(home) (klager) (Roman Coin Price Yearbook 1996/97 - 1st edition) (Scandinavian Coin Price Yearbooks 1996 - 2000) (Antiquarian coin books for sale)
Paper printed extracts in book form from huge searchable and indexed data banks of auction results worldwide.
(INFO: Coin Archives / ACsearch / NumisBids / Sixbid / Emaxbid / etcetera are not indexed but 'random'. This is among the reasons why these sources not at all can be used for any kind of rarity number or occurence number statements.)
The 3 vols. have been
published in July 2018. Contact the editor,
Morten Eske Mortensen, Copenhagen, for ordering details at
most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research
13 demo pages (below) documenting, why You can NOT use e.g. CoinArchives as basis for making larger economic decisions around purchases or sales of costly coins
- but most of the cheapskate market participants does not have a clue about that fact. Probably also not You ! And stupid ignorance will lead to money losses. L
NOTE: The data in the demo pages below have not yet been proof read.
You can see a list of all the auction catalogues consulted at this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankROMANcatlist.htm#Paper-printed-catalogs-indexed
”The most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research literature.”
If You want to know, how You get cheated in the auction business, then take a look-see here: http://grelbersforlag.dk/info/abonnementMaanedensKommentar.htm
INFO: The 2021-Heritage stories were not broadly published until April 24th, 2021 [:antedated]
See the link to the Heritage webpage: https://coins.ha.com/itm/sweden/world-coins/sweden-johan-iii-1568-1592-4-riksdaler-nd-1587-xf45-ngc-/a/3096-30448.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515
13 demo pages (below) documenting, why You can NOT use e.g. CoinArchives as basis for making larger economic decisions around purchases or sales of costly coins
- but most of the cheapskate market participants does not have a clue about that fact. Probably also not You ! And stupid ignorance will lead to money losses. L
Do You want to see previous times when Heritage was the guest star ?
Will they ever learn ?
The law says cheating the bidders is illegal / Markedsføringsloven: http://numisbooks.dk/info/professionelvildledningafklienterne.htm
See the link to the Heritage webpage:
Read more on the false / fake / rarity statements from Roberto Delzanno:
Ursula Kampmann reviews a new book from Roberto Delzanno on this link: https://coinsweekly.com/the-entire-world-of-swedish-coinage-in-two-books/
"Known by whom ?": http://numisbooks.dk/info/kendtafhvem.htm
See the link to the Heritage webpage:
Do you want to see the last time that Künker was the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel24.htm
Do you want to see another time that Künker was the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel17.htm
Do you want to see Künker yet again ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel17.htm
Do you want to see Künker a 4th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel35.htm
Do you want to see Künker a 5th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel30.htm
Do you want to see Künker a 6th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel26.htm
Do you want to see Künker a 7th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel27.htm
Do you want to see Künker a 8th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel28.htm
Do you want to see Künker plagiarize wellknown numismatist Jørgen Sømod ?
Do you want to see the last time that Nordlind was the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel19.htm
Do you want to see Tkalec as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel20.htm
Do you want to see Tietjen as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/NaiveNoviceNumismatikereDel2.htm
Do you want to see Ahlström as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/gladsaxegymnasium/unikummestdel3.htm
Do You want to see Pegasus Auctions AB as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel25.htm
Do You want to see La Galerie Numismatique as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/upsdel25.htm
Do You want to see NAC Numismatica Ars Classica as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/unikummestdel32.htm
Do You want to see Stacks as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSE.htm#unikummestdel37
Do You want to see Heritage as the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankDK.htm#Heritage1
Do you want to see another time that Heritage was the guest star ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankDK.htm#Heritage2
Do you want to see Heritage yet again ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankDK.htm#Heritage3
Do you want to see Heritage a 4th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSE.htm#Heritage4
Do you want to see Heritage a 5th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSE.htm#Heritage5
Do you want to see Heritage a 6th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/FaglitteraturTabPengePaaAuktionshusetsUvidenhedB.htm#Heritage6
Do you want to see Heritage a 7th time and an 8th time ? http://numisbooks.dk/info/FaglitteraturTabPengePaaAuktionshusetsUvidenhedB.htm#Heritage7-fake-rarity-number-statements-qva-Roberto-Delzanno
Do you want to see
Heritage a 9th time ?
