myntet. pp 201-217 NFM nr. 13, vol. XIV, København 1935, ill.

The famous Danish anno domino coin with the year 1234 (:MCCXXXIIII) is detailed discussed. This is the oldest coin in the world bearing the year of minting in numbers.

DEM 52


308) (Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig dedicated): Till Nils Ludvig Rasmussons femtioårsdag. special edition of NNUM, issue 5, 1954, pp 101-159, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Rasmussons 50th birthday.

GALSTER: Joachim Frederiks contrafej; HOLST: Myntfunnet fra St. Olavs Voll i Sarpsborg; VOIONMAA: Några synpunkter på den moderna finska medaljkonsten; BOLIN, STURE: Crispinamyntens kronologi; HESSELBLAD: Konung Oscar II:s och drottning Sofias silverbröllopsmedalj 1882; LAGERQVIST: Ett sällsynt bronsmynt från Heraklea i Lukanien; WELIN: Myntstaden Wãsit; LINDGREN: Fäderneslandet. Gustaf III:s valspråk; NATHORST-BÖÖS: Två unika belöningsmedaljer; SCHWABACHER: Kungl. Myntkabinettets samling av grekiska mynt 1946-1954; WIDEEN: Karl XI:s tyska kröningsmedalj; DOLLEY: The Sack of Wilton in 1003 and the chronology of the "long cross" and "helmet" types of Aethelraed II; HÄVERNICK, WALTER: Zum wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Quellenwert der Münzfunde.

DEM 21


309) Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Modern medaljkonst. Stockholm 1955, 136 pp of which 40 is plates.

Exhibition catalogue. The modern art medal is generally presented.

DEM 32


310) Rasmusson, N.L.: Vikingatidens skattefynd. En orientering, Stockholm 1957, 12 pp.

General scientific ways of observing the finds of the Viking period.

DEM 19


311) Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Svenska besittningsmynt. Stockholm 1959, 66 pp, 8 plates.

DEM 10


312) Rasmusson, N.L.: Mynt- och medaljsamlare inom det svenska kungahuset, Stockholm 1962, 31 pp, ill.

Queen Christina and other royal coin-collectors is discussed.

DEM 30


313) (Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig dedicated): Festschrift to Nils Ludvig Rasmusson, in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXX, Stockholm 1965, 243 pp, zahlr. Abb.

MØRKHOLM: The earliest portraits on Greek coins; WESTERMARK: Two Greek silver coins with representations of warriors in the Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm; WELIN: Spanish-Umaiyad coins found in Scandinavia; MATSSON: A silver Dirhem of the Egyptian Mamluk Dynasty, with some observations on Mamluk heraldic devices; BERGHAUS: Der Münzschmuck von Gärsnäs, Ksp. Herrestad (Skåne); MALMER: Die Hirsch-Bilder der ältesten nordischen Münzen; HATZ: Corona Sancti Lamberti; GRIERSON: HENRICVS IMP or ALBRICVS/PRINCIPS. A note on the supposed denaro of Pope Leo IX (1049-54) and Henry III; GALSTER: Norway or Jutland. The unfinished coin work of Ramus and Devegge tab. XXXVI-XXXIX; THORDEMAN: Rex Upsalie; SKAARE: A new archiepiscopal Norwegian coin; DOLLEY: Trí Choróin. A note on the date of the Three-Crown coinage of Ireland; HATZ: Zum Stader Taler der Königin Christine von 1649; PLATBÃRZDIS: Der Bankrott des Münzmeisters Marsilius Philipson in Riga; LINDGREN: Precautions against the counterfeiting of 18th century Swedish banknotes; ERNST: The courant-ducat - a Danish ducat; RUI: The Mint at Kongsberg and the coins, struck during the war years 1807-1814; BENDIXEN: The Dimicandum medal of Christian II of Denmark; RENTHOG: A newly-discovered medal of the renaissance in the Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm; WIDEEN: The Rantzau-medal of 1568; GELDER: Portrait medals of Hugo Grotius; MEER: Dutch medals illustrating Swedish-Dutch relations; SCHWABACHER: Einige Kommentare zu einem emaillierten Goldmedaillon mit dem Bildnis der Königin Christine; LAGERQVIST & NATHORST-BÖÖS: The golden badges, presented by Gustavus III of Sweden to the peasant Godfathers from the estates of the realm in commemoration of the Baptism of the Crown Prince 1778; SVARSTAD: The earliest Wergeland medals. Summaries in english or deutsch. Printing run: 1.500 copies.

DEM 60


314) Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig: Sturetidens svenska myntförhållanden. Göteborg 1970, 27 pp, ill.

Swedish coins 1478-1520.

DEM 22


315) (Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig): Nils Ludvig Rasmusson. Bibliografi 1929-1973, (København 1973), 89 pp, in NNUM, ill.

Mr.Rasmussons bibliography 1929-1973 by Brita Malmer & Lars O. Lagerqvist.

DEM 21


316) Renqvist, Alvar: Arvid Karlsteen. En medaljgravör och konstnär från Karlarnes tid. Helsingfors 1931, 27 pp, XIV plates.

Famous medalist Arvid Karlsteen. See even the book later by Stenström (Göteborg 1944)

[Giessener 75, lot 3993: † DEM 55]

DEM 65


317) Rubow, Axel: Nationalbankens Historie 1818-1878, vols. I-II, København 1918-1920, 455+275 pp , 31 Portrait-Tafeln, 30 eingeklebten Banknotenandrucken auf Origal-Noten-Klichéen, bunden.

Nationalbanken is the Danish papermoney-manufacturer during this period.

DEM 450


318) Rydbeck, Otto: Medeltida kontrollmärken av bly, Stockholm 1928, 27 pp, ill.

Primarily Danish tokens in lead used at Bohus, Skanør, Falsterbo and Hammershus plus beggars-tokens from medieval times to king Christian IV (1588-1648). Summary in German.

DEM 42


319) Rygg, N.: Spörsmålet om skandinavisk myntunion, Stockholm 1928, 14 pp.

Discussion of the Scandinavian monetary- & currency-union.

DEM 19


320) Rønning, Bjørn: Norges mynter 1628-1873. Oslo 1971, 287 pp, ill., bound.

DEM ... ask for availability


321) Rønning, Bjørn R.: Et funn av mynter blant vrakrestene etter den hollandske ostindiafareren "Akerendam". pp 68-115 in NNÅ 1973/74, Lund 1975, 201 pp, ill., bound.

The coins from the East Indiaman "Akerendam". English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 42


322) Rønning, Bjørn: Norges pengesedler og seddel-bankvesen inntil 1874. Del I: Sedler utstedt i København. Omfatter også Danmarks pengesedler 1713-1813. Oslo 1980, 258 pp, ill., bound.

Standard work of Danish + Norwegian banknotes.

DEM 115


323) Rønning, Bjørn R.: Den kongelige Mynt 1628 - 1686 - 1806, Østerås 1986, 342 pp, ill, bound.

The Royal Mint in Norway celebrates it´s 300th year.

DEM 78


325) Sarvas, Pekka: De finska myntskatterna från 1700-tallet. pp 23-146 in NNÅ 1967, Stockholm 1968, 204 pp, ill.

Listing of 383 eighteenth century hoards from Finland with analysis. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 34


326) Sarvas, Pekka: De svenska myntskatterna från 1700-tallet. pp 116-172 in NNÅ 1969, Stockholm 1970, 269 pp, ill.

Listing of 125 eighteenth century hoards from Sweden with reference to the earlier account of corresponding hoards in Finland.English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 58


327) Schive, C.I.: Norges Mynter i Middelalderen. Christiania 1865, XVIII plates on 36 pages. folio.

Reprint Aalborg 1974 of the XVIII plates only from Schive´s reference-work. Foreword by Kolbjørn Skaare.

DEM 59







328) (Mayntzhusen, H. grocer in Hamburg & Johan Joakim Sjöcrona, Wegeholm): Fortegnelse over en fortrinlig Samling af for største Delen velconserverede danske, slesvigske og holstenske samt svenske Mynter og Medailler, som bortsælges ved offentlig Auktion ... d. 26. Mai 1883, Kjøbenhavn 1883.

2051 lots of schleswig-holsteinischer, schwedische und dänische Münzen.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8145: † DEM 150]

DEM 200


329) (Benzon, A.): Fortegnelse over Apotheker Alfred Benzons efterladte Myntsamling. II Afd.,Kjøbenhavn 1886,72 pp.

1222 lots of Schleswig-Holstein coins.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8142: DEM 125]

DEM 135


330) (Mansfeld-Bûllner): Fortegnelse over en fortrinlig Samling svenske og slesvig holstenske Mønter som bortsælges ved offentlig Auktion ... den 24. Maj 1910, København 1910.

553+1337 lots of schleswig-holsteinischer und schwedische Münzen.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8144: † DEM 125]

DEM 175


331) (Haunstrup, Marius): Mønt- og Medaillesamling solgt på Numismatisk Forenings Auktioner. Med vedføjede Salgspriser. København 1949.

3267 lots of schleswig-holsteinischer, norwegische und dänische Münzen

DEM 25


332) (Ernst, Axel): Sammlung Advokat Axel Ernst - Teil I, Auktion Kopenhagen 1965, 52 pp, XIV Tafeln.

1254 lots Münzen, Papiergeld und Medaillen von Dänemark, Norwegen, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen.

DEM 60


333) (Ernst, Axel): Sammlung Advokat Axel Ernst - Teil II, Auktion Kopenhagen 1966, 54 pp, VI Tafeln.

1430 lots Münzen und Medaillen von Dänemark, Norwegen, Schleswig-Holstein.

DEM 60


334) (Glückstadt, Emil): Sammlung Emil Glückstadt, Auktion Kopenhagen 1924.

7301 lots.Bedeutende Samml.von Münzen & Med. von Dänemark,Kolonien,Schleswig-Holstein,Oldenburg,Sachsen-Lauenb.,Schwed. und Norw.

DEM 350


335) (Hauberg, Peter): Fortegnelse over Mønter og Medailler indeholdende afdøde Museumsinspektør P.Haubergs danske Doubletter og Samling af holstenske, norske og svenske Mønter, der bortsælges ved offentlig Auktion Fredag den 3. og Lørdag den 4. Maj 1935, Auktion Kopenhagen 1935. - photo

1009 lots of Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Schleswig-Holstein medieval coins. This is the second part of the Hauberg collection, which most people do not know (1 st part was the wellknown 1929 sale).

DEM 90


336) (Hede, Holger): Sammlung Holger Hede - Teil I, Auktion Kopenhagen 1988, 110 pp, ill.

562 lots of Danish and Schleswig-Holstein coins & medals. Out-of-print and hard to get.

[Oldenburg 29, lot 2172: † DEM 90]

DEM 90 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


337) (Hede, Holger): Sammlung Holger Hede - Teil II, Auktion Kopenhagen 1991, 144 pp, ill.

602 lots of Danish and Schleswig-Holstein coins & medals. The Hede-coll. is of greater importance than e.g. the Ernst-coll.

DEM 50 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


338) (Hede, Holger): Sammlung Holger Hede - Teil III, Auktion Kopenhagen 1994, 185 pp, ill.

748 lots of Danish and Schleswig-Holstein coins & medals.Due to a too low print-run this cat. went out-of-print just a few months after the auction.

