(home) (klager) (Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97 - 1st edition) (Scandinavian Coin Price Yearbooks 1996  - 2000) (Antiquarian coin books for sale) 


This is some sample data extracted from the databank of the "Catalogue of the MEM Scandinavian numismatic library 1615-2013".


For exact listing of auction cats. presently included in the databanks of The Scandinavian Coin Price Yearbooks (covering the full 34 calendar years 1990-2023) do study this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSCANDcatlist.htm

The author has the opinion, it is the users of a given book, who shall pay the production costs of the book – it is not the author. Thus no one can use the MEM book for free nor own it without paying their fair contribution to the production costs.

From 31.12.2013 onwards all the MEM printed data extracts are distributed via the Microsoft model of personal user license. You must not re-sell the extracts. (Google-books scanning projects and iCoinsApp and 'free-riders' etcetera thus are excluded from use).

(details: see the bottom of this webpage). Go to the details of the user license - click here

English language readers for informative articles can jump to this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankCatalogueOfTheMEMlibrary1615-2013.htm#ProductionCosts


6 different paper printed data extracts from the MEM-databanks.

All copies individually named with the buyer of the user license:









Trykoplag: mindre end 100. Modtaget fondsstøtte: DKK 0 (nul).


(15.100 + 2.400 + 3.500 =)    21.000 titles registered 1615-2013 (per 2019) including MEM-reference-numbers freely to be quoted by market-participants, ca. 1.000 + 170 + 160 A4-pages, spiral bound, weight 3 kilogram. (expected printing run: 15 licenses sold per 01.05.2014).

Economic support paid from foundations: DKK 0 / USD 0 (zero). The publishing project is instead financed e.g. by the buyers of the personal user-licenses. Production costs: e.g. ca. 2.500+ working hours. (ca. 2.500 hours=15x166 hours)




 Basis version 1.02 from 2014: 17.300 titles (1.350 pages) - - - pr. 2020 /             Version 2.0 from 2015: 18.700 titles (1.450 pages) - - - pr. 2020 /              Version 3.0 from 2016: 22.200 titles (1.600 pages) - - - pr. 2020 /     



Danish-Norwegian bibliography version 3.02 from 2019: 14.000 titles (1.300 pages) - - - pr. 2020 (version 4.0) /    Swedish bibliography from 2020: 10.300 titles (ca. 612 pages)














De 4 teoretiske metoder til at uddele legatstøtte efter









Hvad kræver / forventer / du selv i timeløn ?


Månedsløn for møntforfattere fastsat til DKK 50.000 af chefen for Møntsamlingen, Nationalmuseet



Læs mange flere detailler om lønsatser for møntforfattere på dette link http://numisbooks.dk/info/nybogDK2.htm#timeloen



Læs mange flere detailler om fondsstøtte til møntforfattere på dette link




(Udgives ikke grundet fondsafslag) (Hvis du vil læse om fondsafslaget klik her ) (Så MEM beholder kataloget for sig selv - klik her )










På dette weblink kan du se fremgangsmåden på den slags pengeønsker ude i det virkelige liv:


            på hvilket weblink det ønskes, at andre folks tegnebøger betaler produktionsomkostningerne for en bog om norske mark mønter fra Frederik III.


Se nærmere om betaling af produktionsomkostningerne for numismatisk litteratur i ”Småskrifter for møntsamlere”, nr. 6, februar 2014, med titlen:

Afstemning. Eller ... Hvem skal betale omkostningerne for en bogs fremstilling ? - del 2” [MEM 55.182] http://numisbooks.dk/info/nybogDK2.htm#omkost2 











De to forord fra 1999 hhv. 2019 gengives nedenfor































"Gullbekk [UMK] synes at norske samlere bruker altfor lite penger på relevant litteratur, og oppfordret medlemmerne til å forbedre sig."

MEM note: Som et allerede bevist faktum kan oplyses, at norske+danske+svenske møntmuseumsfolk er nærige,

fordi de bruger alt for få penge på at indkøbe relevant litteratur,

(f. ex.) referenceværket "Dansk-norsk-svensk numismatisk bibliografi 1615-2013", 2014.

MEM opfordrer hermed museumsfolkene i Skandinavien til at forbedre sig og slutte med at være nærige omkring køb af relevant faglitteratur.








O.J. Winstrups u-eftergørlige pengeseddel 1827

solgt ubeskrevet af ABRs møntbogsexperter i samlelot med gamle møntbøger.


































Den svenske Stat's (KMK's) uredelighed omkring den private Sven Svensson-fond og 1928-testamentet





Vil DU i fremtiden give mønter og antikviteter - eller penge - til statsejede museer ?”