Will they ever learn ?
At this weblink observer and columnist Per-Göran Carlsson writes an essay on the subject of auction-houses, that are cheating the buyers with false rarity-number statements:
At this weblink You can read about a number of lawsuits against auction house 'experts' who for money cheats the bidders and the buyers using fake rarity number informations e.g. from "CoinArchives" (& others):
”The most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research literature.”
From Grelbers Forlag
Web page message 29.03.2021 to the nice people at Heritage:
Now, that we have got your attention J .... (thanks by the way !) ...
The Heritage experts have been shown not to do the necessary research.
Grelbers Forlag has pointed to the fact, that the Heritage experts apparently systematically and routinely in their (not-qualified) 'research' methods are ending up cheating the bidders with false informations.
Presumably the Heritage experts are using exactly the same insufficient 'research' methods for objects from the 150+ other FOREIGN countries in the world.
The 'right thing' to do for Heritage is to change this way of wrongful conduct / wrongful 'research' methods.
That concludes: "In the future stop the cheatings by false informations."
Best regards
(publisher of critical and highly satirical exposures / unveilings / unmaskings / revealings / for ca. 40 years)
See the link to the Heritage webpage:
http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankNO.htm#Kvalitet-af-databaser ( ç Danish translation)
Auction occurences analysis: 'Quality' of data banks – part I.
Link to the magazine "Leaflets For Coin Collectors"
Here is shown a random ('gratis') webpage / online / data bank covering the time frame 2015-2020.
The data bank shows in the category ”Kvalitet 1” 19 auction occurences and the category ”Kvalitet 1+” further 17 and the category ”Kvalitet 01” 3 more
- - - in total the online data bank registrates 39 auction occurences for period 2015-2020.
In total the BOOKprinted data bank registrates 89 auction occurences for the period 2015-2020.
Links where HERITAGE in 2021 in informative way shows, that “CoinArchives” is useless when compared to the MEM data banks:
13 demo pages (below) documenting, why You can NOT use e.g. "CoinArchives" as basis for making larger economic decisions around purchases or sales of costly coins
- but most of the cheapskate market participants does not have a clue about that fact. Probably also not You ! And stupid ignorance will lead to money losses. L
”The most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research literature.”
The law says cheating the bidders is illegal - and punishable / Markedsføringsloven: http://numisbooks.dk/info/professionelvildledningafklienterne.htm
04. marts 2017 Fach Litteratur - part 34.
Danish coin dealer arrestered March 2017 at coin show in Münich, since he had not bought ’knowledge’. The coin dealer was not able to supply the German authorities with provenances for at least the last 20 years on his objects put for sale ! . “The main target of the police action in Munich was an Afghani citizen from Bronshoj (near Copenhagen), Denmark, who was selling a variety of coins and antiques, such as spear points and decorative items.”
and furthermore “The new law went into effect in 2016 and requires at least 20 years’ of provenance for objects of cultural importance, and requires an export license for objects that are more than 70 years old and worth more than €300,000 ($320,566 U.S.).” . . Read the full story here:
More articles: http://www.coinworld.com/news/world-coins/2016/12/import-restrictions-egypt-coins.html
- o -
NOTE: It seems to be a smart idea for coin dealers and coin collectors and employees at the auction houses and the cheapskate museum people to begin buying the neccessary Fach-Litteratur (including access to 'data bases' of auction sales of coins) to be able to find documentation on the provenances for the coins in previous auction catalogues and in other Fach-Litteratur.