DEM 50 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


339) (Lerche-Lerchenborg): The collection of count Christian Lerche, Auktion Kopenhagen 1992,120 pp. 4º.

1511 lots of Danish & Schleswig-Holstein coins. Now out-of-print.

DEM 50 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


340) (Seck,O.): Danish gold coins.The coll.of the late Olaf Seck,Aukt.Kop.1991,115 pp,full four-colour print throughout. 4º. - photo

Danish and Schleswig-Holstein goldcoins only. Printing run: 2.000 copies. This catalogue went out-of-print just shortly after the auction !

DEM 75 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


341) Spink: Important collection of Gold Coins of Denmark, Auktion Zürich June 1983. 4º.

121 lots of Danish and Schleswig-Holstein goldcoins only.

DEM 40




Reference-books and other literature of Schleswig-Holstein relation


342) Galster, Georg: Reynold Junges Møntmesterregnskaber 1534-1540, København 1934, XXVIII + 217 pp, ill.

Danish coins minted for use in Gottorp and Schleswig-Holstein. Reynold Junge, the mintmaster of king Christian III´s Slesvig-Holstein coins, was in 1540-1541 charged and found guilty of peculation. In a settlement it was agreed that Junge paid 127.000 mark penge to the king and furthermore quit his post. However just a few years later in 1545 Junge again was appointed as royal mintmaster. Due to the trial his accounts of the mint is preserved and now published by Galster. The ´secret´ marks put on the various mintings of different fineness are one of the subjects revealed in these accounts.

[Giessener 75, lot 3714: † DEM 110]

DEM 110


343) Galster, Georg: Flensborg mønt, Sønderborg 1967, 61 pp, ill.

Danish and Schleswig-Holstein coins minted in Flensburg 1325-1571. Including listing of finds. Summary in German.

DEM 28


344) Galster, Georg: Unionstidens udmøntninger, Danmark og Norge 1397-1540, Sverige 1363-1521, København 1972, 119 pp Klein-Folio, 260 Textabb., bunden.

Standard-werk. Die skandinavische Münzprägung während der Zeit der "Kalmarer Union" zwischen dem Ende der alten Pfennigwährung im 14. Jh. und dem Anfang der modernen Periode.Auch inkludieren Schleswig-Holstein. Auf S. 17-22 die letzte ausführliche Darstellung der dänischen Münzgeschichte der Jahrzehnte um 1400 in der klassischen Tradition Peter Haubergs, des Begründers der modernen dänischen Mittelalter-Numismatik. Englischer Zusammenfassung. Auflage: 2.000 Stück.

DEM 68


345) Hede, Holger: Danmarks og Norges mønter 1541 · 1814 · 1970, København 1971, XIV, 223 pp Klein-Folio, unzähl. Textabb., zweite revidierte Auflage, bunden.

Standard-work. Also including Schleswig-Holstein. English summary.

DEM 78


346) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Hertug Hans den Yngre, Sønderborg 1971, 198 pp, Karten, zahlr. Münzabb.

Biographie Herzog Johanns d. Jüngeren von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg. Katalog seine (und seiner Söhne) Münzen und Medaillen, mit Fundverzeichnis. Bisher einzige moderne bearbeitung eine Teilgebietes der nicht-königlichen Münzprägung in Schleswig-Holstein. Deutsche Zus.

DEM 58


347) Jørgensen, Carl Thorvald: Beskrivelse over Danske Mønter 1448-1888, Kjøbenhavn 1888, 164 pp, bound. - photo

Standard-work. Also including Schleswig-Holstein.

DEM 375


348) Mortensen, Morten Eske: Dansk-Norsk Myntpris-Årbok 1995/96. Hammerslagspriser fra offentlige auksjoner 1994 + 1995. 7.000 auksjonspriser på mynter fra Danmark 1448-1995, Trankebar 1620-1845, Slesvig-Holsten 1514-1864, Norge 1483-1814, Dansk Vest India 1740-1917, danske konger i Sverige 1449-1565 , Oslo 1996, 212 + [34] pp, gebunden. - quotes / reviews / demo / photo

7.000 Auktionsergebnisse auf öffentl. Auktionen 1994+1995 für schleswig-holsteinische, dänische und norwegische Münzen erzielt auf 34 Auktionen der Jahre 1994 und 1995. Schlagen Sie selbst nach, was der Markt für Ihre Münzen zahlt.

7.000 hammer prices realized for coins put on sale in 34 public auctions 1994+1995 from Slesvig-Holsten, Denmark and Norway. Look up for yourself what the market pays for your coins.

DEM 116 (Ausverkauft beim Verlag – nur antiquarisch)


349) (Mortensen, Morten Eske): RETTELSER OG TILFØJELSER TIL: Holger Hede: Auktion III. Nogle korrektioner til B.Ahlströms og Bruun Rasmussens auktionskatalog, København 1994, pamphlet (4) pp on glossy paper.

Corrections and additions to the auction-catalogue published just 2 or 3 weeks before the auctioning of the third part of the Holger Hede-collection.

When ordering this title is free of charge further included the pamphlet Nytårsbrevet 31. december 1994: Sagkundskab - II ("New Years letter 31 December 1994: Experts Knowledge - Part II") explaining how one get´s cheated by lazy cataloguers who don´t (or doesn´t have the capability to) research the stated rarity of the offered coins at a sufficient level to publish the results in an auction-catalogue. As an effect the buyers at the 3 Hede-auctions were cheated out of there money, since a lot of the coins offered were not near as rare as stated in the presentation of the coins.

DEM 10


351) Nielsen, Axel: Specier · Kroner · Kurant, København 1907, Nachdruck 1973, 168 pp, von diesen zahlr. Tabellen.

Danish and Schleswig-holsteinische coins and minting-tables in the period 1671-1726. Supplement to Wilcke´s books.

DEM 42


352) Schou, H.H.: Beskrivelse af Danske og Norske Mønter 1448-1814 og Danske Mønter 1815-1923, København 1926, 4 Bll. 382 pp Klein-Folio, 51 Tafeln.

Gesuchtes Standard-werk. Originalausgabe. Auflage: 750 Stück. Mit Glossar dänisch/deutsch.

DEM 485


353) Steen Jensen, Jørgen & Bendixen, K. & Liebgott, N.K. & Lindahl, F. & Grinder-Hansen, K. & Posselt, G.:

Danmarks middelalderlige skattefund c. 1050 - c. 1150, Teil I - II, København 1992, 312+338 pp,zahlr.Abb, bunden.

Corpuswerk und Fundkatalog sämtlicher 327 dänischer Münzen-Fundes auf dieser Periode. Grosser Menge schleswig-holsteinische Münzen !

DEM 345


354) Stuhr-Larsen, Bjarne: Forsøg på en dansk-norsk numismatisk bibliografi indtil 1969, København 1972, (28) pp, 849 entries. 4º. - photo

Numismatic bibliography of Danish, Norwegian and of course lots of Schleswig-Holstein related articles and books.

DEM 24


355) Sømod, Jørgen: Danmarks og Norges mønter 1448-1540, København 1967, 69 pp.

Reference-book of Danish, Norwegian and Schleswig-Holstein coins of the period 1448-1540.

DEM 18


356) Sømod, Jørgen: RETTELSER OG TILFØJELSER TIL: Holger Hede: Danmarks og Norges mønter 1541 1814 1977, København 1978, 12 pp, ill.

Corrections and additions published just 2 or 3 weeks after the release of the 3rd edition of Holger Hede´s Standard-work of Danish, Norwegian and Schleswig-Holstein coins.

DEM 26


357) Wilcke, Julius: Kurantmønten 1726-1788, København 1927, 406 pp, zahlr. Abb, Tafeln und Tabellen.

Standard-Werk von Dänische und Schleswig-Holsteinische Münzen.

DEM 200


Schleswig-Holstein, end of




359) (Schultz, Arne): Sønderjyske mejeritegn 1900-1920, Sønderborg 1979, 47 pp, ill.

Meierei-Marken aus Nord-Schleswig (Dänemark).

DEM 17


360) Schwabacher, Willy: The coins of the Vouni treasure reconsidered. pp 67-104 in NNÅ 1947, Stockholm 1949, 196 pp, ill.

Find from Cyprus of greek coins. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 65


361) Schwabacher, Willy: Grekiska mynt ur Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs samling. Malmö 1962, [143] pp of which 50 enlarged plates. 4º.

Selections of greek coins in the King Gustaf VI Adolf collection illustrated by some really nice and much enlarged photograhs.

[Münz Zentrum 85, lot 8122: † DEM 85]

DEM 70


362) (Schwabacher, Willy dedicated): Willy Schwabacher 1897 - 22 juli - 1967. special edition of NNUM, issue 6, 1967, pp 145-198, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Schwabachers 70th birthday.

WESTERMARK: Bibliography; JENKINS, G.K.: Some camarinean questions; MØRKHOLM: En ny seleukidemønt; MALMER: Romerskt, frankiskt, nordiskt; WELIN: Volgabulghariska furstar i svenska silverskatter; BERGHAUS: Zur Anwendung der Stempelvergleichenden Metode bei deutschen Münzen aus Wikingerzeitlichen Schatzfunden; LAGERQVIST: Paykulls dukat; SKAARE: Et grunnstensfunn fra 1844; GALSTER: Skal det Kgl. Myntcabinet indsmeltes til krigens førelse 1848 ? ; PLATBÃRZDIS: Sällsynta baltiska mynt.

DEM 21


363) Seaby: Standard Catalogue of British Coins. Coins of England and the United Kingdom, London 1996, 384 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 25


365) Sieg, Frovin: Marchmedaljekatalog, Skals 1979, 120 pp, ill.

Catalogue of Danish march-medals.

DEM 18


366) Skaare, Kolbjørn: Sterlingfunnet fra Havnøy, Rødøy i Nordland, og andre norske funn av engelske mynter fra samme tid. pp 7-29 in NNÅ 1959, Stockholm 1960, 199 pp, ill.

The biggest Norwegian find of English pennies (175 pieces) is published. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 50


367) Skaare, Kolbjørn: Myntfunn og datering, Oslo 1960, 20 pp, 2 Tafeln.

Dealing with numismatic method in analysing and dating coin-finds. Coin-finds as a source of chronology for dating archaeological material - and dating other coins. Inclusive a listing of the (rare) finds in Norway of Roman coins. English summary.

DEM 68


368) Skaare, Kolbjørn: Angelsaksiske mynter - i britisk mynthistorie og i norske vikingtidsfunn, Oslo 1962, 42 pp, ill.

Anglo-Saxon coins - in the history of British coinage and in Norwegian viking age finds. The 3.000 Anglo-Saxon coins found in Norway are analysed. English summary.

DEM 74


369) Skaare, Kolbjørn: Coins and coinage in viking-age Norway,Oslo/Bergen/Tromsö 1976, 272 pp, of which XXII plates, bound. - photo

Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English language.

DEM 225


373) Skaare, Kolbjørn: Christian Jürgensen Thomsen - grossereren som grunnla nordisk arkeologi, Stockholm 1988, 13 pp, ill.

Geschichte der skandinavische Numismatiks Nestor Chr.J.Thomsen.

DEM 27


374) Skaare: Korrespondanse mellom C.J.Thomsen og C.A.Holmboe. pp 5-106 in: NNÅ 1987/88, København 1992, 209 pp, ill., bound.

