(home) (complaints) (explanation of difficult words in relation to rarity) (subscription to the "Monthly Commentary") 

(Police reporting here)  (For Sømod: click here) (Danish)


Monthly Commentary

for well-informed circles

 extra / January 2005*

… a good story from Grelber

4.th series


Politianmeldelse indgives til: Københavns Politi, Politigaarden, Polititorvet, 1567 København V, tlf. 33 14 14 48 eller nærmeste politimyndighed – hvis JS tør.

Udhængs Placat.

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2 KOPIST kumpaner

 To copy = To steal








Hej Jørgen Sømod , hvis Du gerne vil have siden her oversat til engelsk, skal Du bare irritere mig én gang til.






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