It is much more pleasant to buy ’knowledge’ than to be sent to prison. J Important note: Claiming ’ignorance’ won't prevent jail time.
http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSCANDcatlist.htm http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankROMANcatlist.htm . Dansk mønthandler arresteret marts 2017 på møntmessen i München, da han ikke havde købt sig ’viden’. Mønthandleren kunne ikke opfylde myndighedernes krav om mindst 20 års proveniens på salgsobjekterne !
- o -
NOTE: Det vil nok være en god ide for mønthandlere og møntsamlere og auktionshusmedarbejdere og de nærige museumsfolk at begynde på at indkøbe sig den nødvendige faglitteratur (herunder adgang til 'databaser' over auktionssalg af mønter) for at kunne finde frem til dokumentation om mønternes proveniens i tidligere auktionskataloger og i øvrig faglitteratur. . Det er meget rarere at købe sig til ’viden’ end at blive sendt i fængsel. J Bemærk: ’U-videnhed’ gør ikke straffri.
http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankSCANDcatlist.htm http://numisbooks.dk/info/demodatabankROMANcatlist.htm |
Faglitteratur - del 33.
New EU directive and new German anti terror law have hit all auction houses and all collectors of antiquities (including ’coins’).
Countries plundered demands their cultural treasures delivered back through EU law.
And German authorities can demand a minimum of 20 years of provenance – or alternatively you risk confiscation by the government of privately owned antiquities with the 'excuse': ’possibly formerly stolen by terrorists’.
most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research
For one huge list of the more than 1.300 international paper printed auction catalogues including Roman coins that currently are entered into the databank of The Roman Coin Price Yearbook covering the full 12 calendar years 1995-2006 take a look at this link:
Paper printed extracts in book form from huge searchable and indexed data banks of auction results worldwide.
(INFO: Coin Archives / ACsearch / NumisBids / Sixbid / Emaxbid / etcetera are not indexed but 'random'. This is among the reasons why these sources not at all can be used for any kind of rarity number or occurence number statements.)
Expected printing date: around May 2018
Click here for demo pages from the upcoming 2018 edition
Sample page of the RCPY 2003 edition: http://numisbooks.dk/info/roman2003USdemo.htm
Sample page of the RCPY 2006 GOLD coin edition (covering the full 10 calendar years 1996-2005): http://numisbooks.dk/info/roman2006USdemo.htm
Sample data extracted from the databank of the Scandinavian Coin Price Yearbooks (covering the full 34 calendar years 1990-2023): click here
;>) Five reasons that private collectors and museums staffs do not need to possess the market data informations in the Coin Price Yearbooks:
A) Private collectors and museums staffs do not mind paying too much for those coins, which they bid on or buy.
B) Private collectors and museums staffs do not mind selling coins from their collections too cheaply.
C) There is no reason, that private collectors and museums staffs should have qualified data information of the real ‘commonness’ of those coins, which they bid on or buy.
D) There is no reason, that private collectors and museums staffs should have qualified data information of the real rarity of those coins, which they sell from their collections.
E) There is no reason, that private collectors and museums staffs should have qualified data information, which can help to 'beat the market'. That kind of stuff is necessary only for the chosen, serious market participants.
”The most stupid place to save money, is, to cut down expenses for research literature.”
700+ antiquarian titles for sale at this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/antikvarisktilsalgUS.htm
Duplicate literature for sale
Write to mem@image.dk and ask for availability.
038) Bolin, Sture: Fynden av romerska mynt i det frie Germanien. Studier i romersk och äldre germansk historia. Lund 1926, 331+215 pp, II tables.
[Tietjen 55, lot 3030: † DEM 360]
EUR 180
790a) Bolin, Sture: Die Funde römischer und byzantinischer Münzen im freien Germany, 1929, 60 pp, maps, tables.
German translated summary of his important work "Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien" (Lund 1926). Rare. Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache von "Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien" (Lund 1926) unter Berücksichtigung einiger
wichtiger neuer Funde. Selten.