Correspondence between C.J.Thomsen (1788-1865), the great Danish antiquary and numismatist, and C.A.Holmboe, director of the Oslo University coin collection. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 75


375) (Skaare, Kolbjørn dedicated): Numismatica Thesaurica. Festschrift to Kolbjørn Skaare on the occasion of his 60th birthday 6 April 1991; in NNÅ 1991, Stockholm, 255 pp, bound.

AXEL SEEBERG: Kolbjørn Skaare: Numismatics in a cold climate; PETER ROBERT FRANKE: Einige Beispiele für die Auswertung von Münzschatzfunden; JOHN KENT: The Empress Ariadne: what´s in a name ?; ANNE KROMANN: The denarii from the Moor of Illerup; TUUKKA TALVIO: The earliest coin finds of Viking-Age Finland; SVEIN GULLBEKK: Some aspects of coin import to Norway and coin circulation in the late Viking Age; KENNETH JONSSON: A new Norwegian Viking-Age coin type and other Norwegian coins found in Sweden; KELD GRINDER-HANSEN: Some reflections on the reasons for the depositing and recovery of hoards; HENRIK KLACKENBERG: Penningar blå - franska, norska eller svenska ? Myntcirkulation i västra Sverige 1150-1250; LARS O.LAGERQVIST: S:ta Sunnivas mynt; JØRGEN STEEN JENSEN: Norwegian coins in Danish monetary circulation of the 17th and early 18th century; HÅKON INGVALDSEN: The coins from ´Samson´ - a 200 year-old shipwreck. Including the bibliography of Kolbjørn Skaare. Printing run: 800 copies.

DEM 85


376) Skaare, Kolbjørn & Nordeiede, Sæbjørg Walaker: Erkebiskopenes myntverksted og erkebispenes utmyntning, Trondheim 1992, 33 pp, ill.

During excavations in Trondheim the remains of the oldest Royal Mint in Norway was discovered. Coins were minted in Trondheim ca. 1458-1537. English summary.

DEM 46


377) Skovmand, Roar: De danske Skattefund fra Vikingetiden og den ældste Middelalder indtil omkring 1150, København 1942. 275, XV pp ill.

Corpus-work of Danish viking hoards including 8.634 German coins 936-1100. Also 11.113 Anglo-Saxon, 3.571 Cufique, 8.893 Danish, 44 Norwegian and 28 Swedish coins. French summary. Important !

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8157: DEM 120]

DEM 160


378) Stefke, Gerald: Silbergeld-Probleme im westlichen Ostseeraum, ca. 1380-ca. 1430. In: Coinage and Monetary Circulation in the Baltic Area c. 1350-c.1500. pp 58-89 in: NNÅ 1981, 274 S. zahlr. Abb. Bunden

Kritische Durchmusterung der schriftlichen und numismatischen Quellen des Zeitraums 1365/80 bis ca. 1430 und ihrer bisherigen Deutungen; geographischer Schwerpunkt Mecklenburg und Vorpommern, sachlicher Kern Chronologie und währungsgeschichtliche Einordnung der verschiedenen Sorten. Dazu 12 weitere Beiträge (deutsch und english), u.a. von Kluge, Malmer, Steen Jensen.

[Tietjen 74, lot 2495: † DEM 70]

DEM 48


379) Stenersen, L.B. & Brögger, A.W.: Et myntfund fra Maage i Ullensvang, Bergen 1912, Sonderdruck 15 pp, 3 Tafeln.

Ein Fund von 260 Münzen des 11 Jh., meist norwegische imitationen englischer Pennies (Gresli-Typen).

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8158: † DEM 115]

DEM 130


380) Stenström, Stig: Arvid Karlsteen. Hans liv och verk, Göteborg 1944, XI+371 pp, Portrait und ca. 160 Abb. von Medaillen. Small 4º. - photo

Wichtiges Corpuswerk über die Medaillen des bedeutenden schwedischen Medailleurs A.KARLSTEEN (1647-1718). Eine erste umfassende Biographie erschien in J.H.Lochner´s "Sammlung merkwürdiger Medaillen ..." ... (Zweites Jahr), Nürnberg 1738. English summary.

DEM 275


381) Stewart, B.H.I.H. & Brand, J.D.: A second find of English sterlings from Ribe (1958). pp 38-59 in NNÅ 1971, Lund 1972, 249 pp, ill., bound.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars. Printing run: 3.330 copies.

DEM 42


382) Støren, R. & Holst, Hans: Myntgravør Ivar Throndsens medaljer, jetonger og merker, Oslo 1937,200 pp,XLIII Taf.  - photo 

Mit englischer Zusammenfassung. Seltenes Standardwerk. Corpuswerk über die Medaillen des bedeutenden Medailleurs Throndsen. Printing run: 1.000 copies.

[Tietjen 65, lot 2702: † DEM 185]

DEM 225


383) (Sundberg, Gunnar & Thor, Lars - editors): Från myntkabinettet i Växjö. Kronobergsboken 1987. Växjö 1987, 319 pp, ill.

Festschrift published on the occasion of 200 years of the existence of the coincabinet in the town of Växjö, Sweden.

SUNDBERG: Två sekler i Växjö myntkabinetts historia; RUNDQUIST: Kring myntfynden i Växjö domkyrka; LAGERQUIST: Ett tyskt guldmynt från Växjö domkyrka; LINDGREN,TORGNY: Växjömedaljen 1838; RUNDQUIST: Mellin-medaljerna; THORNSTRÖM: Vikingatida myntfynd i Smålands museum; HOVÉN: Den stora dirhamen från Kexås; SUNDBERG: Mynt och medaljer från Huseby; DACKE+SUNDBERG: Från grindslantens tider; LAGERQUIST: När smålandsguld förmyntades vid Kongl. Myntet i Stockholm; WALLÉN: När köpmän i Småland gav ut egna sedlar; WALLÉN: Småländska bankers sedlar; SUNDBERG: Lars Persson i Södra Sandsjö och hans guldmedalj; SUNDBERG: Catharina Grenholm i Södra Sandsjö och hennes silvermedalj; WISÉHN: Kring fattigbrickan från Nydala; FORNANDER: Medaljer över några småländska kulturpersonligheter; FORNANDER: Edward Hald och Gösta Moberg och deras belöningsmedaljer; BERGROTH: Henrik Cavalli och hans ordnar; SUNDBERG: Om myntsmycken. Några anteckningar; SUNDBERG: En silverbägare med mynt i Växjö myntkabinett; SUNDBERG: Fritz Schulte, medaljgravör - en presentation.

DEM 85


384) Myntkontakt. Svensk Numismatisk Tidsskrift. Register 1972-1982. Ämnes-, titel- och författer- register för hela perioden. Stockholm 1986, 94 pp. (compiled by Eva Wiséhn)

Bibliography. Printing run: 400 copies. Index to the important num. magazine published by the Swedish Numismatic Society. With detailed groupings in subjects.

DEM 25


385) Svensk Numismatisk Tidsskrift. Register 1983-1992. Ämnes-, titel- och författer- register för hela perioden. Stockholm 1994, 102 pp. (compiled by Anders Wilén)

Bibliography. Printing run: 200 copies. Index to the important num. magazine published by the Swedish Numismatic Society. With detailed groupings in subjects.

DEM 25


386) (Svensson, Sven): Sammlung Sven Svensson - Teil I, Auktion Stockholm 1966, XV + 79 pp, 2 + 34 Doppeltafeln.

1521 lots of Schwedische Münzen und Medaillen, Plattenmünzen, Papiergeld, Dänemark und Norwegen, Schwedische Besitzungen in Deutschland, Baltische Staaten, Römische Münzen. Wichtig.

[Tietjen 70, lot 3043: † DEM 160 (I-II)]

DEM 85


387) (Svensson, Sven): Sammlung Sven Svensson - Teil II, Auktion Stockholm 1970, VIII + 77 pp, 56 Tafeln.

1543 lots of Schwedische Münzen und Medaillen, Plattenmünzen, Papiergeld, Dänemark und Norwegen, Schwedische Besitzungen in Deutschland, Baltische Staaten, Römische Münzen. Wichtig.

[Tietjen 70, lot 3043: † DEM 160 (I-II)]

DEM 85


388) (Swensson, Torsten editor): Kungliga Myntet 1850-1950, Stockholm 1950, 160 pp,zahlr. Text und auf Tafeln.

The Royal Swedish Mints celebrates it´s 100th year. Geschichte der Stockholmer Münzstätte. Die Tafeln zeigen u.a. zahlreiche Innenaufnahmen der Stockholmer Münzstätte mit allen Stadien der Münzherstellung.

SWENSSON: Mynt-, kontroll- och justeringsväsendets organisation 1850-1950; SELLING: Myntverkets byggnader i Stockholm; RASMUSSON: Mynthistoria 1850-1950; RASMUSSON: Sveriges mynt 1850-1950 efter valörer och årtal; RASMUSSON: Medaljhistoria 1850-1950; SWENSSON: Matt, mål och vikt 1850-1950; HERNMARK: Guld, silver, tenn undra hundra år; ALMQVIST: Tillverkningsavdelningens verksamhet; OLOFSSON: Justeringsavdelningens verksamhet; SEGERLIND: Något om probering och kontrolstämpling.

DEM 90


389) Sæther, Orla: Mecklenburgske oksehodebrakteater i norske kirkefunn. pp 173-178 in NNUM 1965, ill.

German and Nordic (?) bracteates 1300-1500-years in Norwegian church finds.

DEM 10


390) Sømod, Jørgen: Busmærker & sporvognspoletter, København 1972, 41 pp, ill.

Dänischer Fahrmarken und Omnibus-Marken.

DEM 17


391) Sømod, Jørgen: Danmarks mønter fra middelalder til nutid samt Norges mønter 1481-1813, Skals 1975, 87 pp, ill.

Price-guide to Danish, Norwegian and Schleswig-Holstein coins.

DEM 17


392) Sømod, Jørgen: Fortegnelse over Henning Burgunder´s samling af Spillemærker med opnåede salgspriser, København 1979, (20) pp, of which 2 is plates.

The Burgunder collection of Danish amusement tokens for slot-machines.

DEM 36


393) Sømod, Jørgen: Mønter fra Dansk Vestindien, København 1980, 112 pp, ill.

Reference-book of Danish West Indian coins and tokens. U.S. Virgin Islands coinage - incl. countermarks. Printing run: 1.000 copies.