Tilføjelse: alle gaver fra årene 1963-2015 bør af den svenske Stat tilbageleveres

til den private Sven Svensson-stiftelse grundet Statens uredelighed


Den danske Stat's (MK's) uredelighed omkring den private L.E.Bruun-fond og 1922-testamentet

Læs her: http://grelbersforlag.dk/info/leb3.htm




Uploadet: 03.03.2021


Fine nye indbindinger for møntbogsamlere


INFO: Websiden blev for stor og involverede for megen forbrug af BÅNDBREDDE / BANDWIDTH.




Billederne af bogindbindingerne er derfor blevet flyttet til dette weblink:


DET NYE LINK: http://numisbooks.dk/info/fine-nye-indbindinger-for-bogsamlere.htm






Markedsdeltagere og gratisbrugere som gerne vil have gratis 'viden' eller låne bøger - klik her.


”Det dummeste sted at spare, er, at spare på faglitteraturen.”



Bogbinder for alle bindene på fotoet ovenfor: Tommy Truelsen, Ericavej 1, 7470 Karup J, tommy.kristian.truelsen@gmail.com












De eneste indbindings-indekser, som DU kan købe, er dem afbildet herunder (og som blev udgivet i marts 2020):










DU vidste slet ikke, at de i alt T+33 styk indbindingsindekser udgivet i 2020 OGSÅ virker på tidsskrifter, som IKKE er indbundne !


Dvs. alle indbindingsindekserne virker også på Dine u-indbundne tidsskrifter … … … …   :-)






Uploadet: 03.03.2021


Fine nye indbindinger for møntbogsamlere


INFO: Websiden blev for stor og involverede for megen forbrug af BÅNDBREDDE / BANDWIDTH.




Billederne af bogindbindingerne er derfor blevet flyttet til dette weblink:






Hvis du vil se bogæsken udfærdiget til Nordens dyreste møntauktionskatalog, skal du klikke her:









en rigtig GOD JUL 2020


og et GODT NYTÅR 2021























Article below: "The 30 largest privately owned Danish-Norwegian numismatic book collections as well as some of the smaller book collections

which allready have been disposed of in the last 60 years."



Article below: "The 30 most diligent numismatic writers in Scandinavia as counted by entries registered in the 'Danish-Norwegian-Swedish Numismatic Bibliography 1615-2013' "

(Udgives ikke grundet fondsafslag) (Hvis du vil læse om fondsafslaget klik her ) (Så MEM beholder kataloget for sig selv - klik her )



Hvad kræver / forventer / du selv i timeløn ?


Månedsløn for møntforfattere fastsat til DKK 50.000 af chefen for Møntsamlingen, Nationalmuseet



Læs mange flere detailler om lønsatser for møntforfattere på dette link http://numisbooks.dk/info/nybogDK2.htm#timeloen



Læs mange flere detailler om fondsstøtte til møntforfattere på dette link






Mange ton doublet-møntbøger og tusindevis af andre stykker numismatisk doublet-litteratur og auktionskataloger haves.

Fremsend mankolisten fra http://numisbooks.dk/info/mancolisterDK.htm med udfyldte købsprisfelter til mem@image.dk





Photographs of 5 pirate copied numismatic books:







- o -






GROUCHO MARX: 'The Master Code Book'


(or 'Tootsi Frootsie Ice Cream' from the movie "A Day At The Races", 1936)


- o -

Markedsdeltagere og gratisbrugere som gerne vil have gratis 'viden' eller låne bøger - klik her.











”Det dummeste sted at spare, er, at spare på faglitteraturen.”




Go to the English information of the user license









Google-books scanning projects and iCoinsApp and ’free-riders’ etcetera has been excluded from any kind of use of the MEM-databanks thanks to the established user-license.















5 beskeder I-II-III-IV-V til diverse Satanister og den slags folk.


I) September 2013 henvendte Politikens Satan-journalister sig til "Troldmandens Lærling" for at erhverve research-assistance om Satan-mønter.

    Politiken forventede dengang i 2013, at eksperter arbejder gratis for avisen. Ja, faktisk så krævede Politiken frækt endda betaling fra lærlingen i forbindelse med lærlingens assistance.

    Du kan på Kunstnyt.dk læse en lille artikel om Politikens endnu uløste Satans-problemer. Artiklen offentliggjortes oktober 2013 på Kunstnyt.dk: http://www.kunstnyt.dk/satansmoenter.htm

II) 2 år senere ville Politiken igen have "Troldmandens Lærling" til at udføre journalisternes research for dem. Politiken forventede igen i 2015, at eksperter arbejder gratis for avisen. Læs her hvordan det gik.