EUR 100
825) Bolin, Sture: Die Funde römischer und byzantinischer Münzen in Ostpreussen, Königsberg 1926, Sonderdruck, pp 203-240, maps, tables.
EUR 125
041) Bolin, Sture: Ur penningens historia, Lund 1962, 184 pp.
10 articles by Bolin is collected here: Krona, öre och andra mynt/ Guld och silver genom tiderna/ Olika slags myntfynd/ Skattfynd som historiska källor/ Penningens födelse/ Den romerska denaren och Greshams lag/ Solidus/ Vid den feodala penningens rot/
Skattpenning och plogpenning/ Muhammed, Karl den Store och Rurik.
EUR 35
586) Bolin, Sture: State and currency in the Roman empire to 300 A.D., Stockholm 1958, 357 pp, tables, diagrams.
English language.
EUR 140 [Frankfurter Münzhandlung 145, lot 75: † DEM 250] [Spink Num. Circular sep. 1998, no. S 517: GBP 95 "very scarce" ]
593) Brock, P.M.J.: Numismatiske Undersøgelser betræffende den senere romerske Keisertid med særligt Hensyn til Møntmærkerne, Kjøbenhavn 1874, 136 pp.
Survey of especially the mint marks on Roman coins A.D. 248 – 395. Doctoral thesis for cand.juris. Brock's phil. degree.
EUR 128
801) Gren, Erik: Der Münzfund von Viminacium, Uppsala & Leipzig 1934, 64 pp.
Find 1902 of more than 100.000 Roman coins (126 kilogram of coins).
[Kolbe 84, lot 184: † USD 225 ‘rare and important’]
EUR 185
806) Knapke, Werner: Aurei- und Solidi-Vorkommen an der Südküste der Ostsee und ihre Zusammenhänge mit der umliegenden Fundwelt, Copenhagen 1941, incl. 15 tables, 3 maps, 1 enclosure, 4º.
German language.
[Künker 102, lot 3785: † EUR 160]
EUR 175
772) Knapke, Werner: Aurei- und Solidi-Vorkommen am Mare Baltikum und deren westliche Zusammenhänge, Copenhagen 1943, 12 pp, 4 tables, 3 maps, 4º.
EUR 90 [Kolbe list 42, no. 164: USD 75]
803) Lipsius & Leitzmann: A bibliography of numismatic books printed before 1800 with the supplement to 1866, reprint Colchester 1977, XX+558+IV+189 pp, hardbound.
EUR 145
238) Mackeprang, Mogens B.: De nordiske Guldbrakteater, Aarhus 1952, 228 pp Klein-Folio, 28 Tafeln.
Standard-work. Scandinavian gold-bracteates from the 6th to the 7th centuries. English summary.
EUR 160
241) Malmer, Brita: Nordiska mynt före år 1000, Bonn/Lund 1966, XVIII + 358 pp, 57 Tafeln. 4º. English summary.
Important. Reference work. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English summary.
[Künker 102, lot 5033: † EUR 240]
EUR 295
683) Matsson, G.O.: The gods, goddesses and heroes of the ancient coins of bible lands, Stockholm 1969, XXVIII+267 pp, VIII plates, bound.
English language.
EUR 35
774) Mayer, L.A.: Bibliography of Moslem numismatics India excepted, London 1954, IX+283 pp., original blue cloth.
Second considerably enlarged edition. The main reference. Copy has belonged to the library of the late Georg Galster.
[Spink num. circular feb. 1999, S 142: GBP 325 'extremely scarce'] [Kolbe 123, 2012, lot 119: † USD 850 'rare and indispensable']
EUR 650
776) Müller, Ludvig: Den macedoniske Konge Philip IIs Mynter,
Kjöbenhavn 1855, IV+II+133 pp., IV plates.
Doctoral thesis for the
phil. degree.
EUR 135
801) Müller, L.: Den thraciske Konge Lysimachus’s Mynter, Kiöbenhavn 1857, [88] pp., IX plates, 4º.