DEM 45


394) (Sømod, Jørgen dedicated): Festskrift til Jørgen Sømod. 1944 24. maj 1984, København 1984, 166 + V pp, ill. - photo

Festschrift dedicated to wellknown Danish numismatist Jørgen Sømod. Articles of various topics as Numismatiker-Exlibris, Albrekt of Mecklenburg ørtugs (ca. 1365-1385), Greenland-Piasters 1771 + 1777, local Notgeldscheine 1807-1815 of Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, Scandinavian tokens, Roman coins, etc from various authors like REINHOLD JORDAN: Numismatikerexlibris, die nicht im Grasser stehen; FINN GRANDT-NIELSEN: Mikel Lunge giør Sedler for andres Punge. Lokale danske pengesedler 1807-1816; JAN H. NORDBØ: Norske gullavslag; BENGT HEMMINGSSON: Albrekt av Mecklenburgs första örtugmyntning; C.A.HOLMBOE: Om nogle norske Pengetegn; HARALD SALVESEN: Grønlands-piasteren – Hvor sjelden er den ?; POUL ERIK BALLE VARMOSE: Propagandaen på de romerske kejseres og kejserinders mønter; RICHARD BONNICHSEN: Historien om proof-børsten; RICHARD BONNICHSEN: En københavner indtager provinsen; KAJ MADSEN: I anledning af Jørgen Sømod’s 40-årsdag [Paryk 8-skillinger fra Fr. IV]; GUNNAR HOLST: Datum på tidiga 1700-talsmedaljer; HANS OTTO HARCK: Jørgen Sømod. Spredte Træk af Erindringer gennem 25 Aar fra en Ven, Medsamler og Kunde; HELGE KIERKEGAARD: Tivoli-Pedersen; BØRGE R. JUUL: Skattefundet fra Lundbykrat; SVEN AAGAARD: Fr. III’s danske 2 skillinge 1667 – forslag til revideret typologi.

Including the bibliography 1959-1984 of Mr. Sømod´s 221 various writings, with subject-index. Printing run: 303 copies. Scarce.

DEM 105 (out-of-print; antiquarian only)


395) (Sømod, Jørgen dedicated): 10 års skriverier fra Jørgen Sømod 1984-1994, København 1994, 34 pp.- photo

Bibliography. Continuation of Mr. Sømod´s numismatic bibliography for the last 10 years listing his writings nos. 222-378 of various topics. Printing run: 200 copies.

DEM 13


396) Talvio, Tuukka: Romerska myntfynd i Finland. pp 36-54 in NNÅ 1979/80, Oslo 1982, 250 pp, ill., bound.

Roman coin finds in Finland. English summary. This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 42


397) Thomsen, Rudi: Early Roman coinage. A study of the chronology, vols. I-II-III, København 1957-1961, 251 + 391 + 302 pp Klein-Folio, zus. 300 Münzabb. im Text.

(Vol. I- Neuauflage 1974). Englischer Sprache.

DEM 580


398) Thordeman, Bengt: Myntfynden i Korsbetningens massgravar, parts I + II, Stockholm 1932, 17+23 pp, 2 Tafeln, ill.

Dealing with an important Gotland find dated to a battle 27 July 1361 unearthed 1929-30. 170 Norwegian or Swedish letter-bracteates and 126 Danish borgerkrigs-coins. Summary in German.

DEM 40


399) Thordeman, Bengt: Några svensk-norska numismatiske problem i belysning av ett västsvensk skattefynd, Stockholm 1935, 29 pp, II plates.

Medieval letter-bracteates of either Norway or Sweden.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8188: DEM 50]

DEM 55


400) Thordeman, Bengt: Dolda skatters hemligheter. Stockholm 1941, 149 pp, ill.

DEM 68


402) (Thordeman, Bengt dedicated): [Numismatiska studier tillägnade Bengt Thordeman på 50-årsdagen den 22 september 1943]. special edition of NNUM, issue 7, 1943, pp 81-128, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Thordemans 50th birthday.

NØRLUND: Til Bengt Thordemans 50-Aars Dag; LINDBERG: Medalj eller medaljong. Ett diskussionsinlägg om numismatisk terminologi; LINDGREN: Adolf Robsahm. En tidigt bruten konstnärsbana; RASMUSSON: Numismatiska bibliografier. Några anteckningar; NORDMAN,C.A.: Två guldbrakteater i H.F.Antells samling; HOLST: "Plåtmynt" og andre svenske mynter fra grensehandelen i Østfold i 18. århundre; FALCK-MUUS, ROLF: Krisemyntmetaller; HERMANSEN, VICTOR: Møntfund og Trolddom; BREITENSTEIN: Et Halssmykke med Alexander-Mønter; GALSTER: Medaillen "til de frivillige fra Broderrigerne".

DEM 32


403) (Thordeman, Bengt dedicated): Festschrift in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXIII, Stockholm 1983, 208 pp, ill.

Festschrift on the occasion of Thordeman´s 90th birthday.

THORDEMAN: Loheskatten. En studie i numismatisk metodik; WESTERMARK: Solidi found in Sweden and Denmark after 1967; HATZ,VERA: Die italienischen Münzen in den schwedischen Funden der Wikingerzeit; BERGHAUS: Nachahmungen Duisburger Münzen des 11. Jahrhunderts aus Skandinavien; DOLLEY+GROVER: The 1981 Chelsea Reach (London) find of second hand pennies of Æthelræd II; JENSEN,J.S.: Bårarp-fundet 1932. Et hallandsk møntfund fra Svend Grathes tid; LAGERQVIST: En planerad myntning av daladukater 1818; SKAARE: Carl Johans norske kastepenge; LINDGREN: "Hedersbelöning för nit och redlighet i rikets tjenst"/2/; ABEL: Eugen Erhardt - medaljgravör. Försök till ett porträtt; NATHORST-BÖÖS: Om Wermlandsbankens sedlar.

DEM 75


404) Tingström, Bertel: Svensk numismatisk uppslagsbok. Mynt i ord och bild 1521-1968. Stockholm 1968, 264 pp incl. 124 plates, bound.

Reference book illustrating all Swedish cointypes.

DEM 65


405) Tingström, Bertel: Avesta Myntmuseum, in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXIX, Stockholm 1995, 271 pp, ill., bound.

The creator of the museum in Avesta, Tingström, tells very detailed the story behind the museum as well as the objects in the museum. Printing run: 910 copies.

DEM 110


407) Vasmer,R.: Ein im Dorfe Staryi Dedin in Weissrussland gemachter Fund kufischer Münzen, Stockh.1929,45 pp, ill.

DEM 42


408) Voionmaa, J.: Der livländische Münzfund von Uusiportti, Helsinki 1945, 48 pp, 4 Tafeln.

[Münz Zentrum 80, lot 8162: DEM 40]

DEM 44


409) Wahlstedt, Axel: Minnespenningar över enskilda svenska män och kvinnor. Andra följden, Stockholm 1925, XII + 255 pp in Numismatiska Meddelanden vol. XXIV, 18 Tafeln.


DEM 88


410) Wahlstedt, Axel: Minnespenningar över svenska män och kvinnor. Tredje följden. Text. Stockholm 1937, IX+411 pp in Numismatiska Meddelanden vol. XXIX.

Reference-work. Rare.

DEM 125


410a) Wahlstedt, Axel: Minnespenningar över svenska män och kvinnor. Tredje följden. Planscher. Stockholm 1943, 16 pp+107 plates in Numismatiska Meddelanden vol. XXIX.

Reference-work. Plate part even rarer than the text-part. Plate part was issued during WW2.

DEM 195


411) Weber-Hug, Christine: Die Geschichte der Schweizerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 1879-1979. 82 pp, ill.

DEM 28


412) Welin, Ulla S. Linder: De kufiska mynten i silverskatten från Sløgstad, Bergen 1951. Sonderdruck.

Cufic coins found 1947 in Sløgstad, Norway. English summary.

DEM 42


413) Welin, Ulla S. Linder: The Kufic coins in the hoard from Hägvalds in Gerum, Gotland. A survey and a selection. pp 83-124 in NNÅ 1966, Stockholm 1967, 168 pp, ill.

This volume further includes other important numismatic articles by other scholars.

DEM 34


414) (Westermark, Ulla dedicated): Florilegium Numismaticum. Studia in honorem U. Westermark, in Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXVIII, Stockholm 1992, 382 pp, ill., bound.

Festschrift on the occasion of Ulla Westermark´s 65th birthday. Printing run: 635 copies.

JENKINS: To Ulla Westermark - a greeting for March 30, 1992; ARNOLD: Johann Gottfried Richters Entwurf "Wie ein Müntz Cabinet in gehöriger Ordnung zu rangiren". Ein Beitrag zur Sammlungsgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts; ARNOLD-BIUCCHI: The beginnings of coinage in the West: Archaic Selinus; ARSLAN: Il tremisso longobardo a doppio monogramma; ASHTON: Some forgeries of Rhodian Didrachms of the mid third century BC; BÉREND: Le lièvre et le poulpe; BERGER: Ein hybrider Subaeratus als Zeugnis des aktuellen Geldvorrats in domitianischer Zeit; BERGHAUS: Auctor damnatus - opus permissum. Johannes Huttichius im Kungliga Myntkabinettet; BIRÓ-SEY: Zeitgenössische Nachahmung eines Solidus von Theodosius II; BOEHRINGER: Ehrenrettung einer syrakusanischen Goldmünze; BRUUN,P.: The Iupiter Conservator of the Emperor Maximinus; CAHN: Die bekränzte Arethusa; CALLATAÿ+GERIN: Faut-il faire tomber les foudres ?; CHRISTIANSEN,ERIK: The Alexandrian coins before Zoëga; CLAIN-STEFANELLI: Late silver issues of Rhegium. A Janus head type in Rhegium; FISCHER: Ti. Caesar ex Ilurico triumphans a.D.XIII a.d. Xk. Nov. et numine caelesti aurum fulsisse: Tomis, Germanien, Lugdunum und Rom; HAHN: Zur Münzprägung der frommen Kaiserin Flaccilla; HATZ,GERT+VERA: Der Sammler Konsul Friedrich Weber (1830-1907); HOUGHTON: The coinage of Demetrius I at Ake-Ptolemais;HURTER: Teos over Tanagra; INGVALDSEN,HÅKON: Philetaerus in Norway. A recent acquisition in a Norwegian private collection; JONSSON+ÖSTERGREN: Roman denarii and solidi on Gotland - break or continuity ?; KENT: IMP XXXXII COS XVII PP. When was it struck and what does it tell us?; KLEINER: Equestrian portraits of Philip the Arab; KROMANN+JENSEN,J.S.: The monetary collections of Gustaf Daniel Lorichs in Stockholm and Copenhagen and the gold hoard from Constantine in Algeria; LAGERQVIST: Gallienae Augustae once again; le RIDER: Les tétradrachmes attalides au portrait de Philétaire; LIND: Julio-Claudian denarius hoards in Britain: date of deposit; LINDERS: Fallen money and broken crowns - or when is a coin not a coin ?; LORBER: The early facing head drachms of Thessalian Larissa; MALMER: A small chain of Scandinavian byzantine imitations from the early 11th century A.D.; MILDENBERG: The mint of the first carthaginian coins; NICOLET-PIERRE+AMANDRY: Les monnaies d´argent de Syros; OECONOMIDES: The IGCH 101 hoard and the circulation of the tortoise in the Peloponnesus; SCHÖNERT-GEISS: Die Münzstätte Zone in Thrakien; SKAARE: En ugle til Ulla. Litt om Pausanias og numismatikk; TALVIO: Some reflections on the roman denarii in Northern finds;VACANO: Tufa. Ein Tremissis im Namen Zenos (474-491); VERMEULE: Protesilaos: First to fall at Troy and hero in Northern Greece and beyond; VILLARONGA: Petit trésor de la deuxième guerre punique avec une drachme des Bruttiens; WISÉHN: Johan Hedenborg och Kungl. Myntkabinettet; ALFÖLDI: Eukleidas - ein Goldschmied ?; DESTROOPER-GEORGIADES: Les bronzes chypriotes représentant une tête féminine et une croix ansée dans une couronne laurée; NILSSON: A bibliography of the writings of Ulla Westermark.