III) Klik her for at læse en nekrolog over "Troldmanden", der døde i oktober 2012: http://numisbooks.dk/info/JoergenSoemodNekrolog1944-2012.htm

IV) Morale: Såfremt du vil have "Troldmandens Lærling" til at udføre din research for dig, må du naturligvis betale for et antal researchtimer.

V) Registerbogen over de 9.000 fagartikler inklusive den Satan-mønt-research, som Politiken IKKE fik fat i år 2013 findes ved at klikke her.


Detailleret brugsanvisning for Satanister med flere på dette link:




For comparison the details of the 3 previously published Scandinavian numismatic bibliographies are this (I have duplicates of all 3 for sale) – titles are translated into English language:


A) Price: DKK 150, Stuhr Larsen: ”Attempt at a Danish-Norwegian numismatic bibliography until 1969”, Copenhagen 1972, 849 literature titles, (MEM 54.048) [28] pages. (printing run: ?). Economic support paid from foundations: DKK 0 (zero).

B) Price: DKK 400, Gullbekk: ”Norwegian numismatic bibliography”, Oslo 1998, 3.762 literature titles, (MEM 52.151) 328 pages. (printing run: 300 + 200). Economic support paid from foundations: NOK 42.000 + xx.000.

C) Price: DKK 425, Hesse: ”Swedish numismatic bibliography until 1903”, Stockholm 2004, 2.336 literature titles, (MEM 52.588) 379 pages. (printing run: 600). Economic support paid from foundations: SEK xx.000.

D) Price: user license (extract must not be re-sold), Catalogue of the MEM Danish-Norwegian-Swedish private numismatic library 1615-2013”, Copenh. 2014, 13.566 literature titles, (MEM 55.199) ca. 800 A4-pages, weight 1,9 kg. (printing run: 15 licenses sold per 01.05.2014).

Economic support paid from foundations: DKK 0 (nul).


Tell me, that You have an interest at mem@image.dk - and I will come back to you real quick with the details. Best regards, from Morten (bookcollector).








(English translation - short version - only the full Danish text seen above is the legal version)


1) The name of the buyer of the user license [=XYZ] is printed in the paper printed data extract.

2) The paper printed data extract is only and solely for the personal and private use of XYZ.

3) XYZ are thus not allowed to re-distribute the data extract to other users. That includes non-allowance for XYZ: to lend, to rent, to copy, to digitalize, to re-publish, to sell, to give, to donate, to make over, to hand over, to assign, to transfer the paper printed data extract and/or the contents therein to any person or any institution. That goes both for parts, 'small bits of' or the complete data extract.

4) The user license itself cannot be sold or transferred to other parties than XYZ.

5) Some persons are not willing to pay their fair user license for using this work. XYZ is not allowed to let such non-paying parties get access to the contents of the said work. XYZ has to kindly suggest such persons to buy their own user license.

6) At the time when XYZ has finished using the data extract, it has to be destroyed, which is done by returning it at the cost of XYZ or the estate of XYZ to the owner of the copyrights [=CRO = MEM].

7) The user license expires at the latest at the death time of XYZ.

8) XYZ does not own the paper print. The paper print belongs to the owner of the copyrights, CRO. XYZ only has bought a user right to read, search, look up in the data extract. CRO is lending the paper print to XYZ. No other party than XYZ have any legal rights to be in possession of the paper printed data extract.

9) In case that XYZ violates the conditions for the user license, CRO has the right and powers to immediately put the user license to an end / expire. CRO can at any given time request the lended paper print of the data extract to be returned by XYZ to the CRO (cf. 6).

10) No license fees, that are allready paid, can be refunded - and no refunds are granted for any specific given reason whatsoever.

11) Only physically persons can purchase a user license. Institutions cannot.

12) XYZ has an option to buy the owner rights of the paper printed data extract (price: 5x the price of the users license). This option expires 2 years after the date of the purchase of the original user license.


Danish jurisdiction and laws regulates the agreement of this user license. The venue for any legal actions is Copenhagen. By buying the user license / using the paper printed data extract you are accepting the conditions for the user license.













Article below: “What do you demand / expect / to be paid yourself for 1 working hour ?”



INFORMATION to book lovers


The strict conditions of the user license to the printed data extracts are of course a result coming from the eternal battle between the authors

A) and the pirate copyists

B) and Google-books scanning projects and iCoinsApp

C) as well as the fact that book-users try to avoid paying to the authors for using the works of the authors


thus ending up each time, that the authors have to pay the costs, so that a great number of book users, can use the books for free.


However, employing the Microsoft user license models effectively eliminates all the free-riders thus ensuring, that each and all of the users of a 'book' also actually do pay to the author for using the work of the author.