Hard bound.
[Spink, le Rider 2005, lot 612: GBP 225 ’rare’]
EUR 245
804) Mørkholm, Otto: Studies in the coinage of Antiochus IV of Syria, København 1963, 75 pp, XV plates.
EUR 190 [Kolbe 102, lot 682: † USD 300 ‘very scarce’]
703) Mørkholm, Otto: Antiochus IV of Syria, Copenhagen 1966, 228 pp.
Rare. Doctoral thesis for the phil. degree. English language. Danish summary.
EUR 85
824) Mørkholm, Otto & Zahle, Jan: The coinage of Kuprlli. Numismatic and archeological study, Copenhagen 1972, 57 pp, ill. 4º, no wrappers.
English language.
[Künker e-live 12, 07.11.2012, lot 268: † EUR 380]
EUR 350
704) Mørkholm, Otto & Zahle, Jan: The coinages of the Lycian dynasts Kheriga, Kherêi and Erbbina. A numismatic and archeological study, Copenhagen 1976, 54 pp, ill. 4º, no wrappers.
[Künker e-live 12, 07.11.2012, lot 269: † EUR 280]
EUR 250
805) Ramus, Christian: Catalogus numorum veterum græcorum et latinorum musei Regis daniæ, pars I + II (vol. 1+2), Hafniæ 1816, XVIII+414+356+412 pp., VIII+V plates, hardbound in 3 volumes.
EUR 1.100 [Kolbe 76, lot 672: † USD 1.000]
823) Schwabacher, Willy: Das Demareteion, Bremen 1958, with VII plates.
Reference work.
EUR 185
738) Särström, Margit: A study in the coinage of the Mamertines, Basel & Lund 1940, XV+182 pp, LIV plates.
Greek Sicily BC 300-200. Kroh: "Somewhat difficult to locate". English language.
EUR 230
746) Tornberg, C.J.: Numi cufici regii numophylacii holmiensis, quos omnes in terra sueciae repertos, Upsaliae 1848, LXXXVIII+315 pp, XIV plates. 4º.
1.248+60 cufique coins found in Sweden all described in very impressive and painstakingly detail.
EUR 230 [Kolbe 61, lot 541: † USD 225] [Peus 361, lot 7271: † DEM 410] [Spink Numismatic Circular oct. 1997: GBP 175]
788) [Trau] GILHOFER & RANSCHBERG (Vienna) / HESS, A. (Luzern). - Sammlung Franz Trau. Münzen der Römischen Kaiser. 22-23 Mai 1935. Large octavo; two portrait frontispieces of the collectors; (viii)+130 pp; 4.727 lots; 53 fine plates.
A massive collection formed through 3 generations of the Trau family.
[Spink num. circular, 2000, SC0007: GBP 160 'Important and scarce.']
[J.R. Castledine saleslist oct. 2000, S 155: GBP 120]
EUR 235
753) Westermark, Ulla: Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon. Corpus der Münzprägung, Stockholm 1961, 83 pp, 12 plates, 4º.
German language. Clain-Stefanelli 2702. Grierson page 66. Kroh page 27:" A very useful reference, it was published in a very limited edition, has never been reprinted and thus is very rare".
[Peus 331, lot 7479: † DEM 470] [Kolbe 61, lot 240: † USD 190] [Kolbe list 45, p. 16: USD 285] [Künker 102, lot 3620: † EUR 230]
EUR 270
826) Østrup, J.: Catalogue des monnaies arabes et turques du cabinet royal des médailles du musée national de Copenhague, Copenhague 1938, 367 pp + VII plates.
Reference work. Kolbe: “Rare and important”.
[Peus 331, 1991, lot 8484: † DEM 850]
[Spink 47, 1985, lot 1193: † GBP 330]
[Kolbe 87, 2002, lot 166: † USD 600]
EUR 555
700+ antiquarian titles for sale at this link: http://numisbooks.dk/info/antikvarisktilsalgUS.htm