DEM 115


415) Wilcke, Julius: Specie-, Kurant- og Rigsbankdaler. Møntvæsenets Sammenbrud og Genrejsning 1788-1845, København 1929, 506 pp, zahlr. Abb, Tafeln und Tabellen.

Standard work. This copy including the banknote-facsimiles.

DEM 250


416) Wilcke, Julius: Specie-, Kurant- og Rigsbankdaler. Møntvæsenets Sammenbrud og Genrejsning 1788-1845, København 1929, 506 pp, zahlr. Abb, Tafeln und Tabellen.

Standard work. This copy NOT including the banknote-facsimiles.

DEM 175


417) Wilcke, Julius: Sølv- og Guldmøntfod 1845-1914, København 1930, 322 pp, zahlr. Abb, Tafeln und Tabellen.

Standard work. This copy including the banknote-facsimiles.

DEM 250


418) Wilcke, Julius: Sølv- og Guldmøntfod 1845-1914, København 1930, 322 pp, zahlr. Abb, Tafeln und Tabellen.

Standard work. This copy NOT including the banknote-facsimiles.

DEM 175


419) (Wilcke, Julius): (seine) Numismatische Sammlung - Teil I, Auktion Kopenhagen 1945, 52 pp, Textabb.

1078 lots: Seine numismatische Bücher und Bibliothek

[Tietjen 67, lot 2585: † DEM 80]

DEM 80


420)   Wood, Howland: The Coinage of The West Indies with especial reference to the cut and counterstamped pieces. U.S.A., 1914. 40 pp from the American Journal of Numismatics, ill., unbound.

          Danish West Indies, St. Barthélémy, Leeward Islands.

          [Kolbe 62, lot 773: † USD 125]

          [Spink num. circular, 2000, S 494: GBP 110 'very scarce']

          DEM 275


421) Worsaae, J.J.A.: Om Forestilingerne paa Guldbracteaterne, København 1870, 38 pp, 10 Tafeln.

Nordic gold-bracteates. Rare.

DEM 85


422) Wulff, Hertel: Penge, København 1912, 254 pp, ill. bound.

DEM 40


423) Zahle, Jan: Græske mønter. Den kgl. Mønt- og Medaillesamling. Nationalmuseets vejledninger,Kbh.1992,56 pp, ill.

History of Greek coins and medals as well as a guide to the permanent exhibition in The Royal Collection of Coins And Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 10


424) Østergaard, K. Høgsbro: Aastrup Kirke, Ribe 1953, pp 285-288.

Church finds at Aastrup Kirke. Findlist with comments of medieval coins - e.g. an unknown type from king Valdemar Sejr.



425) Østergaard, K.Høgsbro: Faaborg Kirke, Ribe 1954, pp 459-460, 470, 482.

Church finds of 27 coins 1234-1874 at Faaborg Kirke.



426) Østergaard, K. Høgsbro: Billum Kirke, Ribe 1955, pp 606, 616, 619-622.

Church finds of 87 coins at Billum Kirke.



427) Østrup, Johannes: Kufiske mønter i Danmark. pp 243-248 in NFM nr. 17, vol. X, København 1927.

Cufique coins found in Denmark is discussed.

DEM 52


760) Bendixen, Kirsten: Danske middelaldermønter med kristne motiver, 16 pp, ill.

Christian religious motifs on Danish mediaval coins.

DEM 20


761) Bendixen, Kirsten: A new 'Viking Age' hoard from c. 1100. I. The Danish coins from the Lundby Krat hoard, London 1986, 8 pp, ill.

DEM 16


763) Burgess, F.W.: Chats on old coins, London 1913, 393 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 85


764) Friedensburg, Ferdinand: Die Münze in der Kulturgeschichte, Berlin 1926, 244 pp, ill.

DEM 90


767) Göbl, A.: Illustrated guide to German decorations and insignias, no year, 16 pp, ill., small 4º.

DEM 40


768) Hildebrand, Hans: Samlingen af svenska mynt i Riksbankens Myntkabinett, Stockholm 1889, 398 pp.

DEM 130


769) Hildebrand, Hans: Samlingen af svenska mynt i Riksbankens Myntkabinett tillägg no. 2, Stockholm 1915, paginated 399-432.

Addendum no. 2.

DEM 30


771) Jensen, Jørgen Steen: Danish money in the fourteenth century, Odense 1973, 11 pp, 1 plate.

DEM 18


772) Knapke, Werner: Aurei- und Solidi-Vorkommen am Mare Baltikum und deren westliche Zusammenhänge, 1943, 12 pp, 4 tables, 3 maps, 4º.

German language.

[Kolbe list 42, no. 164: USD 75]

DEM 175


773) Löfström, Karl: Kungl. medaljen ILLIS QUORUM MERUERE LABORES, Stockholm 1933, 95 pp, ill.

DEM 48


774) Mayer, L.A.: Bibliography of Moslem numismatics India excepted, London 1954, IX+283 pp., original blue cloth.

Second considerably enlarged edition. The main reference. Copy has belonged to the library of the late Georg Galster.

[Spink num. circular feb. 1999, S 142: GBP 325 'extremely scarce']

DEM 1.050


775) Mulder, C.P. & Purves, A.A.: Bibliography of orders and decorations, Gylling 1999, 321 pp, ill. 17 x 24 cm.  - photo 

Bibliography. 3.331 numbered entries + appr. 700 extra sub-entries all with relation to orders and medals. Thousands of mainly/pure numismatic stand alone titles, off-prints as well as some articles of over 50 pages, essential auction catalogues etc. Many of the entries registered cover (besides a content of orders) 'ordinary' MEDALS and/or COINS world wide. This comprehensive world numismatic bibliography includes essential bibliographic informations like titles in full, place and year of publication, number of volumes, number of pages, number of coloured plates, number of black and and white illustrations, size of the work, other editions, origin of offprints, printing runs, relevant information on contents. Also subject index and index of authors. Groupings by country or geographic area. Orders, Statutes, Lists of Recipients, Catalogues, Periodicials, etc. Supercedes by far the two part-bibliographies (BIBLIOGRAPHIE NUMISMATIQUE: SUPPLÉMENT: ORDRES ET DÉCORATIONS) by Ivo Suetens from 1969+1977 only including 979+1082 entries. English language. Printing run: 400+68 copies.

DEM 140 (out-of-print at the publishers – antiquarian only)

776) Müller, Ludvig: Den macedoniske Konge Philip IIs Mynter, Kjöbenhavn 1855, IV+II+133 pp.

Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree.

DEM 265


777) Münter, Frederik: Om Frankernes Mynter i Orienten, Kjöbenhavn 1821, 26 pp, 1 plate.

DEM 145


778) Ohlmarks, Åke: 100 svenska myntgrupper, Borås 1978, 207 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 65


779) Ohm-Hieronymussen, Peter: Et strejftog gennem Europas åndsliv 1771-1863. Medaljen Pro Meritis – Medaljen Merito, Odense 1994, 87 pp, ill.

Printing run: 300 copies.

DEM 60


780) Plant, Richard: Arabic coins and how to read them, London 1973, 148 pp, ill., bound.

DEM 65


782) Rundquist, G. Hilding: Två silverskatter från vikingatiden i småländsk jord (Kexås- och Torlarpsfynden), Växiö 1945, 46 pp, ill., 2 maps. - photo

Two Swedish vikingage finds 1865 and 1875 burried around 1080. 73 Danish, 208 German and 26 anglo saxon coins 990-1060.

DEM 90


783) Schlözer: Münz-, Geld-, und Bergwerks-Geschichte des Russischen Kaiserthums, vom J. 1700 bis 1789, Göttingen 1791 Nachdruck 1974, 214+128 pp, hard bound.

DEM 95


784) Stevnsborg, Lars: Fortjenstmedaljen 1792-1839. For borgerlig fortjeneste, mod og tapperhed. The medal of Merit 1792-1839, København 1989, VIII-158 pp, ill.

DEM 75


785) Stevnsborg, Lars: En allerhøjeste Paaskønnelse. Den kongelige belønningsmedaille 1865-1990, København 1991, 139 pp, ill.

DEM 88


786) Stiernstedt, A.W.: Om Myntorter, Myntmästare och Myntordningar i det nuvarande Sverige, 67 pp in Num. Medd. I, Stockholm 1874.

DEM 165


787) Sørensen, Erik Steen: Medaljer til samlerbrug 1970-75. Med vurderingspriser 1981/82, Roslev 1981, 56 pp., ill.

DEM 22


789) Troxell, Hyla A.: The Norman Davis collection. Greek coins in North American collections, New York 1969, 53 pp, XXVIII.

DEM 110


579) Andersen, Ole: Meddelelser om ældre dansk og norske Seddelpenge før 1736, Copenhagen 1893, 35 pp, ill., bound.

Reprint 1976 in 500 copies (reprint also out-of-print). Danish & norwegian banknotes.

DEM 88 (out-of-print – antiquarian only)


586) Bolin, Sture: State and currency in the Roman empire to 300 A.D., Stockholm 1958, 357 pp, tables, diagrams.

English language.

DEM 270


593) Brock, P.M.J.: Numismatiske Undersøgelser betræffende den senere romerske Keisertid med særligt Hensyn til Møntmærkerne, Kjøbenhavn 1874, 136 pp.  - photo 

Survey of especially the mint marks on Roman coins A.D. 248 – 395. Doctoral thesis for cand.juris. Brock's phil. degree.

DEM 235


595) (Bruun, L.E.): Grosserer L.E. Bruuns Doubletsamling af Mønter og Medailler, København 12. Oktober 1925, 6241 lots, 154 pp, 18 plates.

Auction of duplicate coins & medals from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Slesvig Holsten.

DEM 225 copy incl. plates

DEM 150 copy excl. plates


596) (Bruun, L.E.): L.E. Bruuns Mønt- og Medaillesamling og L.E.Bruuns Gave til Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling, København 1928, 18804+329+1832+546 lots, 622+31 pp, +34 separate plates.

Catalogue of the main-collection of L.E.Bruun, now located at Frederiksborg Castle untill the year 2023, when the collection according to the will shall be sold at public auction.

DEM 445


620) Galster, Georg: Den kgl. Mønt- og Medaillesamling i Finansaaret 1933-1934. Tillæg: Møntfund i Danmark før Aar 1670, OFFPRINT from NFM XIV, København 1935, 36 pp, ill.

Finds unearthed in Denmark before 1670 are analysed.

DEM 70


621) Galster, Georg: Den kgl. Mønt- og Medaillesamling i Finansaaret 1934-1935. Tillæg: Møntfund fra Danmark og Norge 1670-1700, OFFPRINT from NFM XIV, København 1936, 71 pp, ill.

Finds unearthed in Denmark and Norway between 1670-1700 are analysed.

DEM 85


622) Galster, Georg: Møntfund i Danmark og Norge 1739-1780, OFFPRINT from NNÅ 1937, 62 pp, ill.

Finds unearthed in Denmark and Norway between 1739-1780 are analysed.

DEM 85


623) Galster, Georg: Møntfundet fra Hvitaby 1775, OFFPRINT from NNÅ 1939, 36 pp, ill.

Swedish find of 127 anglo-saxon, Danish and German coins 978-1105.

DEM 55


636) Hallberg, Mauritz: Minnespenningar öfver enskilda personer födda eller verksamma i Finland, Part I, Helsingfors 1906, VIII+154 pp.