Sorry, but it is such a cruel world :-(



If You want to read about pirate copied coin books / Fachliterature, then click here:



To various numismatic connections, Dear XYZ                                                                        01.05.2014


The private numismatic book collection of MEM now is so large, that the recently printed and published Catalogue of the MEM Scandinavian numismatic library 1615-2013 in reality is a Scandinavian ’bibliography’ 1615-2013.

Among others the complete personal bibliography of the late Jørgen Sømod († 2012) consisting of 924 titles has been registered in the book catalogue. Also titles on ancient and foreign coins published in Scandinavia has been registered.


Collectors of coin books and pure coin collectors and dealers presumably can have an interest in using this reference work / book catalogue 1615-2013.

As a philantrophic private hobby publisher for 35 years I am extremely used to, that publication of books always results in an economic loss for the author.


You can see the financing balance sheet for this the latest MEM-databank, the above mentioned book catalogue 1615-2013 here: http://numisbooks.dk/info/nybogDK2.htm#indt2

The production of the book catalogue among others cost ca. 2.500 working hours.


Naturally it is the book users, who shall pay the production costs of a book. Everybody knows that fact ! J


15 user licenses have been sold for this the latest MEM-databank, the book catalogue 1615-2013, which mean, that each of the 15 book users /shall/ought to/ pay for 166 of the working hours. The production costs thus have been paid for (by the book users), and the book users thus in such a scenario are allowed to re-sell the book.


However, some book users are known to exist, [?XYZ?], who are not willing to pay their fair share of the production costs, that is the 166 working hours.

Such book users are offered a cheaper option – they can buy a user license for the book catalogue 1615-2013 by paying only 8 of the working hours [the book users then are not allowed to re-sell the book].


I.e. any book user have the free choice between TWO different prices

A) the book user pay for 166 of the working hours [’old fashioned’ conditions] [and the book can be re-sold]

B) the book user pay for 8 of the working hours [that is ’user license’] [the book must NOT be re-sold] [book is only for the private and personal use of XYZ, etc.]


Esteemed XYZ, what price do You choose, (A) or (B) ?




User licence stops all the freeloaders


DIAGRAM: When you re-sell your copy to a new user YYY (:Situation 1), unfortunately the new user YYY does not pay 1 single $ to the author MEM, for using MEM’s books. L .

Check the diagram below, which shows the flow of money when re-selling used MEM-books.




Question: Is there a possibility to 'own' the data print ?


Answer: Yes,

There is actually in the conditions a buy-option, for those who necessarily may want to 'own' the paper printed data extract. And thus you will 'own' it (and may re-sell it).

The cheapest option by far is to just have a user license, though.


Both ways, you get what you want: the ability to use the data extract.


In comparison Blockbuster has (or had if the company is bust now) two options:

A) you could buy a user license to use the DVD

B) or you could buy the DVD itself to own.

The 'buy' option offcourse also was much costlier than the 'use' option.


C) or you can buy a user license to use a car

D) or you can buy the car itself to own.

The 'buy' option offcourse also for the car is much costlier than the 'use' option.

Do notice: in the actual case, that you re-sell (or your estate re-sell) the printed data extract ('book'), that you rightfully own, then you create a new user X2, who do not pay to the author for use of the author's work. At the same time you end up in reality being a 'free-rider', because the xxx dollars you originally paid to the author, you now get paid back from the new buyer X2. And you end up having used the data extract ('book') for free.

See the diagram above (:Situation 1)


And when he, X2, again re-sells the data extract ('book'), he creates yet another user Y3, who do not pay to the author. The 'buy'-price is set to (among other things) compensate the author in this scenario.







Question: Do I really have to mail back the printed data extract, when I have finished using it ?


Answer: No, we can get around this. The important thing is, that the data extract gets destroyed. You can have the camera in your cell phone film the glorius minutes, when you tear the data extract into little pieces, pour some gasoline on and light it up in fire with your Zippo lighter. Then mail that exciting film sequence to the CRO.




















The most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research literature.”


Numismatic books are life threatening - the center book room of MEM ca. 20:00 Friday evening 08.03.2013


A complete 4 meter long and 2,2 meter high wall of book-shelves collapsed down upon the working place desk of MEM's. Chocking pictures. The good news is: MEM survived the avalanche, since he just had gone to the bathroom 1 minute before the wall came tumbling down.


56 real scary pictures here: http://numisbooks.dk/info/Reolvaeltning201303.htm



Various articles and rantings about the obstacles of publishing (and financing) of numismatic books: http://numisbooks.dk/info/nybogDK2.htm - with informations of printing runs for more than 100 num. books.



700+ antiquarian duplicate titles for sale at this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/antikvarisktilsalgUS.htm


Back to MEM home page: For numismatic book collectors