DEM 158


637) Hallberg, Mauritz: Minnespenningar öfver enskilda personer födda eller verksamma i Finland, Part II, Helsingfors 1923, XI+64 pp.

DEM 112


645) Hildebrand, Bror Emil: Anglosachsiska mynt i Svenska Kongliga Myntkabinettet funna i Sveriges jord. Ny tillökt upplaga med 14 pl., Stockholm 1881. VIII+502 pp, 14 plates. - photo

Still the reference-work used today. Important. 10.823 Anglo-saxon coins struck by English + Danish kings in vikingage days - all described.

[Tietjen 89, lot 421: † EUR 120]

DEM 250


646) Hildebrand, Hans: Samlingen av svenska mynt i Riksbankens myntkabinett, Stockholm 1889, 398 pp.

DEM 125


647) Holmberg, Berta: Fredrik I:s-mynt av riksdaler-valörer, Stockholm 1941, 22 pp, ill.

Printing run: 300 copies.

DEM 140


649) Holmberg, Kjell: Register över Numismatiska Meddelanden I-XL 1874-1995, Stockholm 1998, 125 pp, bound.

Bibliography. Index to the important Swedish series Numismatiska Meddelanden. Ordered by author, alphabetical by title, by subject and further in chronological order: 4 x 400 full entries. Printing run: 300 copies.

DEM 55


654) Janse, Olov Robert: Le travail de l'or en Suède à l'epoque mérovingienne. Études précédées d'un mémoire sur les solidi romains et byzantins trouvés en Suède, Orléans 1922, XXIV+259 pp, ill. - photo

Survey of Roman and Byzantine gold coins as well as nordic gold bracteates found in Sweden. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. French language.

DEM 220


    241)   Malmer, Brita: Nordiska mynt före år 1000, Bonn/Lund 1966, XVIII + 358 pp, 57 Tafeln. 4º. English summary. - photo 

          Important. Reference work. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English summary.

          DEM [ask for availability]


753) Westermark, Ulla: Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon. Corpus der Münzprägung, 1961, 83 pp, 12 plates, 4º. - photo

German language. Clain-Stefanelli 2702. Grierson page 66. Kroh page 27:" A very useful reference, it was published in a very limited edition, has never been reprinted and thus is very rare".

DEM [ask for availability]  


210) (Kieler, Ernst): Sammlung Kieler. Seltene schwedisch-baltische Münzen (Reval, Riga, Narva u. Livland), Auktion Kopenhagen 1937, 839 Nrn., 8 Tafeln.

Wichtiger Katalog.

DEM 175


238) Mackeprang, Mogens B.: De nordiske Guldbrakteater, Aarhus 1952, 228 pp Klein-Folio, 28 Tafeln.

Standard-work. Scandinavian gold-bracteates from the 6th to the 7th centuries. English summary.

DEM 295


291) Ossbahr, C.A.: Mynt och medaljer slagna för främmande makter i anledning av krig mot Sverige, Uppsala 1927, 266 pp, 48 Tafeln. - photo

Behandelt ausländische Münzen und Medaillen mit Bezug auf die Schwedenkriege, auch deutsche Feld-, Noth- und Belagerungsmünzen. Seltenes Standardwerk.

DEM [ask for availability]


324) Salmo, H.: Deutsche Münzen in vorgeschichtlichen Funden Finnlands, Helsinki 1948, 447 pp, XLVII, 78 Tafeln, 1 Karte.  - photo 

Referenze-Werk. Karoling.- fränkische Kaiserzeit 990-1115; wichtig zum Bestimmen deutscher Mittelaltermünzen. Deutsche Sprache.

DEM 298


358) Schnittger, Bror: Silverskatten från stora Sojdeby - parts I & II, Stockholm 1915,64+58 pp,2 plates,text-illustrations.

Swedish find 1910 of 803 English, 80 cufique and 1.376 German coins 919-1105 all described. Ein sehr wichtiger Fund.

[Giessener 75, lot 3192: † DEM 180]

DEM 190


738) Särström, Margit: A study in the coinage of the Mamertines, Basel 1940, XV+182 pp, LIV plates. - photo

Greek Sicily BC 300-200. English language.

DEM [ask for availability]


790) Bendixen, Kirsten: Skatten fra Lundby Krat, København 1993, 75 pp, ill.

Important hoard located 1980 of 118 Danish coins struck 1086-1103 and 119 English, German coins.

DEM 38


790a) Bolin, Sture: Die Funde römischer und byzantinischer Münzen im freien Germany, 1929, 60 pp, maps, tables. - photo

German translated summary of his important work "Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien" (Lund 1926). Rare. Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache von "Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien" (Lund 1926) unter Berücksichtigung einiger wichtiger neuer Funde. Selten.

DEM 192


791) Holm, Sigurd: Studier ofver Uppsala Universitets Anglosaxiska myntsamling, Uppsala 1917, VIII+34 pp - photo

+ Holm, Sigurd: Studier öfver personnamnen å mynten i Uppsala Universitets Anglosaxiska myntsamling, Uppsala 1917, 75 pp.

Sylloge of the anglo-saxon collection in Uppsala University. Further a comprehensive listing on 75 pages of the moneyers' names on the anglo-saxon coins.

DEM 240


792) Gaettens, Richard: Pengar utan värde. Ur inflationens historia under 250 år; Stockholm 1959, 239 pp, ill, hard bound.

The story of inflation is told in this reference book on the subject.

DEM 88


794) Segerstedt, Torgny: Mynts användning i dödskulten, Lund 1907, 53 pp. - photo

Charons money.

DEM 185


795) Wennström, Torsten: Studier över böter och myntvärden i Västgötalagarna, Lund 1931, VIII+93 pp

DEM 134



Auction catalogues before 1900.


431) (Gyllengrip, Eric): Verzeichniss Allerhand Rarer Schau-Stücke Und Species Thaler Die aus der Nachlassenschaftt Dess Weyland, Hochwohlgebornen Herr Obristen Eric Gyllengrip In Stockholm auf d. [24. Novemb.] durch öffentlicher Auction sollen verkaufft werden. Stockholm 1737, (4)+16+16 pp.

Extremely early Swedish auction catalogue reprinted 1975. The original used - as is even more rarely seen - was complete with handwritten prices. Swedish, Danish, English and German coins. Foreword by Ernst Nathorst-Böös.

DEM 18


433) O.Devegge´s Mynt- og Medaille-Samling. III. Indeholdende den nyere Tids Mynter fra Lande udenfor Skandinavien, de orientalske, antike og byzantinske Mynter, samt numismatiske Bøger. Kjøbenhavn 1866.

Catalogue written by wellknown Carl Ludvig Müller and Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. 347 pp, III plates. 3473+345+3567+131 lots.

DEM 250


for a supplement to this auction-catalogue one will need the booklet:

434) Køberne på auktionen over Ole Devegge´s Mynt- og Medaillesamling III 23de Marts 1866, København 1979.

listing all the buyers names for this particularly auction.

DEM 14


435a)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Première partie. Les monnaies antiques. Tome I. Les monnaies grecques. Copenhague 1869.

Written by P.Brock. 250 pp, 2755 lots (no illustrations). Bound

DEM 165


435b)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Première partie. Les monnaies antiques. Tome II. Les monnaies romaines. Copenhague 1866.

Written by P.Brock. 380 pp, 6012 lots (no illustrations). Bound

DEM 165


436) Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Première partie. Les monnaies antiques. Tome I. Les monnaies grecques. Copenhague 1869.

bound together with

Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Première partie. Les monnaies antiques. Tome II. Les monnaies romaines. Copenhague 1866.

Written by P.Brock. 250 + 380 pp, 2755 + 6012 lots (no illustrations). Two catalogues bound together. With handwritten abbreviations of the buyers at all lots as well as all the prices realised. It is extremely and excessively rare to see these two Thomsen auctions with information of the prices realised, let alone the buyers names written in, since at the period of the sale there was little or no interest in Denmark of antique coins.

DEM 725


437a)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Seconde partie. Les monnaies du moyen-age. Tome I, contenant les monnaies A, de l´empire Byzantin &c. B, des autres états avant l´an 1000. C, depuis l´an 1000 jusqu´a 1520, de l´Asie, de l´Europe méridionale et occidentale. Copenhague 1873.

Written by Kristian Erslev. 354 pp, lots 1-4124, plates I-IV. Still a reference work of medieval coins this day !

DEM 165


437b)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Seconde partie. Les monnaies du moyen-age. Tome II, contenant les monnaies de l´Europe centrale et orientale depuis l´an 1000 jusqu´a 1520. Copenhague 1874.

Written by Kristian Erslev. 318 pp, lots 4126-8599, plates V-VIII. Still a reference work of medieval coins this day !

DEM 165


437c)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Seconde partie. Les monnaies du moyen-age. Tome III, contenant les monnaies de l´Europe septentrionale et plusieurs appendices. Copenhague 1876.

Written by Kristian Erslev. 288 pp, lots 8601-12683, plates IX-XIV. Still a reference work of medieval coins this day !

DEM 245


for a supplement to the 3 medieval auction-catalogues (437a-b-c) above one will need the booklet:

437d) Mortensen, Morten Eske: The buyers at the auction of Christian Jürgensen Thomsen´s medieval coins September 22 1876, Copenhagen 1979, (40) pp.

Including the original handdrawings done by the superceded author Herbst for own use of identifying the various types crosses, triangles etc. on the images of the coins. These handdrawings is a good help to simplify the understanding of the rather complicated terminology in the French-language descriptions of the coins. Booklet is written in English language.

Further is published the (handwritten) corrections to the printed catalogue-text found in various contemporary letters from mssrs. C.F.Herbst and Sophus Andreas Bergsøe.

This title is an addendum to the just in United States of America published fresh reprint

Erslev, Kristian: Medieval Coins in the Christian J. Thomsen Collection. I: Byzantine, dark ages, crusader, islamic, England, Serbia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the Low Countries. With addenda by Alan M. Stahl and Allen G. Berman. Photography by Alex G. Malloy. Introduction by Jørgen Steen Jensen, South Salem 1992, XVI, 390 pp, IV+XXII plates, 8 maps, bibliography, index, bound.

Still used as reference-catalogue today for European medieval coins. This collection forms the greater part of the Royal Collection of Coins & Medals in the National Museum of Copenhagen.

DEM 60


438a)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Troisième partie. Les monnaies du temps moderne. Tome I, contenant les monnaies du Danemark, de la Norvège, de la Suéde, du Slesvig et du Holstein. Ainsi que une collection de livres numismatiques. Copenhague 1871.

Written by Ludvig Læssøe. 240+60+8 pp. 3655+1225+150+3 lots

DEM 325


438b)Catalogue de la collection de monnaies de feu Christian Jürgensen Thomsen. Troisième partie. Les monnaies du temps moderne. Tome II, contenant les monnaies de 1788 a 1865, a l´exception de celles du Danemark, de la Norvége, de la Suède, du Slesvig et du Holstein. Ainsi que une suite de médailles et quelques sceaux en cire. Copenhague 1867.

Written by Frederik Krohn. 241 pp. 4501 lots

DEM 165



Auction catalogues after 1900. Germany + Austria + Switzerland.



        Ball Nachf., Robert (Berlin)

442)   4. Auktion am 23. März 1931. Antike / Mittelalter / Neuzeit. 1791 Nrn, 16 Tf.

          [Spink 46, Zürich, lot 618: † CHF 75]

          DEM 75


443)   6. Auktion am 9. Februar 1932. Antike Münzen. 2520 Nrn., 60 Tf.

          [Spink 46, Zürich, lot 620: † CHF 220]

          DEM 120


856)   Auktion 5 . Oktober 1931. Sammlung Bernhard Heilbrunn Gotha. Münzen von Sachsen, Goldmünzen und Raritäten.  2024 Nrn., 20 Tf.

          Bound with

          Auktion 28. April 1930. Weimar und die Goethe-Zeit (Münzen und Medaillen). 653 Nrn., 3 Tf.

          Bound with

          7. Auktion 19. April 1932. Goethe Zum 100. Todestage 1932. Münzen. Medaillen. 436 Nrn., 8 Tf.

          Bound with

          Auktion 23. März 1931. Antike. Mittelalter. Neuzeit. 1791 Nrn., 16 Tf.

          DEM 245


          Adolph E. Cahn / Adolph Hess Nachf. (Frankfurt am Main)

873)   Auktion 31. März 1913. Sammlung des Freiherrn v. B.[udarus-I] in D. Münzen des Mittelalters und neuere bis zum Ende der Kipperzeit, von Deutschland und Oesterreich, Dänemark, Schweden und den Niederlanden. Einer Sammlung sardinischer Münzen aus altem Besitz. 1912 Nrn., VII Tf.

          DEM 105


871)   Auktion 17. Juli 1933. Die Gold- und Silbermünzen der römischen Republik bis 15 v. Chr. Sammlung Justizrat dr. jur. et phil. h.c. Ernst Justus Haeberlin. 3304 Nrn., 29 Tf.

          [Varesi 45 (Rossi), 2005, lot 544:: † EUR 170]

          DEM 395


        Adolph E. Cahn (Frankfurt am Main)

887)   Dezember 1876. Periodisch erscheinender Catalog verkäuflicher Münzen und Medaillen. No. 3. 755 Nrn.

          Fixed sales list.

          DEM 20


        Gilhofer & Ranschberg (Wien) + Adolph Hess A.G. (Luzern)

788)   [Trau] GILHOFER & RANSCHBERG (Vienna) / HESS, A. (Luzern). - Sammlung Franz Trau. Münzen der Römischen Kaiser. 22-23 Mai 1935. Large octavo; two portrait frontispieces of the collectors; (viii)+130 pp; 4.727 lots; 53 fine plates.

          A massive collection formed through 3 generations of the Trau family.

          [Spink num. circular, 2000, SC0007: GBP 160 'Important and scarce.']

          [J.R. Castledine saleslist oct. 2000, S 155: GBP 120]

          DEM 460


        Leopold Hamburger (Frankfurt am Main)

888)   7. October 1872. Catalog der reichhaltigen Sammlung von antiken, modernen und Mittelalter-Münzen, sowie der numismatischen Bibliothek des seel. Herrn Rentier Heimbürge in Jena, vereinigt mit der Serie der geistlichen und mediatisirten weltlichen Fürsten, sowie der französischen Revolution und der Francofurtensien aus der berühmten Sammlung des seel. Herrn Generaldirectors Freiherrn Julius von Wellens. 2.986 Nrn. Partly disbound.

          [Varesi 45, Rossi library, lot 805, estimate EUR 150: not sold]

          DEM 110


          Joseph Hamburger & Clement Platt (Paris)

855)    21. Novembre 1912. Collection L. Bramsen. Monnaies francaises 1789 à nos Jours. 1291 Nrn., VIII Tf. Spine missing. Tape at backcover.

          [Tietjen 85, lot 3410: † DEM 290 ‘selten’]

DEM 315


          L. & L. Hamburger (Frankfurt am Main)

876)   Auktion am 30. November 1903. Sammlung des Herrn Commerzienrath C.F. Pogge in Greifswald. II. Abtheilung: Münzen und Medaillen aller Zeiten und Länder mit Ausnahme der in der ersten Abtheilung enthaltenen Serien von Russland, Polen, Dänemark, Schweden, Pommern u. Mecklenburg. 264 Seiten, 4571 Nrn. 13 Tf.

          [Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 701: † DEM 950 for parts I+II]

          DEM 425


877)   Auktion am 30. November 1903. Sammlung des Herrn Commerzienrath C.F. Pogge in Greifswald. II. Abtheilung: Münzen und Medaillen aller Zeiten und Länder mit Ausnahme der in der ersten Abtheilung enthaltenen Serien von Russland, Polen, Dänemark, Schweden, Pommern u. Mecklenburg. 264 Seiten, 4571 Nrn. Ohne Tf.

          DEM 160


          Helbing Nachf., Otto (München)

460)   49. Auktion am 22. März 1926. Griechische u. Römische Münzen. Münzen und Medaillen des Mittelalters u. der Neuzeit. Besonders reiche Serien von Böhmen, des Erzbistums und der Stadt Magdeburg und sonstiger Städte. St. Georgsmünzen u. -Medaillen (Mansfeld, Kremnitz etc.) sowie viele Seltenheiten auf allen Gebieten. Ehrenzeichen. Verdienst-Kreuze u. -Medaillen, Kriegsdenkzeichen. Sammlung Hauptmann Phaland. 292 Seiten, 3764 Nrn. Ohne Tf.

          [Tietjen 73, lot 3701: † DEM 120]

          DEM 20


464)   67. Auktion am 7. Juni 1932. Im Auftrag des Fürstlich Fürstenbergischen Münzkabinettes Donaueschingen. Münzen und Medaillen des historischen und heutigen rechtsrheinischen Bayerns (nach Kulls Repertorium zur Münzkunde Bayerns). Haus Wittelsbach, Salzburg und Suffraganate, Augsburg, Bamberg, Eichstätt, Würzburg, Deutscher Orden, Brandenburg-Franken, Fugger, Hohenlohe, Löwenstein, Montfort, Oettingen, Schwarzenberg, Städte, Personen, u.a. 1940 Nrn., 28 Tf.

          [Tietjen 73, lot 3723: † DEM 130]

          DEM 110


875)   Auktion am 12. Dezember 1934. Aus verschiedenem Besitz. Münzen und Medaillen aller Länder und Zeiten. Besondere Serien Mittelalter / Pfalz. Neuere deutsche Prägungen (Schwalbach). 1855 Nrn., 12 Tf. Hardbound.

          DEM 100


        Hess Nachf., Adolph (Frankfurt am Main)

851)   Auktion 24. Mai 1886. Sammlung Theodor Rohde. Römische Münzen. Byzantinische Münzen. Ostgothen, Westgothen, Vandalen, Venetianer, Ungarn, Siebenbürger und Aurelian Doubletten Sammlung. 1329 Nrn. 2 Tf. Some minor defects on over, back is split.

          DEM 200


880)   Auktion 1. Mai 1893. Die Sammlung Carl Farina, Cöln enthaltend Brandenburg-Preussen, Westphalen und die rheinischen Länder. 3932 Nrn. 6 Tf. Front cover separated with some minor defects .

          [Künker 102, lot 6097: EUR 180] [Kolbe: ’scarce and important’]

          DEM 175


881)   193. Auktion am 16. April 1928. Sammlung Vogel. Süddeutschland, Elsass, ‚Lothringen, Frankreich, Gross-Britannien, Niederlande, Spaien, Portugal. 2801-5378 Nrn., 24 Tf.

[Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 1200: † CHF 60]

          DEM 85


882)   194. Auktion am 25. März 1929. Sammlung Vogel. Antike Münzen, Griechen, Römer, Byzantiner, Nachtrag, Brakteaten, Medaillen. 1241 Nrn., 32 Tf.

[Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 313: † CHF 170]

          DEM 215


474)   193. Auktion am 18. März 1929. Sammlung Hans Schwalbe, Werdau, u.a. Münzen und Medaillen aus älterer und neurer Zeit. 4233 Nrn., 32 Tf.

          [Peus 331, lot 9195: † DEM 70]

          DEM 60


883)   201. Auktion am 23. Juni 1930. Sammlung Franz Seeger, Öhringen. Fränkische und schwäbische Münzen und Medaillen. Religiöse Medaillen. Tauf- und Patenpfennige Bücher. 4033 Nrn., 23 Tf.

[Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 1523: † CHF 150] [Kolbe: ’scarce and an important collection’]

          DEM 190


862)   214. Auktion 23. Februar 1933. Münzen und Medaillen aus älterer und neuerer Zeit aus verschiedenem Besitz. 2299 Nrn., 6 Tf.

          DEM 55


884)   215. Auktion am 28. März 1933. Münzensammlung Erzherzog Sigismund von Österreich-I. Italien, Kreuzfahrer-Staaten, Südslavische Staaten, Schweiz, Niederlande. 2724 Nrn., 28 Tf.

[Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 892: † CHF 200 (part I+II)]

          DEM 150


885)   217. Auktion am 11. Juli 1933. Münzensammlung Erzherzog Sigismund von Österreich-II. Spanien, Frankreich, England, Nordische Staaten, Polen, Russland, Böhmen, Schlesien, Ueberseeische Länder. 1556 Nrn., 22 Tf.

[Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 892: † CHF 200 (part I+II)]

          DEM 150


863)   220. Auktion 10. September 1934. Universalsammlung Münzen, Medaillen, Bücher. 1674 Nrn., 8 Tf.

          DEM 55


          Hess AG, Adolph (Luzern).

481)   227. Auktion am 19. März 1935. Katalog der Münzensammlung Arthur Graf Enzenberg. Abteilungen: Münzen und Medaillen des Hauses Habsburg enthaltend eine hervorragende Serie Karls V. Oesterreichische Prägungen im Elsass. Erzbistum Salzburg. Italien. Niederlande. Miscellan-Medaillen. Antike Münzen und viele andere Gebiete. 1330 Nrn., 14 Tf.

          [Spink 46, Zürich, lot 798: † CHF 190]

          DEM 225


482)   236. Auktion am 24. November 1937. Sammlung von Gold-Münzen. 715 Nrn., 7 Doppeltf.

          [Peus 331, lot 9255: † DEM 40]

          DEM 50


        Hess-Leu (Luzern)

486)   4. Auktion am 12. Juni 1956. Taler. Sammlung Howard D. Gibbs I.. Römisch-Deutsches Reich. Österreich. Deutschland. Niederlande. Geistliche Herren. Weltliche Herren (bis Brandenburg-Franken). Braunschweiger Löser 1009 Nrn., XVI Tf.

          DEM 70


489)   30. Auktion am 27. April 1966. Taler. Ecus. Crowns of the world mit grösseren Serien von Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbritanninen, Italien, Niederlande, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Polen, Russland, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Afrika, Amerika, Asien sowie Sets. 1239 Nrn, LXIV Tf.

          DEM 30


        Hirsch, Jacob (München)


853)   XXII. Auktion 25. November 1908, … einer schönen Sammlung Römischer Münzen einschliessend einen Fund Goldmünzen Constantin des Grossen und seiner Familie aus dem Besitze eines auswärtigen Architekten [Slg. Schennis]. 271 Nrn., 13 Tf., covers separated, back cover some damages.

          DEM 395


859)   XXXIII. Auktion. 17. November 1913. Griechische, römische und byzantinische Münzen aus dem Besitz von Baron Friedrich von Schennis, Berlin, Dr. B. K. in M., und eines bekannten englischen Archaeologen. 1572 Nrn., without plates.

          DEM 105


          Hirsch, Dr. Jacob

496)   25. Auktion am 29. November 1909. Sammlung Gustav Philipsen in Kopenhagen. Antike Münzen von Griechenland, Asien und Afrika. 270+VI pp, 3276 Nrn., 35 Tf. Bunden.

          Important. Clain-Stefanelli 1986. Grierson page 286.

          [Münzgalerie Basel 25.02.1987, lot 397: † CHF 380]

          DEM 325 (apparently missing/sold ?)


        Otto Koch & Co. (Berlin)

889)   Januar 1875. Verzeichniss verkäuflicher Münzen & Medaillen. 1.505 Nrn.

          Fixed sales list. Close cut, at 6 pages affecting the text.

          DEM 20


          Bank Leu (Zürich)

491)   37. Auktion am 15. Okt. 1985. Mittelalter. Neuzeit. Deutschland (mit Serie Kaiserreich) usw. 577 Nrn., 28 Tf.

          DEM 20


          Münzhandlung Basel (Basel)

505)   9. Auktion am 19. Oct. 1937. Collection de feu Monsieur J. Duval-Plantamour, Genève. Monnaies Suisses. Séries spéciales de monnaies de Berne, Soleure, Sion et Genève. 822 Nrn., 13 Tf.

          [Spink 46, Zürich, lot 853: † CHF 150]

          DEM 125 (sold ?)


          Naville et Cie (Geneve)

870)   Auktion V. 18. Juin 1923. Monnaies grecques antiques provenant des doubles du British Museum, des collections de feu le général A. L. Bertier de la Garde, et de divers autres amateurs. 3038 Nrn., LXXXV Tf.

          DEM 185


          Rosenberg, Sally (Frankfurt am Main)

866)   Auktion am 25. November 1907. Die Sammlung des Herrn R. Kaselowsky, Bielefeld. Münzen und Medaillen verschiedener Länder. 2738 Nrn. Ohne Tf.

          DEM 25


867)   Auktion am 29. November 1909. Die nachgelassene Sammlung des Herrn Generalleutnants Peter v. Lehmann, Wiesbaden.  Münzen und Medaillen der Lande Braunschweig-Lüneburg und Hannover, sowie der angrenzenden Gebiete. 2598 Nrn. Ohne Tf.

          DEM 25


868)   Auktion am 20. Mai 1912. Münzen und Medaillen verschiedener Länder aus dem Besitze eines alten westphälischen Sammlers u. A.  2055 Nrn., 2 Tf.

          DEM 80


869)   50. Auktion am 9. Mai 1921. Pfälzische Münzen und Medaillen aus altem Familienbesitz. Münzen und Medaillen verschiedener Länder, darunter grössere Reihen von Würzburg und Bayern. Neuere Taler, Doppeltaler und Doppelgulden. Deutsche Reichsmünzen [Slg. Sachs] . 2124 Nrn., IX Tf. Back cover and last plate torn.

          DEM 80


516)   60. Auktion am 19. April 1926. Münzen und Medaillen aus mitteldeutschem Museumsbesitz. 2140 Nrn. Ohne Tf.

          DEM 20


519)   65. Auktion am 12. Nov. 1928. Universalsammlung vorwiegend Taler des 16.-19. Jahrhunderts und Goldmünzen. 3180 Nrn., 19 Tf.

          [Schulten 16.10.1990, lot 7453: † DEM 30]

          DEM 25


865)   8. Fixed price, sales list. 1902. Verzeichniss verkäuflicher Münzen und Medaillen. 3140 Nrn.

          DEM 50


521)   Verzeichniss verkäuflicher Münzen und Medaillen. Frankfurt am Main 1926, 310 pp, 9603 Nrn.

          DEM 20


554)   Verzeichniss verkäuflicher Münzen und Medaillen. Frankfurt am Main 1930, 300 pp, 9923 Nrn.

          DEM 20


          Seligmann, Henry (Hannover)

874)   Auktion am 7. September 1931. Münzen- und Medaillen-Kabinett des Grafen Karl zu Inn und Knyphausen. IV. Teil. Die Sammlung des Herrn R. Kaselowsky, Bielefeld. Münzen und Medaillen verschiedener Länder. 4725-6153 Nrn. 8 Tf.

          DEM 60


        C. G. Thieme (Leipzig)

890)   23. Octbr. 1876. Verzeichniss der Sammlung antiker Münzen des sel. Herrn Dr. W. R. Geissler, vereinigt mit der Sammlung von Mittelalter- und modernen Münzen und Medaillen des Herrn P. Zimmermann2.612 Nrn.

          [Varesi 45, Rossi library, lot 1632, estimate EUR 120: not sold (’molto raro’)]

          DEM 155


        Tietjen + Co.

527)   Numismatische Literatur, Auktion 40, Hamburg 1980+1980+1982.

          DEM 15 each



        Auction catalogues after 1900. Rest of world.


528)   Ahlström (Stockholm): various auctions

          DEM 25 each


529)   Bruun Rasmussen (Copenhagen): Jens Rasmussen Collection. Greek & roman coins. October 6, 1977.

          DEM 20


530)   Bruun Rasmussen (Copenhagen): Paul M. Proschowsky Collection. Greek coins. March 10, 1970.

          [Peus 327, lot 6870: † DEM 70]

          DEM 50


531)   Bruun Rasmussen (Copenhagen): various auctions

          DEM 15 each


532)   Hornung (Copenhagen): various auctions

          DEM 15 each


533)   Kunsthallen (Copenhagen): various auctions

          DEM 15 each


534)   Nellemann & Thomsen (Aarhus): various auctions

          DEM 15 each


535)   Oslo Mynthandel (Oslo): various auctions

          DEM 15 each


536)   Riibe Mynthandel (Trondheim): various auctions

          DEM 15 each



        G. Theod. Bom (Amsterdam)

886)   11. maart 1867. Verkooping van munten, penningen, rariteiten, zilverwerk, enz. Catalogue d’une collection intéressante et précieuse de monnaies des pays-bas, de monnaies antiques grecques et romaines, et gauloises de monnaies de diverse pays, de médailles historiques, de monnaies obsidionales, d’objets de rareté. 3141+3155+95+139+181 lots, 116+116 pp. Bound, half-leather, ex-libris.

          DEM 110


          Glendining (London)

543)   .... an important collection of German thalers ... Oct. 28, 1964.

          DEM 25


          Schulman, Jacques (Amsterdam)

857)   17. Mars 1924. Collections de M.A.J. van Eyndhoven ingenieur à Amsterdam, d’un amateur Zéelandais et d’autres provenances. Monnaies Grecques et romaines. Monnaies de l’Europe et d’Outremer. 2749 Nrn., XX Tf. With handwritten prices realized throughout.

          DEM 95


858)   20. Mars 1924. Jetons, médailles, méreaux, monnaies. 2750-3662 Nrn., X Tf. With handwritten prices realized through­out.

          DEM 95


553)   171 - 12. Mars 1930. Succession d´une famille noble Frisonne. Collection d´un amateur distingué Hollandais. Collection du comte P. d´A. à Lisbonne. Collection d´un amateur distingué  à Berlin [Sammlung Meierhof]. Catalogue de séries importantes de monnies et médailles de diverses provenances contenant beaucoup de pièces rares et uniques. 1460 lots, 34 plates.

          [Peus 331, lot 9678: † DEM 225]

          DEM 190


554)   176 - 14. Dec., 1931. Catalogue de la collection de monnaies principalement en or. Formée par un banquier. D´une série remarquable de monnaies obsidionales et de nécessité et monnaies des pays-bas. D´une collection de médailles historiques et médailles de famille. 70 pp, 1183 lots, 11 plates.

          Sammlung von kontramarkiertes Münzen wie Feld-, Noth- und Belagerungsmünzen. Obsidional & siege coins.

          DEM 98


878)   29. March, 1949. A collection of Roman coins, aes grave, romano-campanian coins, the roman republic and empire, numismatic books, cabinets, formed by A. H. Drijfhout van Hooff. 750 lots, VIII plates.

          DEM 60


        Schulman, Hans M.F. & Kreisberg, Abner (New York)

557)   The Golden sale of the century. Part II. 17.-19. Jan. 1963, New York.

          Enormous collection all consisting of 3.595 lots of pure gold coins ! Countless of rarities from all countries in the world. Collection of highest importance. Lots and lots of German gold coins.

          DEM 40


558)   The Golden sale of the century. Part III. 24.-26. Oct. 1963, New York.

          Enormous collection all consisting of 1.402 lots of pure gold coins ! Countless of rarities from all countries in the world. Collection of highest importance. Lots and lots of German gold coins.

          DEM 40


559)   Virgil Brand - Gustav Lichtenfels et al. collections. March 18,19, 20, 21 1964, Auktion New York, 215 pp.

          Including Brand collection of German coins.

          DEM 30


        Schulman, Hans M.F. (New York)

562)   The coin and primitive money collection of the estate of Howard D. Gibbs, Pittsburgh, PA. Part II “The Coins”. 14.-15. Dec. 1970, New York.

          Antique & worldwide coins.

          DEM 40


563)   The Howard D. Gibbs collection. Part IV . 6.-7. April 1971, New York.

          Mostly antique coins

          DEM 40


564) Public coin auction of the DEUTSCHLAND Collection of Gold, Silver Talers, Multiples, Medals and Other Consignors, 4.-5. May 1971, New York.

          DEM 40


565) Public auction Sale. The collections of Nate S. Shapero and the Nate S. and Ruth B. Shapero Foundation. World gold coins. 25.-27. Oct. 1971, New York.

          1.689 lots of world gold coins.

          DEM 40



574)   (Zürich): The Brand collection part 1. Roman and European coins. 1. July 1982.

          DEM 60


576)   (Zürich): The Brand Collection part 5. Greek and Roman coins. Feb. 1 1984.

          DEM 60


576b)(Zürich): The Brand Collection part 7. Ancient coins. Oct. 25 1984.

          DEM 60


576c)(Zürich): The Brand Collection part 10. Classical and modern coins and medals. Oct. 24 1985.

          DEM 60


759) 300-400 foreign coin auction catalogues world wide 1995-2000. 

[State from what company you want to buy cat.s]

DEM (various prices)



Did you NOT find, what you were seeking in this list ?

In that case it was a waste of MY time writing the above list to you . . . . . . (more than 2 weeks of typing).

Which listing by the way contains just a minor part of my duplicates-collection.


So, now is the time were YOU sit down, spend a few hours of yours and write your  want/manco-list , following the instructions in the link ! !

   -    that is offcourse taking for granted, you are to be found amongst the not too many serious book -readers / -buyers / -collectors.


You claim you do not know, what titles are available ???  In that case the thing for you to do is reading for yourself the extensive listings of available titles, by buying these catalogs:

A) Norwegian numismatic bibliography

B) An attempt of a Danish-Norwegian numismatic bibliography

C) Check-list of public coin auction catalogues from Denmark and Norway 1684-1998

D) Check-list of public coin auction catalogues from Sweden up to 1900

E) Contributions to a Swedish numismatic bibliography

F) Swedish numismatic bio-bibliography 





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